Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


15. AP) Profit-taking sales overcome a strong ward ia the curb market today and the general list sagged, but not before a year so 61.106,700; two years a0 hEVJ high records ON STOCK MARKET Prices are somewhat firmer ln th bond market today, but traders continued to show a disposition to limit their commitments. Although there no changes in time money rates, trade still was closely watching the monetary situation. New Issues also arrived on the market in increased volume, adding the. hesitancy of buyers.

Finnish, hnndj) ahowedeasLng ten- dencies following the offering of the new $15,000,000 loan, prompt over-subscription of which was re ported. Italian obligations; which have been leading the foreign list for several days turned quiet and. on a few instances refleoted moder ate profit-taking. Chicago Milwaukee St. I3aul liens featured the domestic depart ment.

j-espqndingbrisklyJto inaction of the board of directors ln declaring 1 1-2 per cent. Interest on On Cu 74 71 74 M0 4 i- 1 M0 50 i 49 60 110O 5 8 200 6 6 96 90001 9 89. 90 200! 76 75 76 40O 10J 10 1 10 16001 7 7 67 Con Textile Cont Bak A Cont Bak Cont Bak pf Cont Can Oont Ins Cont Mot Corn Prod Coty 87 6 25 25 92 20 Cu Ca Sugar Cu Ca Sua- 400! 26 I 2 Cuba Co -j 900 26! 25- Cuba 0'i2 90 Cub Am 2000 20 2 Cuban Am Sug- "4CJ102 U01 101 Cudahy Pack 70- 67 Curtlss Aero Cur Aero pf Cuyamel Fruit Dav Chem Deere Co pf Dela ft Hud Del Lack A We 800 0 69 186 88 40 117 62 HOoi 40. 40 60117 tl 200180 11' 1(5 1168 180120 Den ft pf 1001 64 64 I 61 48 49 158168 181 19 70 71 Dev ft Ray A. 200J Diamond Mat lOOjlM Dodge Bros A 6700 19 Dodge Broa pf ..1 480O 71 Dome "Mines 1001 12 12 Dul .8 S- 100 81 8 '8' Dun later 4 1800 62! 2H 62 Du Pont de 1700826 320 1824 -Du Pon tde deb Duq l4Tt 1st pf East Kodak 900 1 166 16 Eat Ax Spr 81i 24 81 Eieen ft 6300 17! 16 17 F.lAu Lite 1118 Elec Boat 8700 16 14 14 El Tow A Lt.

'88 4 82 88 El Pow ft pf Elec Refrig "8400! 16 Elee' Stor Batt 400j 70 Elk Horn Coal st 180 7 Elk Horn 110 19 1 Emer Brant 200 1 7 HBrtt -Bteel 800 a tK-Va 600 6 14 14 69 76 7 7 17 18 74 7 ine ociooer coupon 01 me new au- justment mortgage bonds, l-Z or 1 hper cent on the April 1, 1928 cou pon. Other railway issues failed tp show" much activity, although thera was moderate buying of Nickel Plate 5 1-2's and the Southern Rail way and VKaty" issues. Aside from large accumulations of Duq.uesne Light 4 1-2's, iittla was paid to utilities! Jul ius Kayser 6 1-2's again attained a new high for the year, but At lantic Refining 6's Avere under heavy pressure. New Orleans Term- lnal 4's changed hands in larg H.111UUU L. aivuuu pm, Vila 791 79 94 84 price this year.

United States government 'securities were firm but only nominally active. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, Feb. 15. (AP) Cotton prices' lost Il'to a bale today under realizing, or liquidation- by recent buyers, combined with local and Southern selling promoted Jay prospects for rain in West Texas and relatively easy Liverpool cables. May contracts sold off to 18.05 and closed at that figure, the general market closing easy at net declines of 22 to 29 points.

The market opened easy at a decline of 12 to 19 points in response to the easier tone reported in Liverpool and the forecast for local Miller Rubber Minn ft St 1200 881 21) 21 700) S6 86 500,1107171107, 230O 46 1000ll08il07107 K00l160 168 Miss Kan ft Tax! Miss K. ft pHi suss ie MSa Pao pt Mont Power Mont Ward Moon Mot Oar 1JO0 6- 8 1 6 Moth Lode I 7001 8 21 2 Mot iWii Moto Meter A .1 700 20) 19 20 Mot Wheel 400 2 4 2 MJ1 Mg ...4 230ft 86 1 81 82 Murray Corp Am 700 23 28 1 28 Nash Motors 6600 86 86 86 Nat Aome stp. 200 18 I 12 I 12 Nat Bellas Hes pf 190 94 9j 99 Nat Cash Reg 4 1900 60 60 60 Nat Diary Prod ,1 MOO) .68) 68 148 Nat Dep St 1st pf "100 91 1 91 1 91 1 Nat' DIs Prod BOO I 62 51! 62 Nat Lead 100ia2132182 Nat Pow- ft Lgt) 4000 25 21. 26 Nat Radlat 1200 86j 86 86 Nat Rad pf 100 96 9 96 Nat Ry Mex 2d pf 700 '21 21 2 Nat Supply'- 92 92 92 Nat" Surety 210O886 4814 836 Nevad Con Qxpvt 7800 21 20j 20 New Air 1800 47 46 47 Central. S60167 16166 ft 68i 61 62 pf Ont ft Wee 200 2j 26 26 Rys Corp pf J0O 7 7 7 Steam 87 pf 11S NY Steam 86 pf 100 101J1011101 ft 400'182-182 Nor Amer Co 4000 61 60) 41 Nor Am pf Nor Psjs j.

"800i 94 98) 94 Nor, Pao 1800 94 92 92 North Teleg. 10 60 60. 60 Norw Tire 4 Rub 100 81 81 Norw ft pf 80 87 87 87- Oil Well 600 86 84 84 Omnlb Corp 100, 125 121 12 Oppen Coll 100 78 78 73 Orpheum Cire 100 99 91 99 Otfa Eleia pf Otis Steel I 4000 IS 12 12 Owens Bot .......1 500! 76! 76l 76 Pao Gas ft Eleoj 300! 48 48 48 Paclfte Oil stubs -j 800 1)' 1 1 Pao Tel ft Tel 40 162 152 Pac Tel ft Tel pf -j. 80 128 123 128 Packard Mot 3000: 69 68V41 58 Pan-Am Pet 4000 40 891 89 Pan-Am Pet 10600! 40 89j 89 P-A West 900 19 1 18j 18 Panhandle ft 200! 13 1 12 12 Para Fam Lasky 6500' llill6' 116 Park Utah Mines 200 11 11! 11 Pathe Exchange 2200 4 8) 8 Pathe Exea A-Patlno Mines Peerless Mot Peniek ft Ford Penn Dixie Penn Peoples Gas Chic I 1400 15 I 14 14 220i 26 2 400! 171 17 17 1400! i 24 26 lOOf 25 25J 26 10001 31 68 68 1181' 200'12 126,128 Pare Marquette Ph'la Co 6 pf 1 400; 62 62 62 Phils RC ft Iron Philip Morris 740O; 84 38 83 100 16 16 16 Phillips Petrol '31500' 87l 85 86 Pierce Arrow 2600 12j 11 12 Pieree Arrow pf J10O 48 41 ij 41 Pierce Oil 200 Parity Bak xd; 1000,134 1182184 Pm-Hy Bak pf xd! 10 Radio Corp Am '69000 91) 90 i 90 Radio. Corp pf 800 6 68 86 Reading Co 900 97 96j.

96. Real Silk Mills 100 26 24 2 Real Silk pf 60 I 84 84 Reis A Co 100; 661 66j 66 Remington Rand 89J 28 28 Reo Motor 4 14IWI 21' 241 24 Rey Tob 2200 152 160'161 Rep Lr A Steel xd; 1200; 81! 62 Reynolds Spring 14000' 9i 8j ,8 Richfield OU 800; 24! 241 24 Insur 1 1A' 187 1182' 184 St Joseph Lead COO. 41; 41! 41" St San Fran Jill Pieree Petrol' 100! 8 3 Plllsbury Flour xd 200: 84-j 84( 84 Pltteburg Coal 600! 61 51 PltSs Coal pf 100' 84 1 84 84 PlttsSteel pf .1100 90-jl0i90 Pitts Term Coal 200; 30 80 4 30 Pitts Term pf 10 78 78 78 PltU A West Porto Tob A 200; 66l 6' 66 Porto Tob 200 29; 88 26 Postum 400124'128-123 Prod A Ref 21'. 211 21 Prod A Ref pf ..1210. 43 43 48 Prophylactic Brush 60 90 85 90 Pub S-rv 2400! 48 42l- 43 pf I 100 18T'I87187 pf -lOOfllO )9 -1H El A pf I Pullman new 200 83 82! 82 Punta-Alejre Sug j.lOOQ; 2 89 Pure Oil 4800! 20! 20 20 Purity Bak A xd: 8800' ,9 7.: 68 Savage Arms 200! 69! 69 69 Schulte Ret St xd 1000! 61' 60I 61 Sehulte of 70 1128 1122 V12S Sea Air.

Line 2000: 21 20 Sea A 200' 29' 29 Sears Roebuck '14000; 90' 88 89 Shatturk 220O: 85! 83' 85 62,622,800. NEW YORK MARKET (By The Associated Press) Sales High Low Close Amer Commander 1090 6 I i Am Cyan pf tOOoj "98 98 98 Am Nat Gas 100 20 20 20 Am Rolling lis pf I OHafl 437l-27; Am Pow pt pf 7001 29 291 29 Am st pf Bohn Alum 4 B'kway Mot Truck Can Ind Alcohol Cell loid Co new A St new 102103 8600 48 0fl 62 1490O 8 800)112' 41 47 49 50 8 8 112. fll2 100 22 21 217s 661 56 96 81J 8 27 I 27 1'i 1 Cit Serv new xd 3800 66 Cit Serv pf xd. 400 95j Cit Serv pf xd 600 9 Cohn Hall 4 Marx 200 37 Colombian Syn Com'wlth Edison 8800 1 100 178 178 178 Curtis -Pub 1001117 400 40 117 )117 Davega Ine. Dupont Mot 31 40 78 70 9 11 43 43 100; 70 Durant Mot C900I 11 Electric Invest El 4 opt war 400 43J 600 16 651 65 Evans A Load A 800 66 Fan Farm Candy Fansteel Prod 200 401 40 40 2300! 18 17 17 200210 20) 100 6 26) 26 900 19 19) 19 6000! 87 87 7 800 43 43 48 100: 64) 64 64 Firestone Tire Forhan Fox Theatre A Franklin 7 pf Fulton Sylphon Garoewell Unit Gaa Imp Un Lt 4 Pow A 48800 16 15f 16 Un Lt A A pf 700 99 89 99 Vacuum Oil' 900 113 '142 Wenden Cop Min 900 1 1 1 NEW YORK BOND MARKET --r-XBy The Associated Press) Foreign Argentina 6s 1960 Sept Australia 5s 1955 Belgian 7s 1966 98 96 Brasll 1957; British 6s Z987 French 7s 1949 ....106 ....108 ....107 98 ....102 ...100 ....101 ....106 German 7s 1949 Italian 7 1951 Japan ess 6s 1954 Polish 8s -I960 Rhinelbe Un 7s 1946 ex war Seine It 1942 Domestic Am ArChem 7s .106 Am Smarting 6s 102 Am Sugar 8s 104 Am Tel 4 Tel deb ts 1060 ......106 Anaconda Cop 1958 .....112 At 4 San Fe gtn Is ........102 Baltimore 4 Ohio cvt 4s .100 Bethlehem Steel con 6s ........103 Bklyn 4 Manh Trans 6s 98 Can Pac deb 4s 90 Chesapeake 4 Ohio cvt 4s 100 Chesapeake Corp 5i 1947 99 Chic 4 Alton 3s ,...61 Ohic 4 East Illino's 5e 89 Chic" I rfg 4s 95 Chic 4 West Ind 5s Chile Copper 6s 1947 Cons Gaa 6s 1945 Den 4 RioJ3r West rm8 Dodga' Bros deb" 6s 1 Erie rfg 4 imp 5s Florida Coast Ry 5s 1974 Gen Motor Accept 6s J937.

Goodyear Tire 5s 1967 Great Northern 7s A Hudson 4 Manh' adj ine 6a Hudson Coal 8s A 1962 Int Rap Trans ref 6s stpd Inter 4 Ot Nor ad 6a Inter Mere Marine 4a Louh 4 Nash 1st rfg 4s Midvsle Steel cvt 5s Mo Kan 4 Tex new adj 5s A Mo Pacific gen 4 New Orl'ns Tex 4 Mex 6s Cent rfg 4 imp 5s Norfolk 4 Western eon 4s ....105 96 ....106 91 89 98 86 ....108 86 ....116 92 80 77 97 ....106 ....104 ....101 ....107 8J ....105 9" Northern Pacific a Pan-Am Pet A Tr 6s Penn gen 4s Public Service of 6s St A San Fran ine 6s 116 ...103 .........104 107 Seaboard Air Line eon 6s Smcla'r Con Oil col 7s 1 Southern Pacific rfg 4a Southern Ry gen 6s 1 Southern Ry gen 4s Southwest Bell Tel Union Pacific 1st 4s 6s Stee! 5s Virginian Ry 5s 1 Western Electric- 5 1 Western Maryland 4s 90 99 97 ...,126 92 ....100 95 ..108 ....108 BALTIMORE I IVESTOf BALTIMORE, Feb. 13 (AP) -Hogs: receipts 250; market un- changed, top Cattle: receipts light, market steady, unchanged: veal top $16.50. Sheep receipts light market unchanged; top lambs $16.60. IiOXnON JjOfvIxaN, Feb. 15.

(-AP)-Bar il ver. 2, 1-4 per ounce; money 5-8 per cent: discount rates short bills 4 l-44 3-8 per cent; three month bills, 4 3-8 per cent. By Williams rains In Texas. Initial offerings were readily absorbed, as the de cline seemed to bring ln trade buy- Lj my and further covering. jJemana was supplied on rallies of a few points, however, and the market weakened again later in the day, March selling down to 17.92 and October to 17.94.

The close was within a few-points -of the bottom. Hope of Improvement in the West Texas drought situation appeared to encourage reactionary sentiment after. the recent sharp advance, and tnere waa l8 comment on failure of trade 1 buyers to follow the market up with purchases. These features, combined with the easier score of shares hai established new high records. It was almost an entirely new line-up that showed net gains at the end of the day, with industrial specialities the more numerous.

Other groups were irregular. (Reports of a pending consolida tion involving the Bank of Italy senTBanHtaly up 6 points 16 a how high at 179, but failed to prevent a loss of 4 points of the gain before the day ended. Optimistic trade reports lent strength to other Industrials, among them Pittsburgh' Plate Glass, McKeesport Tin Plate and Sparks WHthingtpn, all of which touched new highs, and -Tubize Art Silk, IT. B. Gypsum, Melville ShoeJ and A.

G. Spalding. Aluminum Company of America, after reaching" new high ground, closed at a net loss of 3 points. A somewhat fate overtook American Rolling Mills, Bohn Aluminum and Brass, Evans Auto Loading and Firestone Tire. Deere Comiiny lost points and Royal (Baking Powder 9 in profit-taking sales.

A gain of nearly 22 points which lifted Wabash Railway and Electric to a new high at 481 and smaller advances which moved National Transit and. Powder securities to new high levels marked the- gen. erally weak utilities group. Prairie Pipe Line stood out among the oils and pipe lines with a 7 points advance to a new high at 19S 1-2. Creole Syndicate also touched a now high and Standard of Indiana was stronger, but Stand ard of Kentucky; Gulf, International Petroleum and others sagged.

iRockway continued upward to a new high a 52, but closed off to 50 heavy which also caused a 7 point drop in Auburn Bunker Hill Sullivan closed up 5 points net on the. day, but other mining shares declined, itfew Mont touched a new high at 168 3-8, then dropped to 166 1-2 for a net loss of 2 d-2 points. NEW YORK SIOAR NE3W YantK. Feb. 15' (AIP) Raw sugar market today declined 1-16 of a cent and into new low ground for the year under continued liberal offerings pf both Cuban and duty free sugars.

Sales on the decline were about bags of Cuban, and 10.000 bags of Porto (Riean ln prompt and February po sitions at 4.21 delivered. A later sale was reported of bags of Philippines for May shipment at 4.88. After opening steady futures weakened under heavy" March liquidation, and soiling of the later deliveries by both trade and Cuban interests, closing with net losses of 4o 7 nointa AnnminAta aJpq M9400 tons, including nearly, half of exchanges from tlie March to the later deliveries. 'March olosed 2.42; May 2.51; J-uly 2.1; Sept. 2.63; Dec.

2.77; Jan. 2.76. Refined was unsettled by the weakness in the spot article, which demand limited to absolute requirements. Prices, were unchanged at 5.70 for fine NEW YORK COFFEE NiEW "itCCRK, Feb. 15 (AP) Coffee futures showed further gains today on covering and trade buying accompanied, by reports of improved rpot demand and steadiness In Rto contracts opened 7 points higher to 1 lower and sold up to 14.13 for (May, the close showing- net 'advances of 1 to 23 points.

Santos contracts opened at avAJVpe rf rt Tninf Qn.l closed 5 to 13 points, higher. tos 11'000- Closing quotations: Rio NMaroh" 14 May 13 84; Santos: Sept; 19.75; Dec. 19.30. Ui KRNM EN BONDS NEW YORK, Feb. 15 (AP) i United States Government bonds; closing: Liberty 3 1-2's 19.32-47,.- loa.UT first 4 1-4's.

103.: third 4 1-4's. 100-16. fourth 4 103.23; treasury 4 1-4's 115.12; 4's 1944-54, 110.12; 3 3-4's 1946-56, 107.16; 3 1943- 47, 1CH2.22. i NEW YORK. Feb.

15. CAP) The cott-inseeil oil market was less active and distinctly easier today, reacting 12 to 20 point 3 a a result of. cotton house liquidation in March, coupled with local and commission house selling in response to the 'decline in cotton and the easiness of outside markets generally, particularly of competing oils and fats. Sal 2300 barrsl. I'rme crude 7.73; prime punnncr snot 9.2.1 -March closed 9.28: May July Aug.

9.S6; 9 88. NEW YORK DHY.4X1)S NEW YORK. Feb. 15. AP) Cot I Inn i a.

were in acMve demand for im mediate shipment. More business wa, done on fleets and pillow ca.i. Raw -P lk sleadv mill i seeking -raws for April and MayV I Finished silks sold well. Further to I technical position, were considered 1600 C2 60 60 140.4! 4 46 KI 24 600; 16j 10 25001121 jn912 100 81 1 84 Southern Ry Sou Ry MAO ctfs 170 126 12J 12I Southern Ry pf Spaldinc 1st pf 40001100, 20 115 M4 99 115 -JIM Spieer Mfg O0J27 2 Sploer Mfg pf xd 10 1 80 880 62 8 80 Stand: Gas ft Elee Stand ft pf Standard Milling Standard Mill pf 61 81 100 66 05 08 I' 1900110 107 (107 104 104, 80 104 Stand Oil Cat xd 1200 68 7200! 88 2800 29 Ml 88) 88 291 19 8 4 1 17 Stand Oil Stand Oil NY. Stand Piste Glass St Plate Gl pt 410500 6 1000! 1 Sterl'ng Products 800189 189189 Stewart Warner Stude Corp Stude pf Submarine' Boat Sun Oil Co Sun Oil pf Sweets Am Symbigton 21001 81 60 81 -1 18 100' 64 8 63 80 fl24 JlU il2 100' 4 3J 8 300) 871 86 87 1300 -2 2J 2 8001 13 12! 12 10oj 6 16 I Symington A Telautograph Tenn Texas Corp Tex Gulf Sul ...4 600 19 1 14 1 16 600J 1 1 800 10 10 10 6800 61 60! 60 17600) 71) 701 7i Texas ft Pac 600118 TexPacC ft 680018 12, 12 Tex Pac Land Tr 24! 28 24 Thatcher Mfg The Fair Co 4001 25 24 1100) S6 86 1 85 100 29 29i 29 600 15 15! 14 MO; 84 84 84 1001 90 840O121)120 (121 Third Ave Ry ..1 TWe Wat As Qtl T'de Wat Asso pf Tide Water Oil Timken Bearing Prod Tob Prod A Transcoh Oil Trahsue Steel Twin City Rap Tr Twin CHy pf.

Uunderw Elliott Union Bag ft Union Carbide Union Oil Cat Union. Paciflc Union Pac pf Unit Cigar St -2800 7 7 "7 4600! 68 62 63 10O 64 I 64 64 120 106106 (106 800 6C! 66 9001 444 44). 44 400) 4S 43 43 1SOO193 191 1192 200 80! 85 86 1200 83 I 21! 83 (iofr 2800 69j 69( 69 400)138 Unit Cigar St pf Unit Drug xd. Unit Drug 1st pf United Fruit Cast Iron 100i204 206 206 Distrib 7001 "1 "1 x7 8 Hoffman 490 68( 58( 68 Ind Ale (118 Leather 8100 23 23 23 Ltmcher A 2800 62 61) 61 Realty 8600 46 45 Rubber 82! 0) 62 Rubber 1st pf I 1200)102 (100102 Sm 4 Ref 6C0j 42 41 41 8 A Ref "pt SW WA oH (143'144 Steel (139 TTniv Leaf Tob A 100 74 I 74 1 74 Unlv Piet 1st pf I 10 97 97 Unlv Pipe A Rad 8600 25 28 25 Utah Concer 20 '140 1140 (140 Util 4 Lt A 1700 29 29 29 Vanadinm Corn 88i 81 82 Van Raalto 1001 9 Van Raal 1st pf 100 45 46 I 46 Vlck Chemical A 1100; 7( 66 66 Victor Talk 111200 60 tB 60 Victor cvt pfd Victor pr pf 100 Va Caro Chem 8901 16 15j 15 V1CC 6 Ptc pf 1000! 614) 80 Vivaudou Ine 1800 24 24 24 Vulcan Detin A 40 1 27 2( 27 Wabash Ry 100 65 55 65 Waldorf Bystem I 2400 23! 22! 22 Ward Bak A 1126 126 Ward Bak 1200 1 26 Warner Pict A 4300 1 27 Warner Quinlan 80 30 Warren Bros Co (' 800174 Warren Fdy 4 800' 20 19 20 Weber 4 Heil 200, 68' 2 62 West Da'ry A 100 55' 6J "West BTd00- 'r "2 'r Western Maryland 2100 86; 35! 86 W.t Mary 2nd pf I 600' 89 88 S8T- Penn El 7Tc Pf i pf 20 102 1024 wpp -7c pf ..,100 WPP Pf 80 1110 110 1110 West. Union Tel 400169 1160 Westinj Air Br 4 4800 63 62' 52 Westingh Elec 6600 96! TK 98 Weston Elec Inst 600J 18 12i 18 PWheel A pf BOO! 74 I 76 -76 White Eagle Oil 200 21J 211 21 White Motor 28O0' 8lV 31 81 White Rock ctfs I 200' 35 361 85 Wh te 'Sew Mach 800; 41; 40, 41 White Sew pf 600 64 54 64 Willys Overland 4780 18' 18 18 Wilson 4 Co A 1 720O; 82 82 Willys Over pf 100' 95 95 Wilson' A Co 1 8800! 15 14( 15 Wilson A 1800 74 73 74 Woolworth Co 'Worth Pump 100' 29; 20! 29 Yellow Truck 12800' 31 801 81 Yel Trk 7 pf 1400 98 93 93 Yo-inesfn Sheet 1800 97; 97 Total sales 1.965..800 previous day 2.0S9.M0 week aito year ago I 2,822,500 Jan, 1 to date 83,869.600: MA -HUH? iT LAST CKiM Snider Pack pf Sou- Ca) DdisoC Sou Dai A' Sou Dai Southern Pao Sou For Sue yog CaO now' MOT NEW YORK STOCK LIST (By The AimcUM Prcn) NEW YORK, Feb.

14 Following la the complete closing list of today I transaction on the New York Stock Exchange Sale Hifih Low Close Abra Ab 4 Stri (111 1111 Adams Expr 409298 290 298 Ad ilpr XI .1 SiWW Iff 711 Advance Rumley 0O 1S 1S 18 Adv Rom pf 101 4040 40 Aha Lead Air Reduc Ajax Rubber 400 HI 900il88Ul 16H 8840(; 11 1 10 10 Alas Jun ......) 4300 4 Vt Alb WTap 50 109 itu Al Chem DyeJ Allis Ohs Mf 1120 120 Amal Leather 00 18 124 "Vi Amcr Corp 1800 29 28 1 29 Am Agri Chem 10O 18l 18 18 Am Agri Ch pf 62 62 Am Bank 30O 86 86 86 Am Bank Note pf lo; 61 -61 1 Am Beet Sug-ar 400 15 14- 154 Am Bos Ma 17001, 17V41 IT Am Brak "Sh. 200! 4514 1 45 45 Am Brown Bot 2800t 16 16 1 Am Br Bor pf 0 62 i 59 62 Am' Can -JglOOO! 80! 79 79 Am Car I Fdy il07 Am Chicle 00 75 74 Tb Am Drug Syn 7400! 12t 12 'A 12 Am Enc Til 200J 60 1 68 68 Am ExjJ iW. IW Power! 40W 28V. I 23 Am Am Hid 4 Leath! 800j 12 12 Am Hid Lea pf'f 100! 67 i 67 12 67 63 82 Am Home' Prod H00 8 68 Am Ice 74001 81 Am. Internat 700! 80 79 79 700 6f 6 Am La Fra Fo Am Linseed Am Loco 6800! 731 72 72 (109 lOljlli 1112 112 600 21 21 I 21 19001 "66 I 6 65 Am Mach ft Fd Am Metal pf Am Piano, Am ft Xgt Am Radiator Am Rail Exp Am, Rts) Am 8af Ra Am Seadlnc 4700 61 60V 60 1900 57 1 67 MOOI 81 891 Am Sm ft Ref Am Snuff 1161 20O107 107 1107 7900 61i 1900 67.

67 1 87 102102 4900j 68? 67 68 100 29 291 29 100118 118 "(118 113 8700! 67 6 67V4 6200 24! 24 1 24 6200 61 60T 60 600 18! 18 18 Am Snuff pf Am St Fdrs Am Sugar Ref Am Sug pf Am Stunat Tob Am Tel ft Ca Am Tel Am Tob Am Tob pf Am Tob Am Type Fdrs Am Wst Ws new Am 1st pf Am Woolen Am Wool pf Am Wtg Pap etfa Am Li ft Sm16000 16' Am ft Sm pf 630O: 71 Anae Cop 1860O 68 Arch Dsn Mid 101 67 18! 1S 68-! 68 67 67 6.7i- 57 91 91 Armour Del pf 200 Ar of 111 A Arm of 111 Arm ol 111 pf Arn Const Corp Art Metal Cons Aaso Dry Gds Asso O'l At ft 18200! 16ri4f I 12290 9 94001 80 amn 79'l SO 2200 47l 46 46 .1 100! 27 1200 4S: 10! 88 431 43 8 88 ,1 14J185 177 1178 Arteh pf I 1001108 Atl Coast 1 800 17S Atl Gulf ft 1800' 41 40 I 40 91 66 1 65 Atl Refln Atlas Powd Atlas Pow pf Atlas Tack Aiwt Nichols .1 89001100 .1 10O 65 S0i woo; is! 100 4 4 4 Auto Corp 8 8 Auto Strop Ra A 100 44 44 44 24 W9 Bald Loco I Bal Ohio Bal ft Ohio 100 80 80 80 Bambergcrjjf 100.111 41II 1U Bang 4 Aroos 200 561 761 75 Barnitdall A 3800 221 22 Bayuk Cigar 1400 116'116 Bayuk 1st pf ..,.1 Beacon Oil V.TTTTj 800; 11 Beech nut Pack ,,1 200! 79 i 79. 79 Beld Hemln 6100 20 19 19 Belg Na Ry: pri pf 300' 86 86 I 86 Best ft Co 1400! 5i e8V4 Bethl Steel 60 69' 60 Beth Stl Bloom pf Blum ft Co Bo nAmi Booth Fish Borden Co 10111 ITU (111 ''10' 95i 96; 95 8700 74 1 78 i 74 6 10O'l 68 '168 13 Bot -Con Mills A 200! 22! 22 22 Bri Mfg 1000' 22 22 22 Brit Emp Steel 800' 4 3j 8 Brook Edis '230 234 Bkl, Msnh Trans 200! 87 87 Bklyn Un Gas. '154' Brown Shoe i 200 49 49 49 Bruns Balke 900; SOI 30) 80 BrunsJermftRyiy70019L18 19 Bucyrus Erie .1 1900! 26V4( 25Y 28 Bucy Erie cvt pf 400 8 34; 84 Burns Bros 200 16 15I 16 Burns Bros pf 20; 99: 99 99 Burr Add Men 20i167l67 jl67. Bush Term lOoj 61 61 (61 Bu Term 7 deb 1111 ,111 Bush Term Bldg Butte Cop ft Zinc 70O 10) 10) 10 200; 47 47) 47 BOO 78 731 73 Butterick Byers A 7T, Calif Pack Calif Pet 3800 24 24) 24 Call Zmc 1400 2 Caiu A Aarix 102 Calumet 4 Heclaj 8300' 22 1 22 22 Can Dry Ale 16500! 68 66 66 iOsnsd Pae 600i20222.02 Cane Thresh Mach 6001264 12S Cent Al St ....1 600! 30 30( 80 Cent Rib MMls 100 12 121 12 Cent Rib Mills pf 10 7 87 87 Cerro de Pasco 600 6S 44 65' Certain teed 10J 68 58 Certo 1 1200) 74 74 74 Chandl CI Mot 500 1 Chandl CI pf 800 16 16, 15 Cfcat Phenix 60640 (SOT Ches A Ohio 400192 11911192 Cthesa Corp I 100! 731,4 75! 76 Chic A Alt pf 10O; 8i 81 8 Chic A 111 Ry; 200' 88 SS; 38 CM A 111 pf! 900! 4 4 64 Chic CH SOO 10) 9 10 Chie Gt West pf 700 24 231 24 Oh! Mil A St Pi 700 161 14 1 Chi Mil A StP ctf 3000) 16 15! 16 A St pf! 4800 81 80j 30 A St ctf 6600- 81 80( 80 Ohio A Nor West lOOO) 81 80( 80 CM A 100'140 14 140 Chic Pneii Tool Chi Rk Is A Pac 400ll08108 -108 I A 806J102 )182 (162 rV YHl Cab A 21) 84 84 1 86 Childs Co ........1 0 4i 44( 46 Chile Cap M001 0 40 40 Chr Brown 100(122 jl21 122 Chrysler Corp 68( 68 Chrysler pf A 200' 116 7500) 88) 85) 86 1700! 88 83 liooirss' 540Qfl 96 Hi 94) 94 City Store Cluett Peab Coca )Cbla Coll A Akman rv Fnel 4 Iron) 62XHX T7( 7 77 Colo Gee 4 500l 93 91) 98 CoJum Car 20O 98 2'l 92 Coram' Credit 300( 22 211 22 Com Cr 6 pf! 1601 90 f9 89 Com Credit 7C pf) 60 28 28 28 Com Cr 8 pIlOTOO' 21! 241 24 Com Inr-Tns 100! 67 67! 67 rn 4 00' 07 96 97 Cotnra Solr- Cem'w Pow lfieO-' tW VV Conde Nast Pnk. 100' Coar Nairn 820 25 I 25 128 Cumii Claw 840 7616! 76 76 On Orr ....1 4' 84l 83 Con Cr pf i ina toe MM Ws io'J iivlJWP Can- 23500 134 I fugniy crrauc rnce "Movement-Re he Play of Opposing Speculative Forces NEW YOKJC, Feb.

15 AP) Highly erratic price movements In today stock market reflected the tlay of opposing speculative forces, Pools succeeded In marking up more than a dozen to new high records, but bear traders also w. covered a number of new weak upots and pushed, a few Issues to their lowest prices in a year or more. Standard Industrials and rails moved within a rather narrow range bait the general tendency was down- iwapd. Trading was only moderately fceavy in volume. The days sales tailing toelow 2,000,000 shares.

Speculative uneasinees over Uhe and brokers' loan situation believed to have aspired much 1st the day's liq-uidatton, INo change Jeveloped in the day's money market, call loans renewing, at ,4 1-fi per (gent and holding steady at that figure all day. The we eddy figures mm V-L- ui-o' Wta-na mrfl.l Via ii.Tl 11 after the close of the market to-Horrciw. "Weekly steel trade reviews report-ad that steel production is ap-proachin a otate of equildbrlutn, ssTk! emphasize that much of tihe jecerrt buying has', been dtie-to rail-(Boart Operations of th Imited States Steel Corporation ere reported to have advanced tram to 90 per cent of capacity past week. U. S.

Steel jeromon fractionally lower 0t 144 after selling a point atoove that figure. Revival of activity and strength fit General Motors vas associated mrith unconfirmed reports that Wil-Jta)TO C. PuruiM again was aperat-ttV in that -stock. Hupp closed 2 points at 409 but, the other motors were mixed, IMerce Arrow sag-erinc 2 noints to a new low level. (Baldwin jumped 7 points to 50 a few stiles despite the recent publication of a poor 1927 earnings da-ms, American and toiffnerican I tail way Expresses foved 3 3-1 to 7 1-2 points.

Electric Jfcafrfeeration crossed 16 to a new trigh and lost part of its gain. Olty stores advanced nearly 4 points 4o a new peak S-8 3-4 but for-gJetted all but a fraction of Hs gain an realizing. Bullish operations, also were pronounced in American Snuff, Brook Ira Edison, General Refractories, Montana Power md tihe Standard plate glass issues, of which 2-. tQ.o. points (hiijSipr.

On the other hanl, weak ness developed in American Zinc LeaJ and preferred, Boj-roughs .1 Jlachine, Dupont, 'lexxs, Oreene Cananea CJopper, MulUna liody, and Wright JseropUna. ran-American issues Ban-k-tci their lowest levels )trsev- ral years. A tvci.s.-.on a point 4n New Jiaven in the face-of the levlvaJ of "dividends and break of more than 3 points in IflttsniMi.xh West Virginia were Mthe -o: )y features in -the railroad I exchange trading was dBpuie iU prices holding teirjy Cteady, sterling callbfes around 7-16. I Reactionary price tendencies pre-ftamintited in the oommoditj mar-pts. Wiieat yielded fractionally and dropeped a cent or so a ibuahel.

potton broke $1 to 1.60 a bale pa liquidation inspired by the favorable Texas rains and the bear-Bh interpretation placed upon the efforts of BrHish spinners to force reduction in wages and 'longer. Uwerking bours. CHIC.VGO LIVESTOCK CDrMAjCJO, Feb. (AiP) fed steer trade closing 25 to CO lower; s'-ow at decline better gredies xxff most but fill kinds sharing unevenly in downturn; slowest market of year; little Mdbove 14.76; steers trade 60 to 10 Mn instances 2.00 under bigb time post week; smaller receipts neces-jSKLry to atop decline light yearlings JttoA better' grade fat cows and Mbeifers 26 off at close. Other isjlasses1 steady; shippers lip to 8AM for vealers.

iHogs 26,000 market opened srteady to 10 lower few sales falling Ufa show downturn; closing trade 6 to 10 lower with spots on butohere leWO-lb. otOf 16 cents; late market raggy on butchers scaling over 300 ibs. few sales choice hogs 160 to kQOO pounds 8.45 80; practical op 8.40 bulk good and choice bogs tt70 to 210 pounds 825 0 8.40; 220 260- pounds 8.0S 8.36; 60 to BOO 8.00 8J1C; thin and weight offerings 6.7)5 7.0O. Sheep: fat-iambs dracgy 4S to SO tower tban' early yester-Jay; weak to '25 lower than close; Akeavies down most; upward to 16.00 tor choice 80 to 88 pound lambs to vtsMeiw packer trade largely 15 to 16.00: 100 to 123 pound "Bhrowouts 14.00 14.60 trood fheavy yearlings 14X0 13 AO Jheep steady; good offering lambs 0tmA7 14.73. KANSAS CITY GRAIN CKANaLS CITY, (Feb.

16.. (AP) Wheat close May July l.f 0 Srn May 90 July 9t X-1 The Bristol Infftxrartce) Atxcj K. W. KELX.T, Mgr. Insurztnce Bonds Corner King and Stat Phone.

1495 largely responsive for the selling, which was not particularly active or agresslve. J- NEW YORK, Feb. 15. (AP)- iuiures; HIGH LOW CLOSE Mar H01 172 1793 May 1824- 1S05 1805-07 July 1S30 .1813 1813 Oct. 1812 1794 1798-18001 Dec.

1811 1793 1797 RICHMOND MARKET. RICHMOND, Feb. 15 (AP) I Butter receipts moderate, market unchanged; packing stock SO cents. country table quality butter 35 40 cents-; Virginia creamery in car tons 48 and 49' cents; westerns creamerv In cartons 51 and 54 cents. Eggs: receipts moderate; mkrke about steady, 30 and 31 cents foil fresh ungraded country eggs.

Poultry receipts fair; marke steady leghorn' hens 2022 cents colored hens 2323 cents; stagg chickens 2326 cents; broilers 4( to 45 cents turkeys slow sale asking old Toms 30 cents; youn Toms and old hen 3o cents; youn, hens 40 Hogs: receipts fair; a fl steady, unchanged at $8.75 for Cattle receipts fair; cattle prices j'unchang'ed veal top choice $15. A Sheep receipts light; market un-i changed; sheep Iambi' SV.9'14. Various: Apples $6 9 barrel; olrf' per cwt; new $4 cratv ban-el for new Texas; potatoes $3.7 (iii barrel; sweet potatoes il.h0& Endtcott John .1 800 80 Eng Pub Serv jrf Eq Off Bldg Eqult Trust Brie 10! 42 1 42 42 1600 62 1 611 61 Fairbanks Co pf I 20108 1108 108 Fed Lt ft Tr 4000! 61 49 61 Fed Mot .....,...) 100! 1919V41 ly Fid Phen Fire Ins' First Nat 200 82 82) 82 Flak Rubber 1200 16 16 16 Fleischmann 70 701 76 Fox Film A Freeport Texas Gab Snub A Card Motor Gen Am Tank Gen Asphalt 2300 80 f9! 67600 88! 78 80 1000 21 21 1 21 4400! 14! 18'. 14 8600'! 68i 81 68 8100, 76. 76'4j4 76 100 26 1 26 26 2600 58 57 58 1000! I 70V4 2800 1291281129 i 900!" 111 11 Gen Ca Gen.

Cab A Gen Cigar (. Gen Elec Gen Elec spl A 87 A Gen Motor 1 Gen Mot 7 116 '12B Gen Out Adr ctf. 1700! 47 I 44 Gen Rail Sig 1800 1101108 109 Gen Refrsc 8306 72, 691 72 Gill Saf Ras Glmbel Bros 900 401 40 40 Girohel Bros pf. 100; 9 961 06 Glidden Co 1 66001 21! 21! 21 Gold Dust Goodrich (BF1 Co1l2200 87 86 86 Goodr'eh (BF) pf.j 100110 110 I110 Goodyear ft 8400 61j 64 Goodyear Tire 1 pt Goth Silk 8400 86J 85 i 85 Goth Silk Hos new! 00 86' 85 86 Goth Silk Hos pf Gra Paige Mot 1600 18 17l 17 Gran Con Mining! 890! 41 40 40 Gt Nor Ry pf 200 94 1 84 1 94. Gt Nor Ir ctf; 600 28 28 1 28 Gt West 900 S2l 82t 82 Greene aCn Guantana Sur.

400! 8 8 8 Gulf Mo ft North 100! 60 80 4 50 Gulf States 200J 68 66 66 Hark Water 60 26 25 26 Hanna Co 1st 10 ,77 j.77 77 Hurt Corp A 100f 25J 26j S5 Hart Corp 700 21! 211 21 Hershey Choc .1 500 82 81l 81 Hershey cvt pf 200 71 71 71 Hershey-prlpf-J Hoe (R) ft Co S0CM 2T1 27 27 Holl ft Con loo 80i 801 80 Home Min 200! 70 70 70 House Prod Houston Oil Howe Sound Co Hud A Manhaf 12001 68 6B! 67 1300! 4414; 4S! 43 62f82f-52 83; 824 34200! 89l 6 89 1200 100136 1135 900! 44 1 24 24 1 JOoj 89 S9! 89 SOjlO 102 lWOl 10' 10 i 10 700 9 9 Hud Mot Car Hupp Mot Car. Ill Cent Ill Cent pf Tnd Oil A Gas tod Mot Ir.d Mot pf Ind'sn Rtfin Indian Ref ctfs Ind Ref pf 104 1104 Inwr Rand 1 800 91 91) 91 Inl Steel 1200l B0 60 50 Irwpira Copper 800' 20 19 19 Inter Rapid Transl OO 861-86t 86 Intercon Rubber '1000) 17 17 17 Int.Bus Mach Int Cement 800j 641 63 68 Int Com Eng 49( 60 Int Com Eng pf! Int lUrv Co Int Harv pf ....1 Int Match ptc pf 400'102 Ir.t Mer i 800 4j 4 4 Int Mer Mar pf! 26! 86) 86) Mtt Int Nickel 114900 9C( tl( 92 lot Pap 6M0l 74 73 74, Int Pan 7 Int Tel A 80il411411141 Iowa Cen Ry 2 2 Jewel Tea 100 84 84 84 Jewel Tea pf 100122 (122 (122 Jones 4 Stl pf Jones Bros 00 88 82l 82 Jordan Mot 800 91 9 9 Kan City Sou Ryl lBOO) B6) 65 6 Kan CHy Sou pf 100 Tl! 71? 71 Kel Spring Tlra 8800 Kel Soring pf 200 Kel Hayes Wheel 1001 201 18 20 60 69 60 24( 24t 24 Ken Copper ....7.1 fB00( 84) 881 88 Kinney Co pt 80 06 Kraft Cheese 900 94i 94 65 66 Kn SS) 900 67 64 Kreage fSS pf 10,115 (11 Kress (SH) 4 Cd 100 91 91 91 Kroger Grocery A 8600) 80 78? 78 Lsjro Oil 4 Tnii! 2001 81 1 80! 80 Lambert Co 1760) 4 83( 84 Lee Rub 4 4700( 20 18 26 Leh Val .1 10 81 M1 86 Lehn A Fink Pro2260aj 45 42- 43 Life Savers Inc 100 84 84! 84 Llg 4 Mya To Liq Cat 2900! i 64 69 LoeVs 8OO0I 62 I 811 61 rLoft-Ine 800(-i6l-r1- Loos Wrl B4s. mo9 6S1 52 52 Lorill (Plerrel Co 00! 87 871 87 Lor-11 pf 1 10118U18'113 Louis OH I00( 1( 10 1 10 Lowto OH pf 800 86 84l 81 4 1 200'148H48 '148 Gas 4 ffl A 100 29 29J Lodlum Steet 2400J 311 80' 81 MaeAndr A For! 4M 64 60 i 60 Mackay pf Mack Trucka Mad Sq Garden Magma Cop Mall 4 Mall pf Mandel Bros Man Elec Star Marhrad Ofl Mwrtm Rockwell Mardrn Parry 20O 70 70 70 9H'l0O 800' 2'Ai 2X'4 200' 49! 49 11100) 22M.t41 21-' 501 91 -90 1 91 S0 86 il; TOOf 01 60 S6 7001 84 83W 83 lOOOi 48' 4,71. 48 800! IS i 12' 13 101118 11. '116 Msth Alk Wits -pfl My Dep St.

Mvtai' 1 WO1 80 in rax-' 79K 4 lto) 82i 82' 82 MeCafl Cerp 1WW lew I 1 Mt Seafc Oil 3001 64' 4'4t 6 rTm xnn iJlid Slates. 1200i24' 24' t4i Wright Aero xd. T901 84 80 80 8hubert Theatre 100' 61 61' 61 TYale A "Towne 1 00- 73 -TS 1-7 Simmons' Co 1 2800' 82 f- 61 "61 Simnu PetroT .1 200 19: 1S; 18 Sin Con Oil 8900 18: 18 18 Sin Con Oil pf I 100104 U04 SkeUy Oil xd. .1 260O 215 26 Snider Pack 3500 16! 14f 15 OUT OUR WAY 1M GONMA' Lt.T VOO utK ME. 1.75 per bushel, kiln dried; spinasm Texas, $2.50 per bushel; kale Me.

OoWT rAOW VOO HOvAJ LllTuE 'Kl DELlCUf VOO r.ArJrKibvie. A mikicH dare! -LeT Of MW HAMOb before i-i-vAjEt-u Vou'u GET AMV of woo! jod-j in 9: heavy pigs $9j per barrel; hogs, dressed $101J per 100 pounds; lard $1315 pel hundred. NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. NEW YORK, Feb. 15 (AP)- Cattle receipts 1600 irregular steers $9 13.25; state bulls $59l! it-ulls $W8; no choice -steers offerecH Calves: receipts 1810; steady 1 1 firm; veals, commnif to $8f( 18.50; light culls iP-assers fHd- 7 9- steady; sheep culls $2Si 1 lv $13.75 13.73 culls $9 It 10.

HS-- receipts steady i s'ate light to mediupi weight, $8.7 9.30; roughs $77.50. LOANS 15 Year City Loans 3 Commission Also 3, 5 and 10 Year Loans 3, 4 and 5 Year Second Loans Farm Loans 5, and 6, Interest. Payable to Suit Borrower. B. COWAN SON Orer Western Union KJONN Ktk WA MA AT AMT AFF A COOLO PA CP era pt orr LOMG PAMTS vi Cisas au wjivici.

mc i-k 1 ovcr.v'yallags a-td to place with prices rionis lines cheviots hare benn advanced. Bur- laps were steady, gooils were i quiet. I.ANCASTFK LIVESTOCK. lANCASTKli, Pa. Feb.

15 (AP) Hogs: market steady; no early irading. Cittle: receipts 123 cattie and 20 calves; market inactive today and, undertone steady with week's decline; veal, top steady at $18L Sheep: no receipts. CTIICAGO POULTRY CHICj. Feb. 15.

AP) Poultry steady -receipts 5 cars; fowls 2325 springs 22g'81: turkeys rooaters' ducks' 22 28; geese 2224. POTATOES CHICAGO. Feb. 15. (AP) Potatoes dern and and trading s)o w7 mafr kc steady..

Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.