The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

ny mls 4 "otton If'n I hls Aru II Wolf.i- In i i-as armnn Plant blenching from exoelve moist leaf a 3 apple 1 a 7 oualit v. Noiirkrout urt l. It wn aproinw of the iTii" count. At do. at ttftl1.

and cond grade at va in. First, cln mortgages til! rule ni wi li wr cent. 'r annum, 'I III' 1 gi i lc continue entmly ic-ml d. lh leiM of gitm and siil. -tunce i i n.i.-ht re I exiw-cti I tiue ill i i- i i i at i-norm i i-im.

tin- mm I-el ilifiiig Apple am at ml. In the CUiksvill- diiricl nt i for peaches ip-t STEAMBOATS. Tmih-y. from I'ut-off. filwr.

Oil-. froii: in HIii'Mon. from Lower i.hln... I from t'nlon is. Muuuuh.

Ht. fro.u Csunl. HI John. Iteig. fiom from l.w.-r I'ohmI.

Co. Ion. from l.w.r ('. r.s ks. Iron.

IIhv.ii Mip on. W.mmIs. from Ale amlrht, IlKMlW-fOMINO I P. Hhlp Mrr, Morse, 19 rlnv frmn llalllmore. to msMt-r.

liriir 1. rin Inn. to luvs frmn Hnvana. to nut.r. Hhlp Mnrtha Hall.

Ruri-s. is iluys from As- plnwnll. to iiiumI'T H-lir Anns V. Knins. ISrown.M hours from Key WCt, Pi niinter.

MltlllTH. MVr.llltaif,-t'.-r Iniik Knrslit loin in io. mills opler. I.I VI- let l.urk l.ivliiKlon-7'j tons mi't I. ill.

Pi iimiIh i.r.ler. I I I Itltsil, Link lHti. Miili-nlmsou Kl'll -k-. I I bid, according to nominal at bid Mi '''aire i 7 i KL 1 1 O'-od nipldy y. and I me siock i ampin aim me H-niti ne cargo, all iKire, arrived and old yeste rday to a dealer private term, supposi-n in iu.m'.

Iriisirter are asking mi a to arrive, and are "ecu ring storage room, intending to tore if alxve price are not renlieii. are asking (I Wi a 1 for imre and T-l 4n 1 sack for line, am ip ling to and weight. Turk's Inianif I at. wi a img or wo bushels. Table salt ill iss kets a Is- ench, niinriling to aljse.

II I ll-H I'airdemand and large sbs ofliTnl at aiioiit previous priii's. (inml green are mihiIhI at Jc, dry sailed lljal dry Hint I In city Hlauglib'r sales are making a- follows: Hlix-r's. wi simI i.iiwsiiI'i tl. 9' hiii'. Iii.I.i.

Hiel'-r l'. ew liiili-s. Hh'V rim 1 II. to HI Hit Mk Iiin, wh 1nwl burns, ew River New. Orri'K Nkw Mm inmi t.

I liiir lHT. i.H-f.ilsr ji. Iv. Tli" tn siiinl.m lli tUrer lh lUll.t Hkm.m pt.'ils Iiin frleiiils or III" s'i hl.cri.lly t-VImIihI flurllttf till Willi III' N-'W lr- leHii I rrm rnl ami J.

I't'M'AN. Is-aiing Thi UJ, for rank Wlilli-. p. m. fur lliiwlill Kiii- Kinii-v.

Kliitnr. i. m. Fur liwer J.Y. I'rsw-r.

Cmiloii, e. m. Jer Ht. l.iils. I r.

n. Tms sliKht ruin fell nlglit nn.l Hn- w.s vrv hn, warm iif tsr for iik ruin to ilur. lti'siWKHN-Whs hrlsk mi tlm i-ih vi 1'ln-J. U. MhihI'i iiii.I Oiiik IiKh Wern r.

i-lvitiif li. aii-l wiih th" i.llier Hs rill III ill lll llfcMi RAT, got Willi Iriiw. llATM. or the West villi. r.lnr to lint Bint iiiifiiitu rivers ll.i-V Di nl tn nil iniiil.

I'nr IIsIh nrrlvittt. unit tnnrltiri I OM N.sili eoiiiinsniliil tlm Ark, Imt l'u 14. Nisih Hxi.ycII tl; ly-" hii.I Is llliim to liis i. Hint Ills is III" tn-st lU Hip two. As fur our knu Cl4.

NhhIi Is rltflit. ei4tnn seed from tlm linn-r liiml-Iiik, Bint in rmi will (Mr. run re) r-(vn the ttiimk of all our lower slMiiilHsttiinn. I'. lias Isi-iilho of tlimlglit on Ilin rlvnr for "vi-rsl nllii st.

l.rr it sic ItKimaiiKii-Tna ncmuM Tme. Tlin nt 4tnn r-nrrir-r Mr TW-ll. t'spt. flunk Hlii'-ks, arrivnl last nlulit witli 7en Imli-s c.ttn ml I i ii niv'ks, ami I rw-lrliu( to lenvn for Miiillils, and all whjt liiii'llnun ut i m. TlIK ASP NW ASS TBASnj-OU-'.mrASf.

This i.rifHiiizHlio n. of r.i'iit liUe, promises to nn a v. 1 f- lt In thi- Irs. In botwmn this i-lty ami all H.lnt on thi Ouachita n.l IU lvln to ulilp-sr ample tonnwpi and KUiirHiiliKliiK ri-ttulur ami fri.M-nt eominiiiili-ntiiin to all lamliiitf in! tiuwlilta. Klivk and Tpiisb rivers, a ll a tleau.

i.n Iriu Miwun. II'Ar-tmns am the Mnri linn. Tlm of th r.iinr am b4- Foil lllmik. piwulilent t'apt, tVI. Trensun-r, ami t'apt.

Fi.r.l V. Cellna. aiel the following mim.ll first, lias Mteniiinr comprise Hie line; Ouw liita K'lle Klnii-r. VV IUO-. Shnnnoii.

ISustrop. Fsii- lion ami IWum-r. Tie- Kl KIl.iK-r for ii suit sll wbv Inniliiigs at p. Willi It. Kinn-r In eoiiiniaiiil, ami Mr.

Amlrw lurk In tlm 3hs hull of tli flrfMit llepulilii-was al Ht. 1nils on Hi" lull insUnt. Him will ts a luiiii. r. Tlm fnrwanl iiart of lu-r nli liull.

whl'-h Is nearly new. will Isi up with lioili-rs nwl inwlilni-rr ami mail" Int.) a llrst-i-lu-. st tiisit. t'M4. Jno.

J. llniwu yestiiriitr pur-'hiwu-d tin-flue su-itiner (rov. Alli-n. ami will wll Imr every Momlar and KrMsy. al I p.

for It you Kara Mid all intcrmioIlaUt eon4 InmliiiK. "oni- aeli liiHiimt Mi-ssr. lilt" A srlon nn.l A. am b-r aic'iits. Tli k.

hi-m-e for im-t with an ivi.leiit to Imr machinery, ami whm. Ip-a lust Imaol of h-r. vol rut It on wlni oooii nkws roM 01. 11 Illy T. i-rMph.

KniiKvwiinT Ii-. lising i-t. IUIh- Init nil Mlonit line. J. II.

XMB. IIbiii-lll. hi A N-w tirleuns: Heavy ruins -mh-te-n hours. Htlll rsiiiiiiK. riHimi riipi.l-ly.

Navitfiilliin o-rtJtlii. to ml up I'Stl. Hiir.rvypoiiT. Joseph A. Aikmi: liin -'l Iweuly four hours nt lHik.HiM".

Ilry-ilyssypl eiusL lfivr li rcu hen- In sll tlir'-e an Inch an hour. 4. H. Jokii. rnrre.

Iee. N. o. Is.uoliim. No.

ir.lin.vier Tlm May liwry hi-r Tlurly llin-n Im-hi-s wiUr on tiraii'l Iwr. Hn. It. TtRMmwAiTt. Tlm iiimt steaniUMU.

hin-lini: is Ix-inK pIiu-hI in tip top onmr. In.l-AMTCBKS. Tlio imlll. I left port ycKleriliiy: J. U.

Minnie, for Oil liiia lu for St. John, for Lessl" Tayh.r.for ISalon Kh-ta. for Ors-loiisas; for ami W.J. Mm-on. Tlm Cincinnati Coinmrrriat of thi jntli Inst, says: Tha Atiluml arrivnl from 1'lltslmrif y-ster-iliiv, ami ilepiirtn for OrP-siis to-morrow.

Tin- from Orli itns with a lii trip. Mm is a-lvi-rtix-il to return to N-w Orleana to-morrow. I.i isvn.LK. nv-olvi-d hi-r 1'in tons freight, ju imishoiupt and l-a. of stock.

Ieves (it p. 111. I', hill MUX. Tlm I Ihvi lln Oxirirr-Jimrnnl say: Whatever ths prwi-nt ly.wor Hous.i of miiy leave nml no how uim 1 1 ln It iiihv s.iinml.-r. It run look Iwk Willi swell intt pri.l" tlnU tiny of hist k.

wIm-ii. hy a viae of to im. it i-hsmti-il llm tlm Htoimlioii! Tom Jifr to C'lil'-lililuL We a un'nt "Tlm Lilly out ilown llm nv-r t-iay to s-e als.ut this suf-lial liifht Ik-Iiuc put out. "Tlm steamlit pK-niri-r ami fn-lcht I.uhI-nsa is linproviiiK. kIh.1 of it.

for tlm Ii.r fellows have ls-n livin- fnim haud iiioiiiu lor a ions' unm. This also Is from tho ami shows how ill Hays occupii-s liis I want Pi Is- a Imaihen. H.i when 111 run alM.ut tlm Without my l.r-lms on Ami when tlm winter's over. ThrouKb summer until full, I'll IP fit! on pnuinlil And war no at all. Go liatha your head, Hayes, ln a bucket of pul-vnil iK-and try It airoin.

Fob I)WEBt'OAST-Th J. F. Frnxir. O. Canton.

master, h-arna 3 p. m. for all lamlinK" on the Lower Coast down to IMair plantation. Tlm regular Ttiursiluy run-ket Frank Tarfe-nuil. Jim White.

mast-r. Curt Holin. s. to-lay for Arylo and all way Undines.

II 7iri A eoopn lir.m A I ium-e ..4 ftl(t ill nt.t.u. in iio nen i.niw it Minim -V I l.t ''11 A smith i .1., liucnier A.f--i k. Murphy Iwon in. I. I ol II I Ik It ow Kwi.ii,,, pktf A i im If II 1...

1. I. ellllir II Pellll.l I at Ii will" 4 111 I j.h A-o-I Im. wur- 'II PI 11 1 III.Im" It. lull I l.x li Lille II 1.1.

toltnexf, 4 -s nim-hlnery tmi. lot it- II m.L.r I h.i lmmJ, half M.I sutfurj plan- ir.i hulk m-u Treimtfiiler o- Pink oil I onvenu. tyi. r.i I.I.Ih etftf Miller A irtin-j pktf iii'l-e Kinm lv Im l.i.U Sn.Mltfru-- I ri Newiuio, 4 Kent In siul.l.- -111 lIU eo A llulvey I.IU pai.r II l.i h. nn "i Hi 1.1" r.ii.i-.k"- 11 eoltoll e.

Mill-ililil' Ho .1 I IMII p.Is l.illif ni. lloweoll 7 It 111 Iiulil H. IliiwC M-fcer eo I A h-vxer pitf-a I I.I.I uuii i. I 1 SI. -ph.

ii Mio Ull. l.t Jurxv ft orui. lili lii, i kiliMI IkIII Pule pkir 4r. I.ale H. Iiwsrlr -7 -pi I In.

l.ruliain A-e- in Kirlt- i.ali A 71 II.hh;. Hril! A I 2 II Wilm.u Mill John I'liafT" A Hon Hamilton A II pi liuey I Hani All-n Wel ii ii Marshall 'n II N-h v. to oph-r Total I '1 hah. v.i Mk M-W AMi KH hAII.IInAr- hh.l oiiuur ui.p-r 14.1 i.m.u. ImI.m.iI IiIi.Ih miuur P.

II ran -11 Pi iitf i-r i ilo I Hii ii. A Milliki-n routfli .1.. 4 p.Hrt,r-Toial hlulssiitfar iV. hi. I mollis" ro.

ieh riee. NKW PANS. Toliil Lull HT l.ol'H AMX IIH Afii, II hli.l iitfar. HTEA MhOATS. MEMPHIS AND BENDS.

PAH MtrMfiiis ami p.r.Niis paVVft. i-Vlx ot o. Vi. kal.iire.

Sal. dm hi it 1 l'l I'll 14 tl L-t nor I II" nil'l uintfnili.Tut Marjr Pell, J. Hi. niieil. r.

tor HUIV. A If. Oi Immou, i U'l 'it. al p. ui.

Jama Howard, TIM'ltHHAY. Ih mi. at i. II. II.

H. I hi.MMaltitf, win e-ave as I'ariieiiiHr attention Kl-n i nun TliroiiKh i.iii-. iii, u. roa-K Pl.t KKI'T A Ali wuv ami plantation i.e. iri.4.

RED RIVER, NKW KANS AM PKI IHVHt TltWsI Pi.llTA I iN tiiMI'ANV HT MKUM, Mury 1'exaa, P. T. Ilrvaily, i 1 1 "I A. P. honn.

W.J. lM I II. fllllf. foil sllllr.r.PollT. JPFTFtt.

son. I plr lt. Itlver. i.lshaitu. A I ilna all wav ami plunliilioii IhihIIiikh-- 1 at.

Iiias New us follow R. T. Bryarly, W. t. H- ovell mnsier.

f'live KLI llA lh. 'Oil, No eli-ii in a ill I. "i.lisitflie.l lh.ll.llipM4iyal the UIOllUl of its! IHe, fn-lirhl totha eompany at lulean will Mi piui.lle.i tro of sn I iiiiimiMoh. for Ir. iulil or pn.atfr. on Mianl tli Ik.mI. or nt. Hn. Ir.vl... l.i 4 ravler street A A IK FN.

IVeal.lcnL .113 M.W. JXVCK. AipnU VICKSBURO. ave r-verjr TF r'SflAY nt II p. m.

Ft ill VI" KHIJtnu. ATCI1KZ. littnropsllata Inm 1 1 titf I 1 1 a R. I Win. CnhiplN-tl.

miller. A eavi. 11... at Vl.

Line nil points on Hunllow- -r, reek and Tailiiliai. Ah Wirt A WOIIK. II IT A Ml 1,1 N. Id -INK. JANNt.y.

Aic-nta. ST. LOUIS AND CAIRO. I t'll HT MK.H- jjl-his t'lid a-ii'is in li lie l. air II.

C. Taasar. 1. ('. Van lb.

It. It. Fowler rlert leaves Tl F-1) A Y. Is-, p. ni.

Bismarck, Jno. Hpnrm, miiMter. flm av.a. V. MN KHDA Y.

Iv n. at i p. m. Throitirh bills of ludlnu via Cairn 1 to all poinls Noitli ami 4- i- VMKM.H C01u1nr.11 slraet. OUACHITA.

NF.W OHLFVV-t AMi fU Ariirri TUAN.sli.llTTI'iN t3MI'A ..11 I I Frill VY Is-, -n i fr Full CAM I. M'iNliOK TliF'f-V- ami nil landliii; Ilia, anl Pill' hlla lUvera-'I'Iim fl Irall. pa is-nip-r "teaiuer H.atw Kian.y, P. Kimmv. masler, .1.

Will leilv. 11a aloe. For fieii-ht or ly on iHatrd. or P. Capt.

F. A. liLANkri, No. 'J C10111I eorni.r I b.ll.. u.

iutf. a cAtii tN. bia riiNA Fi i A 1 1 Mn rl I ilill Lolll A M. IFAKK ll BAYOU SARA. Full lit YOI HAIM.

WATF.I Iiai '-j Tilleruiiiiii: Port. Iu.i,,h 1 i.i. ipi urn ami wny laad-I Male mail, Ki iiuis- Tho I pa A11B, in icnenoi n.n. 1 j. rtrown.

niaater. very and FlilUAY. at I a. J.J. for liavoii Man.

Ill I FA I AI.I.IN'. lioiipiio.ilaat dii iiu A. I l.nlil.lN. sv Maira.iim. OPELOUSAS.

leaves F.VF.ItY WFI.NKHUA Y. at p. m. fry WASHINGTON. 01FI4.I sAft.

Pert llarre. Hiu.rusport. I hiirehvlil-. OT.hiMia.iB and all lauding on the liiverhiid llavo.i Tho Flatav, Fh kett. ni.i,l.

A. rlerk. ill l. aie All freight ami pnwnKi-r for I'rfivoii il. a la- land-d at Simim port ijinuina.

aii'i lor Hnuf at 10, fue.n a For or pFisHinja apply nit LiW A Mi I'LAKt "iu.ninKion. isord or bi d33 F.IN Flj. Yat I.MlFPKNDK.vr LlKLT I PACKET. rrT FOi wahhivotos. PORT ''rry' Bayou la-a A'-haraUv.

htii.mport. But Heii.rijin.liiuc. liiver. ai.d all interim-ilHt polnt j-'lu-i nU-am-t St. Mary, F.

Pr.Jit. masler. J. hmidt. rrk.

For freihi or iu; afiply on f.r III Ul ll.lV T.ho.ipitoula st. I lirontli l.lita la. 1 1 ii linyou Vi-uf. iil im UPPER COAST. I.Y NF.W Olrf.KVNH COAHT A.ND lioNALIisoWfU.F.

PACKET. 1 '') Hn- Hi.l..-wh'l nU-aiufr stt. B- matr. Orleans ever MON HAY and S1T- libAV at tna. and WFNKiIY r.iirninj.

lh In 'hiviudit every HI Tl F.SI.AY and THCKMiA: For frecht or apply on l.r.l or to MFLA st (iNConH HCMMFfl AVfl WfVTFl! AIlRlNriFMKNT. B.vru.N liin iiK. plaijcfmlsf; a.m cuaut HKMI Wf.FkJ.Y PACK FT. lMiye every WF.liN K.Ii at im, and SAT-LUDAY. at i p.

ru. Tl.e Allen mitoli IF rc-iu-ou. eerk. will l-HVfliB alK.v.,, ry Humlay an-l 7 hunt. evening.

'or reiKht or iana4m ply on hoard. lo AKA.MS A WORK. r-il Will lak! fp.14.-ht ai low aa auy Urf In tl diaua, GRAND ECORX, i-ave 1 1 ii 1 nui PAY. al r. m.

PrT. OP.AND Ft t.kK MO.VT- nr. an- li.irh.,. ,.11 1.:., I. iiiif ti(1 aad VsA Ulvers file C.

FL. Sfirfa. 'In 1. 15 of N. E.

Smiiott. master. li. c. ilaii! -leriu tor lrencht or lavna apply or, Nr I to A V.OCK.

drl IT1 No. ial i'lae. LOWER COAST. INDEI'ENItNT PACKET f.OWEH 1J.ULY i ALKH. 'a'- h.

TUe 1i.i fn-'tfht nximet i 4. T. rrawr, 3 O. 'JdeO-r. riviMt th fi.TMr rmf r--krt LaudiD? EVF.hY EVEMNO f' tna Belair Plautmrou and woy l.Tjid nt-s.

at 'lock. Ffsturniriif tho city VLEY10Ii-iif K'jN. Mondays. For 1nigit rr en 'a apply OM hoard, or i.iMncxdion or rfean mi j-Hi- I Hi the roillnl Hie eoU'H- I I the I'litie. Ile-ti'iel of IMJ1M hi The the rlirht.

went to tli- ft. cf-eiOtileH wn i till" (le t. "Il't. rushing exehiiineil. Niniiiii.

tin wny. M.inting to the lu lit The took no not ine, wtid it hied hi" route. Agllltl the lllllMter of the and Mill. "I your twrdoti. Hnntlfn.

hut thi I tlm wav The Father turned hi hen-i and replied. I your ho, I nit thU thewnv' iM.lnllim to left. h. very Well." rejoined the llinwterof the ceremonies, "if you wlh make hinovntloii I have nothing to wiy; hut. thin 1 the way, rdl theaaine.

fr ih W'e are next rented loKOIliedetnlUof the HiitilleHl wnrd-rinle. Hi holiiioHH, who Im ii Kreat taker, wenr out live cnHock enr; caeli euiM'k ComIh IIIh ed eniw. cimt ft'i; it In' lilnt Mhoiit a twelve-month. Hi Hilk Ktoek- Ing. wlil.ii are tuiide i.y a iniKinn houne, i-ohI itaimlr.

HUidioo vtu in aci-olding 1j the naliire of the emht oldered iTimw on I lielil tne Iwilr I.Miirntel with iTohbo of l.tillialit worth tl. The Fojie' old clothe lire cak'cllV aoiiuht after tiy who keep them religion relic, and many are the r.ilthful who write to him lst I lie gift of mi old or pocket, hniiilkerililef Imt the Holy Father, a a rule, leave the mailer in thehuud of hix vnlct, who tintuiully innke line picking. lltterailiM- IhmI Week MIC tint, to will for him the re. iecl of lluht-iiiindiil tH'ople. If Fly.

lit 'him Is" H-lteil Willi llervtce. Illiri'll 1 IH'lieil W11 II lieiy I he iisMcitM, he, hiiiiwlf. is tlddllng on the ruins. a Neti. Ill view of the forked Hume which cat tlnlr tlate upon vanishing Home.

He Is tltiii the mrt of a clown wIiom.i straiunl com mi Isoiis and iimpulory wit exeil the eo'iimlHe-IlltloU of the If we did not Is lieve that Hcei her I playing It deep gltllic, the llllpiessioll thill lie 1 insane miht olitiiin a foot-liold. He Is. however, hi II lid I II nl luiv over hi coiniMiled guilt, ami lie will ft like a Lull to the last. The ilelermlniilioii to all an coiiueil by Plymouth Church, and the refiiRal ti im i iiies. i In Mil Moiilton' proMsitoii a mutual council.

I im- 1.1 innllrmatory of the ldief that liclier will shirk an Investigation again. Ill n-ech I'riduy wa full of wild dellanee, but the man I a driveling coward at heart. Of course Fly-mouth Church doo tmt cure a fig for the fellowship Of her Ulster Clllirclie. The view of the Twople, moral and religious, are no Hi-ullntly their own, that the church hn lcit, rcnlly for omu time, nlthough In the ivctit of a formal act of diMfcllowuhlp on the irt of ti.iitiell if churche tliero Would, doubtless, be a accession of Bome mcliilict'N to oilier organijt- tioti. In the (oiigregntioiinl oivatilz.v tioii there are Home iMi'iiliar isiint.

All thechurche stand in a-lsterly relation to one Mliother while perfi'i'tly cmiplete and lndendcnt In with the limit that when a church in It must lie recognised by a council of churche a to it orthodoiy, etc. Its futslor ha to Im approved also by the council. A church mnv exeommiinieate a mcniln'r, Imt a act cut him o(T from i-ommuuion Willi all the churches, they have the right to cXHtliitiethe ortse, and If the excommunicating church hn erred, the hlMer I'hiircllcK limy recoiiiiueiiii the restoration of the cxmiiimuniciited mcmlicr, and. if rcHtorailon In tlmt tmrtlculnr clmrcli Is rer inert, they mnv advise any other church to rcecive the menilsT ihii cut off. Mrs.

MouIIoh's reason for calling a council is, there fore, apimrcnt. Ib-r cuse would have Ui'ii and given to the world and although thecouncll cannot compe Flvmonth to rei-elve her, she will have gained her tmtnt. A it I now. Flvmonth Church wdis'ts the churche for the ad visory council Htul MihmitH to them Hie "whether there Is nnv thing in it onlcr and discipline which t-cHiiircH correction, or which at Id count It iite any just ground of complaint or rcmohMniicc on the jurt of sister cnitrcne. A-wn wth in tiir Imt rend by Prof, luiyinotid on Fridny night, till iptcst Ion Involve Mrs.

Moiilton 'n case, and naturally her charges agnliiHl Isii her, anil, linaily, the re oisming td the -niidal. l'h rjf jmi tr council liy Plymouth Church will, however, not involve In another investigation. He wouid not have such willingness, on I'riday, if he had mt Im.ii of A iWcherinn council. Monetary. Ovi l.

N. l. l'KMIX IIAT, I OrleSIIS, lKs J. 1STS. fcKW OklJtiNM CLAKIKO MOUC .13.

1.1 4 s.h.i;.i.-.,i i.iW.w.; i It ilnnim. 9 iiti.r.' ti ti"T 1. i i inlipr i isnil-r II iM-iiils-r Tims fur this week Kiiim luno Inst wis-lc. T.4nl Issl w.i'li T.iiitl wn-k IW.rc H.llii.T-T 1 l.tTH nvr 7.1.17 IN 1M.1.KIII IH SI I.i.:fjf..:ri4 I rti.uss w. ni of the holi it he nar days there la an evident lull In inn-ra tions tn th money market.

The de-mnnd wa t.lm tMln in Imnk and on the street, with money abundant and rotes easy, ln gold and foreign exchange the movement was m.slemte at unchanged rates. New York sight continued in fair tmpply at yesterday' imitations. Si-aniiv any movement was rcisirted in Mocks. Cit Imhi.Is were stagnant, and quotations could not Is- obtained. New State i-onsols were quiet at about pirvioiis qttotat ions.

We call attention to the pro-eeedings of the State Liiptidntion, mntaining nn imirtant n-oort ith reference to the of runding the "YVetHF' warrants. We notice that Stern's Fertilizer and Chemical Mauufacturing Comiuny declares a dividend of five -r cent on the capital stock, twyable on and after January 6. The Sew Harlior rroteet ion Com puny to-day the following Hoard of Directors: Tho. A. Adams.

Taul Four-chv, E. A. Palfrey, Jules Tttves, James 1. Pay, C. F.ngsttcld, 15.

We are indebted to Mr. T. Wolfe, Secretary of the Commissioners of the Consolidated Debt, for tho following statement of the bids made in accordance with the noli.v of the Administrator of Finance, that proioals would recciveil until 1J o'clock m. Wetlncs-dav. lKi-nilr 22.

for the exchange of luiny-cigni nunnrett tirawn preminm onds at their face value and interest for old Ismds the city of New Orleans, also of the late cities of Jefferson and Can-oUton." A.luiin. M-iie V.i.rt I.IMMI (HI MIS ill 2.MW in Hi nn 2-rfi ti l.i.'i 6.1 ui 1 in 5 (HI MV 37 on i.Tmi un 1.712 6il 3.7?s 1 I Shii I. tm (mi 6 ft Ml ll 1.MI1 I.M.I jn (Ml 1 -Id txnilK. S.IMW T.IMI lo.ono oren per eint in u.Ls. in.iftin jus sum t.

l-r rvut Uilida. JM71 mi ll i Jt-flonsMB hsii.wj We continue to quote exceptions! pcr at -a 9 per ceUt, per anum dS- HOI 11 at nt 1rttitt tNhpal. t- lit a Ti l'ni" 1 WHITk. lee. I.

I "If simml exciirsp'ti rtiv. hen- from Philiililii nielriictit ltlint "I-d nt. At no time in Hi" history of tli 0 iv rti'iKMit has tin-re Shm'Ii lurfc'" ti the Ks-pi 'ut I vp 1 lejmrt nifiit an awli eciir-tdjn. Tin-re yrn Iio mnK tl inoiiilnjr In the to votltitf ti tl.ftiai.iMi ftkM liytld' tV-ntonniHl cnniniiHlin. (To lh l-o H.

Tlilj nr-ritittT the of tlu otitotiniiii 'I'" VnteittiUI fur Pink. At I M-nl Walnut stnts Urn ii I joltieil 1ln r.iniiv. vlili'll iliv( on Im(tiI croiiinN nlwMl Imir mt 1 Aflxr drive if HO If'lir. tl' Inr1 i-iit-rct ilm' i iiltntnl Hull, which was laKii'iiuiv linii1ir rwo'rtlntt rivd'h-nt, niel W. Child.

Mm. (imiit. No.ietiit lea mnl follow ink. Tin Imil'liiiK iaol.l. linn.

ny enterol the Iiiiiihik Hhk hall, mnl. after fravi-r lv Hiiiisoti. ir-t of mivlo inorp In the iu'ikIi of lino otvliea. trn. JohnC.

tcsl.l.-l. The hmwikI over, Mr. ltullitt explained tho ilimi-iifiim of tln O-ntciiiiiul luiMiiik'. inne jsrtminl tltnii those of any cxhilil-tln of tiKaWn times. Already wore thnn no Imlf of th Im taken I'T fon-ltfti Rovnnimeiifa.

H-k-Inu of the ivihI. ho nil II woiil'l "tit i. 'hut wa n.b.l incomplete tlip'wotk wn The ikor nnrol iimiii tiM'tinv iTliinont to ooiirfHiT tln of Mi pxliililtion. ml to nfTi'iil til" mittnn iHHniftry to llni1i tli oih. Wlril-i-vi rt-Ki tc imbv romill from nim-- Will MHIIV li tlHMTIit.

of llli' ru- llrt- count i v. At th tol "Tlic I'lfsMiiit of tin-rnilo-t Htl Iii i.oiit I limit Imiw.mI hi ncknowliMli'iiii'ntrt. Clilrf JuhIIii alt" noiiilixl to tin' limit. "Tin' Nil jircT'lc t'oilll of tin- HI t'i," inl ilmnkiMl tlio jicm-li' of riilliuli-Ipliiu for ilii iitihliii" riHi'Htlon, mnl tlic Kiint event wonl.i roti cui'ivm. "Tl'i K'HHlc of t-ho I'nltotl Hlnttn" tn tv Ki-iiHtor Motion, who BC.I.ltllrtt l'llilllli-M'llllt Mi1t lVlltl)IVft- tiin Imil ilottc nil thy "wtM, ntiil tic l.

lievcil tht tln otln't Stti' woiiM oinc forwanl. If tlic ln crrlii out. htul he hd iio ilouM Imt tlmt It roiill. the generation yet to come would rliertwh our inemorle wo iio lni of our of yenr nxt. The Hon.

John llmiiiiek. of Teii. YMin1ivl to the tonl, "The llouxe of If prewntiitlve." 1 1 mild the (tilTer-ctu of opinion iM'twien the two we. tlonn Iwl 'RHt away In lie gix-itt lie-aire to help the ilriotle movement wlilih won hi tke pluee next year. He rxreHet KHtoulxhnient the tirowt lrirec!" rimile on the liiiiiti.

lov. lVivtle. of New Jersey, rt'f hiiuIh1 to the "The lovernorof thenev-pral HtJite. He nuhl the llovernnient was ritfht In lonvitif the hiii to do the wot at flint, Imt now It wa Unie f-i tinKreto tke a iwrt In lie great Kxottlin.

"Agrieiilture, the Imxl if the pros- 1erlty of the tint Ion." wn ii tiiMl to lion. C. llllnnU, and lie JH)ke elmiuently lit fiivor of lie prt r.XMwltion. "liotmiierec.thp liiiminitiiil of allot her IllduritrU-M. tn cxehnii.liiK comiiiiHiitien aniotii; our own io.eand with foreun finttotin," wnn nliimhil to liy J.tnii' 1 1.

JUnttie. ho iiuoh- willy niMnw, closing with conilr)ientnry reinnrkx to IVnuftvlvnnU.aiid wlmt nhe had done during the century now drnwin to an end. Uov. Hawley.Oeo. Iincrott and John WcIhIi tnnde lu ief Mit-treneK mid the recent Ion was hrotiudit ton eoe.

In thecvenitm ll'Mlti uliiiiiil Hull iilumlmttcil. Most of the frvnn Wnhliinpion ii. the evening train. The 1'n-sident, with other re-inainad for a rtvi'tU of the tSHtnrdtiy XtgLtUlub. Trwttlntr AiMorUlien.

trnios or tuc doakp or Kfiv Yohk, IVv. lUmrd if Allof the National Trotting Asho-i-intioit held it tlm; I session li-dny, and rendered the following ilii Uions MoMiir Jt t'lliehestcr V. the linlenlMTg Priving l'ntk AiH intiin npplieiition tor removal of natty of iiNHintiii on Mm tIlion Jimmi- F. Limii ll itmi F.

GampU'll. of Mount Cnrnu l. Mi. h-Ipin; a pi I i. -ni ion re innttemeii( ietilii.

t'vuupli'tl expelled forul-lepil frnndulcnt inmluct. 11. h. KIkmIc. ht.

Jow-ih. v. Galcfclmrg liiing Fnrk Acmtion applii'ntion for removal (uis4-iiHiin on J. M. Metcalf l.

m. lowHaud lnte, cUim for the tntcn-M nunev on the ground that the nllego.1 pohIihhh-nutit of the race of the iiKHmtioii made in actiirdatu'e with the rules. Hattle Ye-k Horse Kreier' Arhh-. tion of lUittle iMi. Vs.

iAfav-rtteThaver and C. S. Fmnk.aiiii lr. ljewls; ordenl that in conformity with rule 14. the hoje be cxjielled hut tlte owner ing guilty of no frond that ha le restored.

The iKmrtl also decide In this cane that no money wa won by the iiorse under tlic alius. lingving Fnrk of Lansing, ex prte. for removal of suh-pensiuu of Kdward S. Ferry, of Fiittie i'rw and tlio br. in.

Frown The Ixwird nd ioiirncd to met at Clevc-bud on the first Tin-sdny In May. rope Tin IX. The Iitnan corre iondcnt of the Oiru.fifi.ri.mHcf give wnie curious and Interesting dotiU of the Inner life of the Poic. It i well known that litis IX 1 fond of hi joke. He crocks his wit on all occasion.

In 1ST2. Mgr. de Mensle broke his leg hile itisixvting aoirie house he was having built. The Holy lather taid him a visit ln his partmeut in the Vaticn, whither the bishop had lieen conveyed. After condoling with him on his misfortune, the ope, on U-aving, him wlae the la which fomented htm might ply him fals." -nin Bt tw Bishop's mania for building 5 doct'r ti WWI('B for nw Z4.l0U-I 1,5 M'Pulatcd tlmt tlte xtors, but also to the ass slants, The fverMHly with the etabhshment-thut is to ay.

it IV "i'hwo been thougnt Ui theutm.xt abhorrcn.w. If the cor-resndent In question is to be believed hi holmes i8 nolLinff eoY: am in the matter he is JS Las often iven ana twkiu, hen a otdebratcd lo, eduin. rained iMmcnilonTgave hts farewf-U at the Valle Theater the Hoi lather nt him fifty crowns er a boi which however, he did not ooctmr rnuch to the regret of tie aeto? rarticukr at the Ii re fetes, and on ofl the I the to I to toil I os-ned nt II Mini. 1l.ll at New oik. Mild after MMsleinle IiIIhIiicsh, closed at the 1 1 1 i I ngninst ml in that MiHlkct.

The sale siiinmed emlirncing tlint 1 iooiiat mi. at 11 int. and HM end H.m nt n. No Mile of silver were reiorted. Amerlcnii hnlf-dollnr were still ouoted I'tHl a Mexican dollar nt Foreign nrhange rtilnl at alsmt pre-Vioii rate, and the movement was of moderate extent.

The Bale of sterling comprised i7.7im, cinbrin lng iind hill of lading and iljon At ch-nr W4, and bill of lading nt a r.Ml. i Juoo and at Aidm do. at Ml. At clear at r.i'.J. mi.

I jut 1 1 hank at the counter at r.i. Thesnles of frnliea (Hliiirisid r.t."i.'l commercial, cmbraeltig ii.i"i 4 if. 'Jmmki 4 a i.t'.il, and Wi.mxi, At the cloe slelllng bill Were flote. til f.t r.llj for hill of lading and Al clear, and nt a for Imnk i.i.ittiter rat" a and francs nt 4 a 4 for eommerciiil and nominal for hank. Tl (Tci'lugs of New York sight, were of fair extent, imkI met with moderate demand nt iibout.

prevloii rate. ThO sale unutilised cmbriM'ing i i nilillll' Hum "tin- Ajn.iMKi "i.immi. hi.immi, and immi private banker', and ttu.iMMi Mint fPIIMMI IMIIIK Ml HUH r.Hi,m. a The bunk cont inue to cheek on New York at ja-r ii-nt dlseount, and im-inereiHl sight was still iiioted at 7-IU. Nothing wa resnted In M''k.

City luiids were and no sale were M.rl.i. The bid for drawn premium were to be 0sMed to are mentioned alsive. Tl nly sale of new htatc consols re- fmrtcd was m.iMMijit they were still pio.i nlsml No sale of cil set ip were reM.rte.. tl was still id 7(H for August lo I Mi-ember. time, nud July to lioeonilier, l7t.

and VJ for June ami putt of Mnv, l7t. Nothing trnus pireit in police wurrant; In-y oont inned to role at (i a for Issue; at tklffMsi lot 1 k7-j Mild were still on. Mod entirely nominal 171 and Imw-ti. Htnte warrnnt are npimrently wit li- out movement; fuielahle were still ijitoted at 41 h4J; not fundnble nt a and nt 4 a 4- for 174 issue. Commercial.

WrnNKsiiAT EvF.smn.Dec. 3i. COTTON-The sale to-dnv umme.l no I1.7IHI bale, at steady for (TihmI Biapb kind and Irregular and easier for other descriptions, requiring further reduction of In our inshh- tlirure for ordinary and strict ordinary. and on the outside for good ordinary to tn Idling Inclusive. VSegivo also the figure and reitt of the Lxchange a lnow.

AMWtltCAM OF JeiirnOiii r.i.Oimt'n I.w (ir.lininr. llnllnni Klri. I ir.lli.arv 0. mmI ir-linsrv HlrM teHt 1.

MiiLllinir Mri. If.w HirM Mi.l.llinu II.hh) 1,1. 111). if MiililMim tuir III i IIV IT, de- tuir The market ij'ni under the pressing Influence of a decline, of 1 U-l nt l.lveriKM.1 here the sale were immi bales, but with nothing In the New York dispatches calculated to have much Influence. these clrcuru-slance buyer concession which factor were unwilling to grant, and the sales the morning hnnl- ly excelled 'Jon.

I bales, mostly ut pre-vioii itotntlon, but jirtly at easier rates, after which imrtlc came together more freely, and the business mi bales, making a total for the day, as noted alsive, of t'iM id stnple kinds and some desirable lists ( steady prices. Other desortpt ion were irregular and easier, factor meeting the demand freely, ami in several case acii-pting offers which they had previously F.iiyer complained that the assortment Included an undue proi Hrt ion and lower grade, which were consiipienllv much weaker than tho lietter The New Y'rk and easy for futures at d.i-line of 1-11. and ennler for ii.ts, but with no falling off. The Exchange make the amount on shipboard, not cleared, llwfore to-dnv ex srts bale, embracing for Iflvt rjsH.l, 2.I.HTK) for Havre, 7r7 for the North Tiimmi for Hn-men, r.7t for Sniin.

for the Mediterranean and for cwstwise rt, leaving in agreeably to its account at li balef. If we deduct from this the amount nob 1, but nt yet de. liven-d. tlic balance will le about jih.imki Imles, a large iart of which is withheld from the market, in transit, or not yet sampled. I he Exchange retsirts.

"Sales DUM market easy. IU sah-i are eom-uted from 3 p. m. yesterday to 3 p. la.

to-day. Members lie Exchange are reminded that the election for president will le held to-morrow (Thursday) from Id a. m. to a p. m.

COTTOK STATFKKTCT. St.K-k on linit Sept. 1. 17 (Iwl) Arro-J Inst i.revlmihlir 6ss.n tifA.n I1.SIMI 451.1111 t.i-il iv t'li-Hn-il Stivk en hnnd rihI nn Rliiiilmnnl tint li-nn-il Do. ksiik- tune Inst year To-day's exorts embra-d 7110 liales to LlverK)l, 4mh to lircmen and 2lt2 to New ork.

Iteccipts projer sint-e last evening 4M bales, against H.IN'J on last Wclnes-day and 3377 last vear, making an aggregate since Friday evening of lialcs. against last week and last year, and since Aug. 31 of liales, against 4SH.536 last year-increase 74.127. The exchange telegrams make the receipts at all the ixirts from 11 m. yesterday to 12 m.

to-day bales, against hist week, and 21,532 last year arid Friday FU.niH bales, against last week, and last year. Total since Aug. 31, bales, against Up to 'l ues. lay noon, Dec. 22, last year, 'excluding the aliove 21,5351 increase 177.312.

Exports i Friday to Tuesday Inclusive) to tiri-at Ihitain 4S.414 Imlcs, against last week, and fast year, and to 33.2i2 week, and 731 bust year. at all the delivery isirvs made up to 12 m. Isilcs, against last week, and last year did not hcr ut a transact ion to-day. The amount on sale is estimated at 2itio hhds. We to quote as follows: Low lugs at trsd at KoHie, low leaf at flif.i 12c, medium at 13f-i I4i- good at l'i(" 17c, and tineat iHft-ioc.

IWieivnl since last evening 1 hhd exported none stock on hand by our ruuniug statement 2 hhds. rThe Louisville Courier-Journal of Monday, iu its wi-ekly review of the market, rei.rts sales of W) hhds. re-ceipu liberal weather unfavorable for prizing; a preponderaai-e of nondes-enpt and lugs iu the offerings; a considerable proportion of green intermixed with ripened leaf; both lugs and leaf unusually light in weight and deficient iu character, a result ol toe to mn nil, II II I Ii I1'. ll I I iS'n'. It Ml I sound crops.

The fii add to It' re- i iew nn claiiorat and able defense of the warehouse system JoillVllle, which it found necessary, In view of the attempt to establish a private ware-hnuse for the benefit of lie patron of Husbnndrv, and aver that If this ent. r-Pilse should tnii-t with liinsiderahle enniliragement, tlie result would t' the withdrawal of the Uirge cnpllnl In-j lii the regular warehouses, which has hit Isi-n of great. Is-milt to the Iiulsil1e nn. I Kentucky trade. KHF.HIHT.H- Three shiis were taken up fot Liverpool to day at for cttoii.

lcsti-rony we cHitei two nips jor at one for Havre at )'. one for Malaga at one for i. iioa nl r. lis- and one f-rCoik for orders. We eiintinue to follows; P.y steam cotloti to I.lvet Nsd II I'-d, to New Yotk ie, to l.Mtou, Ftovl-delice.

Fall liiver and llalllmore, via N. Ymk sugar New York 17 'f hhd. moliissei "r1 bid. l'i- l. tohai-eo in.

It sail to Fiver-IhhiI i I. to Havre lb-, to 'i li, lleVI-l 1 I to il'IIOH I SI (IMt Ileii lpt this morning only hhd. High grade continue in demand at strong and steady price, while low grade are of sale, lie supplic were mostly sold at: 4 a i-omiiioti ri.ja"iji-., gissl coin nn ri a fair gissl fair a in 1 1 fair r.J a prime 7i strlctiy prime clioice 7ic, gray clarilli-l 7 a vellow fai 1 a white clar- H'an, hite iarilled a MOI.ANNF.S Only lm libl were this morning. Um grade nn-tinue In ilriMiiml hi strong and stei'iy ptii-e, but it I diflli-ult. ilisisise of lowgradea.

The supplies were mostly sold at: 'jncieini-. for is-, for ci. mini. ii. to a 4J for fair.

41 a 47Jc. for prime. 4H a f.le. for at rid I prime, and a f.2e. for choice.

A lot of mi bbU fancy brought Mc. gallon. Fid It'll Yesterday We a sale of bbl and aiiot! er "otisderable lot for Cuba oti private terms." We learn thi tnorning that the lot com prised 2onn bids. To-day 2VI nud Tmi sold for 'iiba on private In I he hs-al trade to-day bid sold.of which ru mmmoii at t3 17gss treble extra at mi choice rtraat il, at f'i 1 -2 1. I Vi at t' 5i, 50 nt 7.

1MI, 115 and fmi bid in lots on private term. Common I quoted at 3 75. su-rHne ft, double extra ti 25. low treble extra ti MK'ii 75. giKsl treble extra t5 12 Jm.

5 25. choh-e treble extra t5 nofal 75, chol.i- extra t'''' fs, and fancy tl 7y.t 7 25 bid. MEAT. Dull. OfTerlng on the landing at ti and no dematid.

I-ul-cr are jobbing at 9i 75 bid. A lot of mi old on private term. (HUTS Dull and selling slowly at ti. nnd Jobbing at ti 51 bid. It HtK Mess I quoted In round lots at til 50 t-r I'M.

and no demand. It I tohhlngnt $21 75 22 nnd retailing at tn 25 a 22 ler bid. DKY HALT MEATS-Shoulder are coming In more freely mid prh-e have declined I a )c per Ih. A enr load sold, sit at 8c and one on private term, nml two car load to arrive at lie i Ih. They are nowoilotcl nt wholesale, lot nt iss4i and He (lacked, and dealers are retailing them nt.

tlal'Je jsr Hi; eh-ar rib side are jobbing at. Vlr, ch ar side lirjc jH-rlti. Hide are tn light nup-plv nnd only in job demand. F.ACOX There are no shoulders on hand. Clear rib side are jobbing nt 13 nnd clear siile at Pi.

II AMS-iimii-e sugar-i-iired are now tvitning In and prii-c are 2U t-s. sold in lot at 17c ktHi. for Inferior. HISEAKFAST lUCON-Ia 'bill at 15 "r1 FACK F.I IMKI F1M (DCCTS-Frlme mesa lurk I selling at rutnti lin tHKii.20. prime is.rk tl7 5o(f ju bid; pig -'lk til half bid; spare ribs t7(i7 1 bid, and tn 't tierce.

Flckled pigs" tongues ri'ftr. Figs" feet f-1 keg. WHISKY A of 30 bid Ijoulslatia sold at tl 11 gallon. Western reclilied Is quoted at tl 1 1 Hi 'f gallon. COW FE AS -Only asmall n-tail trade at tl 75 bushel.

LAKH- Is iu light siillng ill he Iih-hI trade at 12jc for Jiaekers' 13 a for relined for keg, and I te for bucket. HIVEU FIJF.HtHTH A St. I.uis on ttie bulletin Isuird of the F.x-chaice ay Freights lower- whisky, tl; link," 7c; ll mr. hay, iioimd, O.UN IN SACKS (i'ssl supply, with a fair demand it a decline of uc for white. sack sold, of which 1mmi white at yellow at and 7Vn Willie nt per hllshf I.

OATS The supply is fair. Only 7MI sack sold, of which St. IfOiiis at 47c, and 2-M (lalcna at feic i-r IhikIicI. liKAN-I plentiful and dull. Only 6mi sacks sold at 1ms- per lm lbs.

H.Y Ijuge stiM-k and dull. No sales. Frlme Is quoted at tin; choice t'H n-r ton. COt FEE -The demand Is lietter and 1.5m I bags sold for shipment for the West on private terms. The sbs in first hands comprises 13, bags in second l.iiiids bugs.

We quote Ordinary 17J(i lsje (gold), fair Fijf.i p.ijc. VH'l U'li; prune 2ij a Ih. Job lots: ordinary isjc, fair g.xsJ 2lc, prime n- HUTTEK-IJirge sbs k. There Is only asmall jobbing trade. Choice.

Ooshi-n is quoted lit medium Inferior 22fi 2 s-choice Western 'l(it 2Hc; imiliuiii Inferior 1 teniae jT jMiund. CII quiet but steady. Choice Western factory is quoted at 13c New York cream 1 ten 15'c English dairy 16 family favorite 15c t-r iuni STAIt CAXDEES-nSuindy light quoted at 15f" 15te i-r iiound. Kiimil. and SOA1' Eiglit mitifiry and gxl demand.

Western wiis at in rniiinl lots; Keller's XXX Ifulm 7Je, (lernuin Olive 11c, Magnolia Ci l'it)f 50 Iwixi-h Ii-a 'f ci; ill lot of 1IM1 Is.xe Jc less 1 tb Maginnls Sons, Iark Mottled 5i'-, White Laundry f.Je HTAr.CH-Receiiits are large. Quoted at 4- CX)ALt)IIi fr.oil supply and moderate demand. Quoted at lCta lc gallon in Mils, nnd in eases. LAlil) OIL Winter "trained iswaree and at fl ljal 15. Extra fall $1 Ual Ni.

1, "JHcafl l-r gallon. UAtrOlNCt Xone In Urst hand.s. Small st.a Iu the hand of denier, Irani demand for domestic jute. India is dull. Domestic jute is quoted at a 14c at wholesale, and is retailing at lialle per yard.

India in quoted nominally nt retail mje. grown chickens sell at a 5 50; young do. 4 ducks geese J7a turkeys $llal7 doz-n. Louisiana grown chick. -ns Bell at $4a4 50; young do.

$3a3 5o. ducks $3 a 4 geese $6 a 7 turkeys $16 50 tier dozen. EGGS The demand continues moderate, with a large stock on hand. are quoted at 35c, Wetdera at 27 a 30c per dozen. ESCULENTS AND GREEN VEGETABLES -Are in abundance.

There is a good demand for apples and onions only. Potatoes Rus.ets are quoted at tl 40, peach Mows tl 75, early rose 73, peerless tl 75 Y- bb. Onions ti on rv I CHI lit-. Wr.llio- P-r lwi0-tlffi. pi.i.1 imu i oIT- F.

KXpoins. YOlIK Per sleaiimhlp JH.I tNti.s l.llles Vdl I.I.U IWI I.I.Ih luoliisxi's iui I Hi Mil pecan pm hluls ui-iir tile I In.h" l.luek lili. I I.I Milt Nil, per kIchiuhIiIp Arlutriitor-sii-i I rf nlsv.4, I.I Vr llliaifr- per ship Isih-a p.ll M4l pen sll.V.S. lillK.MK.N John P.unvaii -Imi Imle Va. KI-.

r.T I'-r slenm-ililp Tiippiiliniimwk 7M.I 1. 1. 1 Hour III 14.1 IT ke. JfJI I.I.I ()'-He PI lilcl II ls hum hi. I wliHky l.niu Mm corn I i I tl IV! pku numlri.

I I lilll Kl'VH p. Mteumulilp flotirl Mils whisky -k Inws.m lili.l li. i-oi ii Jim pk -oimli i II KT K.I ITH OK PltOlU TKNH I.IVKIt -Perst-Bumr T'-u-in iH.itoit Harris -js Hueli MH.ii jft'. l.rul.iiin A--o II A Alh-n-'W II Newuisi. 71 I' I.

Wulmli In liok-l lieo Hniisli-r A ul" I It Iliiekm-rA Pro-I" limi.y A-'o 9 Meyer. Wi.sAi Wyeln-A Mori-sii JT llHrrl A.H, White -B A Ollll Ale.i. H. her. A Anl-v 4 -i m-r A'-o le.rn.-ii-:i A- II -j A'-o I A lli- klism iiTks mtton A M.itfiiinl Hon t-j A IVal Im s-I ulile A Mulyneanv sumlrM- lo onh-r T-4sl Imi- i-otlon ir.J sks i-olton ei lu-ml I4IWKK I CIAHT -Per-teiim-r I.I.Im pMiiMii IV iio 'IiImiu A Itoyil -'9 lili.l siitfur Ii Hill A'-o 'J Hiitfsr I 14.1 It Muth" 74 l.i It A I 7 k- poliiliM- A pi tiuiluin 'H iI.iI'I'hmi sumli ii-a to nril-r- T-Mal 'in lilnl niitfar 7i 14.

ni' l4W r.ll Per H-rla-15 lilnls Miiur 4i 14.1 mol.MMxn Ii It perretl 11 hh.l sutiir IK A. -o il Milllketi 144 uioIiimni-m 'ItiilTi nl A Atfsr- II i. i Jus W.mhI Hnli poller A Nes.ui- routfli rii. tho nl ml Hi- lo T.4iU iu hli.l iitfsr III Mils iiiohtMses pi I rl. Ti o.utfli HT.

MAIi'l lion rv-raml A llil- rl-'illlr. h. A-ller l.iiiii' Jl A-lmii I A I "vrt A T-r- troiil A Vlolelt I ItoU.rt Hurs tw hliil "ii'nr iim lilil moltisi.s r. hull 14.1 nioliim Miilikeu 711 hh.l siitfnr 71 14. Is niolnsse ll.ili.

rt llitre 41 iio hltils siiKsr I till 1.14 uicl*tMne lt.i.-ir s.1 I. t.l im.lss yi hli.l ii-ur II A A I I I 4. mo- nil. I A iilrt -M il llo hit 144 niol- or.h-1- 1 1.14 miuw Arm- 14 iio li ii.s I'M hhl" nml Ml Ho llcnr I i-sxk hi'les I 14.1 io I.I.I tnllow II Holo-inori- Miiu'lri. or.l.-r T4itl Imli-s "olton iM hh.l siitfar I4.s mi ilasw half 141s I'MON PLANTATION '41 lilnis siitfiir I 1.1'ls iiii.Ihhs lirutfier pi jtiinut lo a hh.l Miitfur H.h.11 -4- It.i rl.r A.i 1 iio tl Harpy-7 iio Hotilsl sk roiitfh ri-e llus- scll A Hull It lo I Inpp pro smiilriiw to Total mi lilpN siitfar lu lii.l uioianses 4f.

sk rouch HAKVKV'H ('ANATr-rerateamnr Wuuk" pi .1 nv Millilo-n to or.l"r. lltVOr Jl tl IVr steamer Hlella lli.a-l. Meyr. Wei Jim inn.i, Aliruliain -o-'m A lollia II Hamlhltfa A-o to II Newman tad A Knlcr -s Siinn-le? A-o-ii A Nall.i A am-mack -3 A l'he 3 liair "iml mi 1 I llin kn-r 11 e.ri-aitilri lo order I jiia sk ra.tloii NtlCHAssi. Totl 1 tmie in I ir.

hIim i-otten s.l. I4IVVF.II ctiAHT vr slciinmr suifiir in. tivmoml Kvrim ami liar-low 1 .11 in. ilas 1 1 MopkiiiH- jiio Mar.a-ro ioor'i-r --loial 4 hlids suxar wi 1.1.1 IsiNAI.IiniiNViLt.E tut hml s.ntur lAI il 1.11 iiioiiHes n.Miea. yniue tni ilo 44 I -ntar ui 111..

Hii- lirn do 4llihi ail.riir llruicler 13 VI Ih.I im.liw.aea It ami p. hhd suuar 7 hit I.I.I im.laRs.-a 'lapp iroa ami eo do ii ki. nam- in .10 pi hinia It lleltram Pid l.viro Ami do lin-m A il.v,l ci lil.U moiiiKii iu-n oiineii 11 7.1 ilo mi iiinia nutiir Harpy 'A Ih.I uiola" 'j niolivme III I.I.Ih lolvvi, cSloli iMiuru' 101 aka rou4.l1 ilw lil.uunr I ketf inolasw-s aU vrnp -j Pit do I'lTiniM-le ilo M. wiiunr II iiihIi d-s Pi order -Total sk.l eop.n lili.l niltcsr a I.I.I. mwnr 7M I.I.Ik in.

Iiuii-s hll Mils nielii. prj n.iiiih rlee. I llW F.K C.IIAHT- I'. I at. Vi I'jr, Mils Pavld lisiloA 17 lan-r rinsllpolPT i-Ihoii- I Jonv sa-k rl--" ami Kip Terrell and nrar.

-Mi do a l.l.l oramp. J.a. Iiavld sumlri'-s lo rd-r-J? lit rl- u-k rouijn ri- e. M.r.i.ii;i 1:11 tuile Kelim-'ly A'e- I I llellHllllW tiiiiiiiack VVi-ls A'-o-nn 11 Chopin -77 and eo -T-j 1: Walm A i-o- 1 i sammum A. n-4ii nnd lol-rl rrie.iian.ler-l4olin I Adam and M.neii...,.

roiowli-n nml Vlolelt. llv lrf- kl il 11 ami IX llu-di A i W'limaii, Al.raliain A-o 1:. Huuh A'-o-l I iiiuvsct ami 10 10 Mm kner A Pro- a I lapi, ami anui.a. -s John Chaff. I niei.

ni-a. atl'l eo I A II A New until ami 11 Harris ft Hlmins and ILmlliiir It 1 ie.llamler- I Hiniins nud lw- 1 liWs.11 tell rrmtidi-. ii Imin Aeo- 1 II i- ford-i Itip kui Im. J.I..I111 I'lieli. -j i Il.tas I A -1 IP II- -I III I a r- It 1.1.1 nn John 1011 -1 it lavlvan.

-tjm I llnr.ll.-an.l eo ai.i.ii.i. ami ulf do aiel e. i.nis 110 1, aimaiey ami -o- ravm Keuue-ly A do 1 lit dol.wyn A hyi in nioinsmw ami j.v-rt r. do hurt-rids-i alio in ion is miliar Yi alllisey-- I'avii" K'-tnmdy Air-3 le n-liaw. aineiii.

mid eo lil.p-s Herman and iu lutl. Itiirl.ridife and II hide 3 MP hide Herman nun eo- 1 a-H w. 1 ltl Meyer We III ln.le ami l.n.11 a4ii Imin pm Pale hay Hirsch Adp.r jr-wks sl Assn ..3 ami sundries order Total pu I.11I-H eottuji i-uia sks yc.l i7 tibia niolases 1 ht molasses It hhds niitcur lui l.iil.-s hav heavt i-nttl-. MOIKi A.N'S f.A AM) TEXAS It A 1 1. IIO A D-3 i-ooon 4 1 A.

la 111 rt-o 1 Iteinlerson I 1 lan. i-wi a rlunsxy la (,. nanlt-411 M. t.eliee. Hnowdi-u A Vioh-tt I Wana- ina Kr.n fll'leal Kueli! A'i 31 iiuii-s i.

i-oirin eoi i.i.ih half 1.1.1 yrun II 'e- h. i-nttle Invert 'A- do Im M-au mi.lii I Adams ft it A II Vrre ro 3 hint siiKar KusM.y A'-o 1 I Ian liiolns A-o ft do 17 hhds aiii-'iir I a-lunilo 4 do 13 Ma molasses priP-h anl A lie kliain i ilo r. liodd son 3 I (ovinia; wi do Lion It I.M unn hiP-s It Niiiomon II hli.l suirur onif-r A 1 .1.1 A Tcilroii -isdo 4 lilf molasses 11 Mathews kntl I.IJ pmlaHses A IjtiiHii- i.w iimiH sutar 3 l.lilMUK-ar US Mils ItolN-rt Hnre-3S I1 (ill Al-le-Si do IS hh.l suiriir I Itis khitrt-Pido Mils 0 I K'-rnioii 14 do 44 sks roinh ri. I. ji bliis it hii.

Is suif iir Hush A Invert lo tail moiiies A II oil S4 do hhds suirar H.MIII'ken-4SdoHHlralilit 3HdolT Mils mouiaaes John iil.ler jn ilo rs a DiintMir 43 on lapn rnH do 13 hhds nilar LHurl. v.lo li l-lt ram- Ho 1 l.a nio htasea J. In. 311 do 1.1 hh.l suitai ska roiufh rii 4 .11 naisn 4'Jiiiii inniasa. ls.ii Ijme ilo js hhds suirar bbla rtee 1 dry hidn Her via Hi lihds suifitr a WiiilnriiiHii 7 Mil nn.lnHS.-sl tilfdoj li t.ullirm ji hinls Pi do l.ay Ac i.l.

iiaij -Pi iks r.ot;piK-H I. rvhoiium 1 bain 1110 Ikl riiiht 3n ks rout'li ri. Maririoi-n 111.. Mill pkj irn-n hiden I-anw A Li-tpmlr" II half bal'is ni-ma order A LneaaMiua 1 .10 4 i.yK.aim sks rouirii rp. Ciiiiimaek A'-o les eotlon P.iirtirid- A co-14 lle'pmnn a i Manade a Ijv-hs- aiurii'r 3 rritehard A 3 irs-rt Han I do I Kloom Aco 1 hh.l neHr II r- do II A Newman 1 do 1 M.l MHimtli a Comptoli -33 do Clapp Una.

A'wi 1 kit do Ii If bhl sucHrf 'u pt lit P-il. rtrtoii T'rtul 113 Pali eotton J-Msk riuitrli ri'i aa ri-vvpuo lasts im -hisses hit blls 4M bhdssmfr 3 siik-ar. Clinlon. from Oalv-ton hales eoiton John Har-lie A l4.Kirk.Htri'k A Keith Ins Hueli Allison A Whitney a-o Tl Ar-fr, order liAGiv.ut Hon 34 Ilu- kimr A Pro 13 H-liueiiler A 7m-l-rl lr 12 it A-o li A-o 14 Chafliv Hamilton A Powell J4 Cb.pp lir. A'-i Uiiria-li A'-o 1 Wrtuior.

2 I Adams A'-o i Pnt- ton. M'-yer. W-i A-o 1 Walker. 4 F.iehardon A May 4 J. Pli 4 rUwlin A Murrel 2 Hart A'-o Total 363 ha ies eotlou.

Per Harlan, frm Indianola suck w4. 14 ra. jiiis 3 ll-s A Whitney T8Coou 14-bmati. Abrahani Aeo Tl do 14 rmcan 1 bta" Francks a Liiit- ne. 1 Toial ttlr cotV-n.

Trotn (ralvfatou 3S0 llna rotton 11 Mia a bides hale do 1 Pk rs'''aii I ham skiun A Wlsrnev A-o An- iold FUo'len tkags reac -hneider a I Adams a flo 2 hhd do Flaah. Lwi A-o baiea If ay a bti caillt-C Melilo co Toul 3 kaiaa -orron. NEW ORLEANS AXD MOBILE RAILROAD I IT bdis bahkei Morris 4 pkrs ni.laa Punkins 1 bx mds Beftis 114 U.i8roin il I II -MARINE NEWS. K. 0.

IEM0CIUT OFFICE. Dee. jj. CLEARED YEHTEKDAY. Kt.iaTishp Tappalinnnrs k.

IV-aillcton. for Ky via 4iiar Keys I lioliena Brit ship John Bunyan. Hcovill. for Hn-men Hall A Vamchan Ship Zephyr. Sweetser.

for Liverpool-Norton A lieil Brit ship Arbitrator, Jackson, for Liverpool ts-'-au. Zerejpti) Hudson, Oagor. for N-w York A Moultou ARRIVED. Brit ship Donrobin (rw) Harris, frotu Bristol. 57.

P. Lowll A baily Urn. Bark Colin M'-Netl). Crowell. from Now York.

O-t r.fU. via Port bpaia aud Mobile, to mauler IT. 1st dis. Nor bark Hirundo. rlanrl.

75 days from uianb-r Fomt. hr John M'-Ailaiu. liathbum, days from Havana, lo ina.t. r-1 rtis. fji-hr from Philadelphia.

Nor 1, to 4co-Po dcr H7tse..

The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.