The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)

PACE SIXTEEN T-LATXFIELIl COURIEn-XEWS, WEDXESDAY, JTTXK 2, 1020. LI THIS PAGE WI FIND A BUYER Telephone 6200 Before Phone Your Ad. Before 10 A. M. Tel.

6200 FOR THINGS YOU DON'T WAN" 10:00 A. M. Automobiles For Sale Houses For Sale Houses For Rent Houses For Sale Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Male Apartments Flats For Rent A GOOD TIME TO BUY SIX-ROOM FLAT All improvements. 515 East Sixth St. Inquire Shift 300 West Front St.

5-5-lni $17,500 Marline beautiful home, eight rooms, two baths, very select neighborhood; large plot, fine shade; two-car garage; hot water heat. WANTED Young man as baker's helper in French pastry shop. West-field. Call evenings alter 7.30. 000 Spooncr Plainfield.

0-29-31 WANTED White man to oil and grease cars. Apply Laiug's Garage. 5-29-3t 11)24 1924 1923 1924 1923 1924 Ruick seven-pass. Sedan Btiick live-pass. Se-'au $95t Buick.

four-cyL Coach $525 Ruick four-pass. Coupe $1,045 Buick Coupe, four-puss. $75u Buick 5-pass. Touring $71X1 BEAUTIFUL A1WRTMENT Six rooms, two baths; all improvements, large rooms, separate entrance; excellent location. Tel.

917-M. 5-27-0t WM. A. MOLTER SOX, Now in our new building, 120 North Ave. 'Phone Itesideuce 4570 5-28-Ct WE ARE MOVING Possibly you are going to move also; if so, we offer you the following houses, one and two-family lor rent: vVestervelt five rooms.

West Fifth six rooms. Ease Seventh six rooms. East Second six rooms. t5 Brookside five rooms. $70 WillOvv six rooms.

Arlington eight rooms. $90 Central St. seven rooms. $90 l'lituuiu seveu rooms. 90 ICaudolpli ltoad, seven rooms.

WEST SIXTH ST. Home for $9 350 Of on easy terms; eight rooms, batChoi water heat; lot 50x135 feet, with two-car garage; every improvement and ton vej lence; transportation facil- Colonial, rooms, tiled bath ant fchowcr, screened purch, every moderi convenience; all iu fine comlitiou beautiful noma on a residential street convenient lo bu and station: two-cai fc'arage; $13.00 ou terms. 1923 Cadillac four-pass. Victoria ..1,300 1U24 Chandler five-pass. Sedan S1.054) OPERATORS WANTED On Singer Machines.

400 Watchung top floor. 5-27-12t HIGH SOIOOL GI RL Young, white, girl wanted as mother's helper and light houseworker, during the summer months. Apply 529 Woodland or 'I'hone 29. 0-l-3t YOUNG WOMEN Wanted to enter ti.M.iing school for nurses of the New-iiii. Beth Israel Hospital.

Course: two years and six months. Require-meiits: 1 year High School. Apnlt Superintendent of Nurses. Newark Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, N. J.

6-1 -Ot 1923 Chandler Touring $550 $330 NEW HOME Five attractive rooms and sun parlor; all improvements; rent garage if desired. Apply 1341 East Second St. Tel. 49SO. 5-27-0t Plainfield Courier-News Classified Advertisem*nts Use Rate Per Day For Transient Ada.

Count six average words to the Hoc. Count Initials and numbers as word. Mluiinum cost Is price of tbree lines. Cash Charge Consecutive 8 cents 10 cents I Consecutive 10 cents 12 cents Day 12 cents 14 cents Local Want Ad vs. may be.

given by telephone. It) II will be promptly welled and cash rate will be accepted in fall payment If paid for within six days of first insertion. No ont-nf-towu adva. charged. Arts, ordered for three or six days and stopped before that time will be charged only for the actual number of times the ad.

appeared, charged at the rate earned. Special rates given to every day ad-vertisers. 'Phone 6200 ASK FOR A WANT ADV. TAKER. ASSEMBLYMEN Four; airplane experience preferred.

Apply C. 1. Swan, -Huff Daland Airplanes, Hristol. l'a. 0-1 -3t WANTED All-aroun 1 machinist for lathe, boring mill, simper and fitters.

Apply Wutsou Bros." Machine East Bound Brook. 0-1-31 $251) $295 $175 $325 $273 NEW COLONIAL Six room house; all improvements steam heat, copper screens, shades; large lot; garage; good neighborhood; an unusually good buy. easy terms. WM. A.

MOLTER SOX, 120 North Ave. 'Phones Residence 4570 0 1-Ct Five $47. St. MEW IIOME-nients; rent East Second rooms; all Improve-! $90 Carlton nine rooms. with garage.

1341 i $lt Dixie Lane, six rooms. Tel. 49S0. 5-27-ct rlOt Hillside niLe rooms. $li Kenyou seven rooms.

1923 Chevrolet Touring 1924 Chevrolet Sedan 1924 Chevrolet Tcuring 1923 Chevrolet Sedan 1923 Chevrolet Touring VI24 Chevrolet Coupe l'JL'o Chevrolet Coupe 1025 Cleveland Sedan 1923 Cleveland Touring 1923 Dodge Coupe 1923 Dodge Sedan 1923 Ihiriint louring J. J. Babcocb SCHWARTZ. Bids. Realtor.

'Phone 3777 $KX Chetwynd seven rooms. YOUNG LAIIES Three neat appear- BENCH HANDS Twenty men. exneri- FIVE ROOMS And bnth; liicius; garage. 54 West all improve-Fifth St. 5-27-t euccd in aircraft work preferred.

Ap- I ply C. 1'. Swan, Huff Daland Airplanes, WM. A. MOLT If.

It SOX, Now in our new building. 120 North Avenue. Bristol, l'a. 0-l-3t ing, to take orders wiMi manager ou special sale caiupaigu in connection i with local department store; salary; and commission; permanent employ-1 mpiit. A.

Segal, Queen City Hotel, i between 0 and i p. tu. 0-l-3t $1,000 CASH buys new semi-bungalow of fcix rooms, bath; all improvements; large lot. convenient ami well shaded location; balance of on terms to suit responsible Dlireh.iser. Durant f-edan 1923 Duraut Coupe 'Phoue 4969; ltcsidence 4070 APARTMENT Five rooms; all Improvements heat, furnished rent $05.

Sachar Place. Inquire 117 Plain- JOIUy-We are moving to our liev VM North our businesi having outgrown our present quarters D-29 Ct Field Ave. 0-1-Ot 1 EX PE It I CED BOOK PER For IocmI furniture store. Address 104, Courier-News. 0-2-31 WANTED Office boy.

Write Levering Hi Uarrigues, Duucllen, JS. J. 6 2-3t EVERGREEN SECTION -New coionl.l home of seveu rooms, sun parlor and sleeping porch: steam heated. oak $90 Half a double house; nine rooms and hat It: garage: convenient to town. WANTED Yomig lady in real estate office: luust have knowledsrs of iren- oui and foi lAuuu an invitation to all friends, both old and uew, to call inspect our new home.

Cigars for gentlemen. Souvenirs the ladiee. 1923 l-'ord Sedan 1921 Fori! Sedan 1924 Ford Coupe 1924 Ford Touring 1925 Ford Touring 1924 Hudson Coach I'JJl Hupmobile Roadster, 4-cyl. 1H24 Hupmobile Sedan. 4-cjl $22.

Apply in morning FOUR ROOMS Bath all improvements, first floor; adults; five minutes from main station; possession July 1. 171 Somerset St. 5-29-0t $7IK( in fujl iioors, nreatrast nook, tile bath fact, every modern improvement; price $10,500: easy terms arrancrrtl. tween 9.00 and 10.1H II. J.

Hantmau, 320 Nortli Ave, Dunellen, N. J. 6-l-2t $075 ANSWERS TO CLASSIFIED ADS. HAVE BERN RECEIVED AT THE COURIER-NEWS OFFICE apartment; im-West Second 6-1 -3t TO LET Five-room mediate possession. St.

11122 Hupmobile Sedan, 4-cyl, 1925 Maxwell sedan 1923 Mux well Touring 1924 Maxwell SedaD, 5-pass. $375 S.VJ-, GIRL AFTER SCHOOL North Tlain-field preferred. Tel. 51SO-W. C-2-3t WAXTKI) ExperiencoU white cardener $00 Six rooms and bath; garage available near by; Netherwood section.

S75 Seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; two-car garage. $42 Seven rooms and hath, steam beat; near town. C. E. HAD DEN, 242 Park Ave.

TeL 2373. 6-2-2t DOUBLE HOUSE Nine rooms and bath; parage: large porch; all improvements; situated In a beautiful section; reasonable rent. Inquire 123 Sycamore Are. Tel. 014G.

5-2(J-Ct WM. A. MOLTER SON, Real Estate and Insurance, HVvNorth Ave. 'Phone 49J5U; Kesideuce 4o70 S-2S-a IB" IT'S A HODSE one or two taiuilv. thai CASH buys nearly new two-family house, convenient lo center of city; now rented, paying profit of $400 per year on above investment, full price $12,000.

easy tertns on balance. For further information Bee HEN fSOUWARTZ. 120 Depot Ave. 'I'hone 33S4 'I'hone Sunday aud Evenings 34.S5 G-2-Bt WANTED lOO CADDIES FRIDAY, JUNE 4, i) A. M.

'L4INFIELD COIXTRY CI.TTB. 622t one day eaeit week. D05 Keusinston i No Answers Given Without Slip 23 SYCAMORE AVE. Six-room sipart-uient all 1 in prove me nts. Tel.

4KS-W. 'n ot TII1C KB OR FOUR-ROOM Apartment to let; improvements; West Front nrvir Clinton Ave. Apply 110 Liberty St. Tel. 1C37-M.

5-24 Ct-eod 121, rent or buy we extend to you the 104. IOC, 107, 10S, TV 122, 127, 132, 133, Ave. 6-2-3t KX PE II I KNCEI GIRI For dental of- fice; rofcreaces required. Apply Dr. i S.

Mintz, 171 East Front St. Room 4. G-2-3t TRUCK DRIVER WANTED Seven day job. Apply before o'clock. Mills.

West Front St. and Clinton Ave. 143. 'ices of our office, 1924 Tourinjr. 5-pass.

1 V.l Nash 'i'ourinjr 1915 Nash Standard ti Coach. 1924 Nasi 4-cyl. Touring 1924 Nash Roadster 11)24 Nasli Sedan, 5-pase K'20 Nash "Touring, wiufer top I921 Nash Touring. 7-pass 1923 Nash Touring. 5-pass 1921 Oakland glass enclos.

Oakland Sedan 192 1 Oldsmoblle Coupe 1923 Oldsmoblle Touring. 4-cyl. 154, 4.V $7" $9r $745 $5t $095 $450 $450 OPPORTUNITY Mr. Colored Man: This is your oppor-tuity to buy one and two-familr WM A. MO LiE It SON, 144, 140.

14S, lit, 144, 100, ItiS, icy, ISO, 1K2, 184, 11K), 193, 189, 176, 192, colonial, six rooms ami West Sixth U. S. Stores, St. 120 North Ave WANTED All-day boy. 330 West Front St.

houses In Plainfield and surrounding towns from $2,000 to $12,000 at very-, GIRL For Premium Department good $-) ba'h 'Phone. 4US9: Resideuce 4570 West Seventh aix rooms, bath, suu parlor $100 references. Meat appearance, some clerical experience preferred. Apply at once in person. United Cigar Store.

104 West Front St. C-L'-2t DISHWASHER WANTED Apply Oueen City Hotel. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS For housekeeping; heat; Improvements. 424 West Front St. Ring lower bell.

6-l-3t WEST END Corner apartment, sixj rooms and bath: all garage. 'Phone 3550-W. 0-1-Ot I 192a Uicken backer Sport Touring, Lost and Found reasonable terms. 6-1-Ct J. JOHNSON.

015 South Wentfield. N. J. SEMI -BUNGALOW 'Phone, 1S82; Res. 1073 exceptionally cozy liftl, home.

tmito.1 i S-cyl $1,195 1924 Star Coupe $345 1923 Star Sedan $275 SECOND MAN In kitchen. Apply GIRL WANTED To assist with light Truell Court, Central Ave. and Fourth 1 ot 1. x-jainiieui i soaring lio housework. St.

'Phone 110 Liberty St. LOST Sunday, In or uear St. Mary's Cemetery, cameo pin, white gold setting. Reward. Slattery, Uui 059, near schools, churches, stores- fifteen (Big 1924 Studebaker 7-pass.

Sedan 1037-M. 6-2-2t I iw main station; nice. NEW Highly finished house, 20 Ran-i dolph Road, near Park for quick sale; six rooms, tile bath with shower $1,150 JDunellen, X. J. 6-l-3t i Six) r025 Sturteb.iKer Special Six Brougham $1,275 WANTED White woman, for cooking and housework, no washing; must have references; going to the mountains for YOUNG MEN Wishing to earn money I iu spare time and during vacation, 'Phone 924 bet wen 6 and 7.

I SAXOPHONISTS Aud trumpet plavers ana two sun parlors, open fireplace: easy terms. Inquire S. Hirsch. owner. 1239 Lenox Ave.

'I'hone 2557-M. 5-29-Ct stndebakor Coupe, 1924 Studebaker Touring, 5-pass. 1923 Steams-Knight Touring $745 $600 the summer. Apply Mrs. Reginald I ranklin Place, nine rooms and bath $9 Carlton nine rooms, bath garage Putnam seven rooms and bath $1x1 II Rockview Terrace, ten rooms, three baths $150 Various other houses, apartments and floors in two-family houses for rent, both furnished and unfurnished.

McLAUOHUN MULFORD. 151 North Ave. 'I'hone 4400 o-27-Ct FIVE-ROOM Bungalow; all Improvements; completely furnished; will rent from June 10 for three months, to reliable colored family. J. JOHNSON, 615 South Westfield.

N. J. 'Phones 1382; Res. 1073 C-2 3t Rowland, Park Hotel, after six p. in.

0 2-0t SOS-Five rooms and bath; near town second floor. $90 Six rooms and bath, first floor. heat furnished. $55 New two-family, six rooms anil hath West End. $05 Five rooms and bath, first floor.

heat furnished: good neighborhood. $45 Five rooms and bath; Ltat furnished- near town. C. E. HADDEN.

242 Park Ave. 'Ffcoue 2373. 6-2-2t MUSIC ROLLS Pep music rolls, latest releases, U. S. product.

49 cents; Harmony Records, 3 for $1. Park Music Shop, 104 Watchung Ave. 'Phone 5401. 0-1-lni LOST City National Bank book, savings account. J.

Darlington. Finder please return to City National Bank. mother's helper. WANTED Girl as Call 510 Tark Ave. NEW BUNGALOW All improvements: West End: easy terms.

Address 190, Courier-News. C-l-6t SIX ROOMS And bath; price $700 cash; easy terms. C. B. WICHT, 520 Central Ave.

6 l-3t wanted by first-clas orchestra. Those rending orchestrations preferred. Tel. 924 between 6 and 7. WANTED Mechanical draftsman with a few years' exerieuee on small machinery.

Call evenings this week, Duer St. 0-2-3t WANTED Stockroom clerk, must be good at figures. Rivoli Silk Hosiery. 70S North Ave. 6-l-2t AUTO EXCHANGE OF ELIZABETH, Charles F.

Carter, Manager, so Prince Street. Opposite Firehouse No. 7) Branch Showrooms 1301 North Broad Hillside. Open 8 A. until 9 P.

M. and SuDday morning. 4-30-M-W-F-tf GIRL For housework; no cooking; references required. 'Phone 3300-J. iV iiiiigroom, open nreplace, diniugroom and kitchen built-in cupboards, hardwood floors' hot water heat: lot 50x1511.

Satisfactory terms can be arranged with a responsible buyer. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE This beautiful home, reception hall, iiviugrooui, diningroom and kitchen, butler's pantry, four good-sized lied rooms, sun parlor, hot watel" heat, hardwood floors; situated on a lot 51x173; beautiful shrubbery; high terrace; near High School; firet mortgage terms arranged. BRICK ROOMER $10,000 Eleven rooms, bath, all newly decorated, uear main station; sut-able for rooming house: terms arranged. C. E.

MADDEN. 242 Park Ave. 'Phone 2373. 6-2-21 WOMAN Or girl wanted to assist with housework; must sleep in. 012 West Front St.

C-l-3t LOST $0, $5 aud $1 bills, in front of Gossard Shop. Tel. 6. ard Shop. Tel.

20. LOST Friday, on Front Johnston's Drive, or Bus 22, gray leather bandbng. Return to Mrs. J. E.

Padgett. 437 Watchung North riain- NEAR PLAINFIELD. HOUSE Some APARTMENT TO LET At Westfield. N. J.

eight room: all improvements; steam heat; garage; five minutes to railroad station; rent $43. Inquire John P. MeDouough, 315 East Fifth St. Tel. 4021.

O-2-0t THREE ROOMS And bath, janitor service; 114 Depot Ave. Inquire H. TWO MEN To work Inside. Laundry, 539 West Front St. Crystal 6-l-3t GIRLS WANTED On Ringer sewing machines, at John Ferreri's Bovs' Clothing, 320 West Front top floor.

6-l-0t 1922 Ford Suburban $125 1922 Ford Roadster $73 1923 Ford Touring 1923 Chevrolet Touring $100 1923 Chevrolet Touring $150 1925 Ford Light Delivery $25 improvements; acreage; garage, hennery. Tel. 091 -J. after 4.30 p. m.

0-2-t SIX-ROOM HOUSE All improvements; electricity, gas: garage. Hogan, Farley Scotch Plains; one block Ter-rill Road. 6-2-0t SIX-ROOM HOUSE Newly decorated; -entrally located. A. B.

Stites. Tel. 4913-W. 6-2-0t Sandler, 103 East Fourth St. Tel.

2294. EXPERIENCED-for twin girls, 4853. -Baby nurse wanted one year old. Tel. X3-l-3t 6-2-0t APARTMENT THREE-ROOM Grove St.

1924 Overland Light Delivery $1x5 1923 Chevrolet Coupe $200 Time Payments Arranged. II. O. B. MOTOR SALES, Chevrolet Dealers, 121 East Second St.

5 1-Ct 220 0 2-3t WA.Mtn t.irl for cafeteria and one BOY WANTED To drive Chevrolet light deliveries. Apply after 5 p. m. Marine Shop, 332 West Front St. -l-3t CARPENTERS WANTED Union men.

Inquire at Mr. ZIot. Harmony Colony. Coontown Road, Warrenville. O-l-St WELDERS Four men for welding light materials: aircraft experience preferred.

Apply C. P. Swan. Huff Daland Airplanes, Bristol, Pa. 6-1 3t FOUR-FAMILY HOUSE $100 monthly I rent Louis Jasin, 213 Clin- 1 ton Ave.

Tel. 57C7. DUNELLEN Six rooms and bath. JOOx 100; garage; price $5,500. Address Xi 103, Courier-News.

C-2-2t DUNELLEN Six rooms; all improve-j meats convenient to station; $500 down; easy terms: Address1 101, Courier-News. C-2-2t SEVEN ROOMS All two-car garage: in North Plainfield. Seen by appointment. Call nt stand. Orecnbrook ltoad and Washington i North Plainfield Township.

6-2-Ct WHY NOT BUILD THAT HOUSE NOW? If you own your lot and can invest $500. wo will build the house you want, and arrange mortgages. Pay rent to yourself. U. V.

Haley. 211 North Ave. Tel. 47S3. 6-2-6t Tor dishwashing.

Apply Muhlenlterg Hospital. 6-l-3t EA CENTER OF TOWN-On beautiful street. a thirteen-room house; hardwood trim aud oak floors throughout, slate roof, steam heat, including third floor rooms; these rooms are square, fair size and usable. Entire proerty jn first-class condition not a dollar to be spent on repairs, painting or decoratiug. Fine trees and shrubbery; garage: lot 00x105: fin field, or TeL Plainfield 4719.

Reward. 0-2-3t LOST On Monday, in gentlemen's room, Plainfield station, pocketbook, containing $47. Tel. 1139-M. Keward.

0-2-3t LOST On Saturday, on Fourth St. bus. pocketbook, containing money and other valuables. Finder may keep money, but return valuables to Miss I. Velinsky, 513 AVest Third St.

LOST Indi.1,1 ornament for radiator cap, also flags, on road between Stirling and Watchung, Sunday. May 30. Keward. Return to Courier-News. 6-l-3t LOST Irish Setter, answers to name of "Prince." Notify Neaf Apgar.

40 Clinton or Tel. 580-W. Reward. 6-1 -3t GIRLS WANTED To work on Singer sev. ing machines; steady work; good pay.

Apply Ilerzog Kramer. Lincoln, X. opposite railroad station. 6-l-3t ELEGANT Five and six-room apartments; fine neighborhood: near town; very reasonable. Inquire OS Washington Ave.

Tel. 2252-R. 6-2-0t FLAT TO LET Over Reliable Jewelry Store. $35. Tel.

5504. 6-2-lm S20 GEORGE ST. Four rooms and bath; all imp rove int nts rent Inquire on premises or call Plainfield 1517-M. C-2-0t FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT All im- SIX ROOMS And bath; all improvements; $45 per month. C.

li. WICHT. 520 Central Ave. 6-1 3t SIX-ROOM HOUSE All improvements, stnm heat, tile bath, open fireplace, hardwood floors, near trolley and very desirable; $00. VAN SYCKEL, 370 North Dunellen.

Tel. 3912 0-29-3t WILLYS-KNIGHT BROUGHAM Overhauled, new paint. Peerless, eight-cylinder, four-passenger Coupe, overhauled, new paint, new rubber. Peerless eight-cylinder, 6even-passenger Tonring. good paint.

PLAIN FIELD PEERLESS 319 Park Ave. 5-29-3t WANTED Girls, over 10 years old. Kivoll Silk Hosiery, 768 North Ave. 6-l-6t BOYS DURING VACATION To deliver the Courier-News to homes, two hours, 4 to 0 each afternoon. Small routes, good pay and no collecting.

Good healthy exercise: excellent training for boys who are to enter business life later. Boys from 11 to 15 and owning bicycles desired. List your n.mio now. Apply Courier-News office, or Tel. Fla infield 0200 and nsk for Circulation Department.

5-19-12t WANTED Diet kitchen maid and night cook. Apply Muhlenberg Hospital. 6-l-3t BEAUTIFUL rooms, bath, steam heat; NEW HOUSE Seven double hardwood floors, five minutes' wnlk from SECTION Attractive EVERGREEN home, seven provements; also garages; $35 month rent. Tel. 5203.

738 West Fourth St. 6-2-0t surroundings, private homes. This it" no doubt one ot the best buys In town aud almost impossible to reside closet to Plainfield station and have as good property in private neighborhood. Would make a wonderful boarding place or rooming house. These roomi are different than the average larg home they are large, light, airy and well laid out.

Has been held at will tell for $13,500. but want substantial amount of cash. Shown by appointment. Address 195. Courier-News.

6-1-41 FOR SALE Three-room bungalow; rooms, tiled bath, sun Mack's shop. $7,000. 4-nsh. Also parlor; two-car garage. Owner, 1340 Hound puppy.

two-family duplex NURSE For 2-year-old boy. assist with chamber work: white; references. 218 East Seventh St. Thone 1954. 5-29-3t FOUND Fox Tel.

4424. Owner C-l-L-t house, six rooms three-car garage: Tinsman, 1031 and bath each side SX.50O. S1.500 each West Front St. SPARK PLUG TROUBLE? Radd plugs fire where others fail; take 40 less voltage. ECONOMY TIRE SUPPLY 125 Watchung Ave.

Opp. Elks' Bids. S-27-Ct AUTOMOBILES Sold, bought anil exchanged: parts for nil makes of cars sold at very low prices. Plainfield Auto Wreckers. S.

Polovifz. 200. 202, 204 Plainfield Ave. Tel. 1790.

5-19-lm xianaoipn ltoaa. i'hone 3265-It. 5-29-3t EIGHT ROOMS Duplex houee: all im-provements. 422 West Fifth St. 6-29-Ct Situations Wanted Male FOR RENT Two rooms, kitchenette and bath, heat, hot water, janitor service supplied; for immediate occupancy.

Apply Crescent Court, Apartment 6, 217 East Seventh or Tel. Plainfield 5090-W. C-2-6t Automobiles For Sale Situations Wanted Female io ne moved orr lot; prlci 11 'Phone CHAUFFEUIt-MECHA NIC Private or commercial; reference; married; able-bodied, not afraid to work. 23 Harmony St. 5-29-3t $300.

4173. COLORED WOMAN Wishes work by day. Tel. 4S14-W. C-2-31 lanndry 0-l-3t SIX-ROOM Dutch colonial, newlv'dec-orateJ; Netherwood.

TeL C349-W. FOR SALE Buick Six. nenlv painted. $223. 'Phoue Plainfield 33U0-R.

o-29-3t 1921 CHANDLER BROUGHAM New paint and new rubber A-l condition. Can be seen any time. 731 South Ave. 6-2-3t NEW HOUSE Seven roems and bath. steam heat.

Inquire 240 Grove St. 6 2-121 SIX-ROOM HOUSE All improvements i lot l.tO feet front. 105 feet deep- price1 $9 000: location Park Ave. Can lie; bought as low as $800 down; also business property for exchange MeCurry. 54 Westervelt Ave.

6-2-Gt TWO Six-room houses, with Improve-j mcnts: In the West End: room for' driveway; price $0,500 each. Terms I J. JOHNSON. 613 South Westfield. Thones 1SS2; Ites.

1073 FIVE ROOMS Large and airy, with bnth; newly decorated: new hardwood floors; heat furnished. 1039 West Front St. 6-2-6t WO, THREE OR FOUR Furnished or unfurnished rooms; artiste home; light housekeeping if desired, or room Auto Repairing Painting EXPERIENCED TYPIST With knowledge of shorthand, wishes clerical position. Address 194, Courier-News. C-l-Ot CARETAKER Would like small farm, or will lease place in need of repair; responsible party best of references.

C. H. House. New Brunswick, It. F.

D. No. 2, Box 32 C-2. 5-28-Ct SEVEN ROOMS And bath: all improvements; will redecorate throughout; near to schools. Westedt, 453 West Sixth St.

5-27-0t AUTO TRIMMING Tops, slip-covers, curtains, carpets and upholstery. Sed and breakfast Ave. station. tops re-covered. W.

H. Wylle. si minutes to Grant i TWO-FAMILY HOUSE FOR RENT A real country p73 West Fourth every modern CHAUFFEUR White. 40 years old. five years' references, wants position in 222 West Secoud St.

5-3-1 6 2-3t I'lainrield or country. Address 171. mi city improvements; garage; not a rooming bouse, hut a home for von. Tel. Mrs.

Butterfield 5544. C-2-3t Improvement; steam heat newly decorated: adults preferred. Tel. 753-M. 5-27-0t Courier- News.

C-l-3t FOR SALE Modern bouse. Stelle 1923 CHEVROLET COUPE Newly painted: excellent condition. 1923 Chevrolet touring, motor rebuilt, new rubber, good paint. Call 3 Myrtle Ave. 'I'hone 293.

0-l-3t 1922 FORD TOURING In good condition, with extras $S5 Call evenings, 206 Roosevelt Ave. Tel. 4274. 5-23 Ct BUILT FOR PERMANENT HOME SIX-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE 304.S Kenyon facing Cedar-brook Park; all improvements, cedar closets in attic, large tiled bath, large livingroom with open fireplace, open porch. Owner forced to leave town.

TeL 3304-R. 5-29-lm BEAUTIFUL Dutch and English 'fj. a11 improvements; large lots, lei. ooC9-J, or your own broker. 0-23-Ct RELIABLE Colored woman wants cooking and first floor work.

"Tel. Plainfield 770, or call II05 Lorraine Aye. 0-l-3t WOMAX Colored, wishes half-dav work. 'Phone 0342 0-2-3t ERMAX GIRL Wishes position, houseworker or cooking. Address 199, Courier-News.

C-2-3t Furnished Rooms Board 5ARDENER White, lawns, shrubs, flowers, day or hour: reference. lv4, Courier-News. experienced, wants work Address l-3t APARTMENT Half artists home, country paradise, city Improvements; four or six rooms, 30-foot balcony, overlooking Greenbrook Park; six SOMETHING NEW Full coverage for your automobile against damage to the radiator, fenders, cowl. hood, running board, splash, radiator splash, doors and body, caused by collision: also protects against damage done to any other car through collision. All this for $13 per year.

MARINO AUTO RADIATOR AND METAL WORKS. Plainfield, N. J. 131 Central corner Second St. Phone 3733.

G. A. Newton. Go'l Agenr. 0-2-1 in NEWLY FURNISHED KOOM-For gentleman or business couple; good location; reference required.

Inquire 131 West Sixth St. 5-29-tit minute from Grant Ave. station, of i West End Ave. Furnished or unfurnished, all new. 'I'hone Butterfield I 5-29-3t I SEDAN A-l condition Central Garage.

42 1921 DODGE; new rubber, erset St. YOUNG MAX Single, desires a position as prtato chauffeur. or truck driver. 'nj evenings between 6 and 7. 552 West Fifth St.

5-26-Ot im improvements; garage: $12,500. possession and terms ar-rnnced. Further tietnili THE PLAINFIELD TRUST Real Estate Department. C-l-5t New Dutch colonial bouse five minutes from Front irood residential section, large livin groom, open nreplace. sun parlor, diningroom.

kitchen and three oedrnoms. oak floors tile bath, hot water heat, electric lights and gas: exceptionally well built home at -a moderate cost. Frederick A. Marlin. Realtor.

Tel 2304 6-2 Ot MOUSE Near Clinton five rooms, hath; all improvements; built am AI.V l'rlc V.rino. terms to suit. AMERICAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATES I'hone 3134. 105 East Front SL 5-2S-01 WANTED Part time work bv experienced womiti: excellent I'lninfield rof-erenee. Address 1S3, Courier-Ncws.

5-29-3t WANTED-Waiting or chambermaid, with refinod family; will give personal references. 'I'hone 339-R. 6-1-Ot DODGE TRUCK With eteel dump body; good running order, 0o0 cash. Temple, 1C30 South Second St. 'Phone 231.

5-2S-0t APARTMENT Five rooms and sun-parlor all improvements; garage: beautiful neighborhood; ten minutes from station. 20 Willow Ave. Tel. 051 -M. PAINTER Colored, wants outside or inside painting.

Furniture repaired, cellars cleaned and whitewashed. Tel. 3340-W. 5-24-10t LARGE PLEASANT ROOM Furnished for light housekeeping. 4(10 East Sixth St.

5-29 Ot ROOM Famished or unf urnishesd, 'kitchenette. 230 East Seventh SI. 0-2-Ct USED FORD AUTO TOPS AND SI, I COVERS CURTAINS. CARPETS. GLASS.

PLAINFIELD AUTO TOP 'Cleveland Opp. Laing's. Tel 1C97 i 6-2-lm Five rooms, bath; all! APARTMENTS improvements C. RS Cash GRANT AVE. HOME-Eight spacious compartments; will sell outright or will exchange for a well-built bunga- Help Wanted Male or Female garage: $45.

Baranyi, Down I'aym't Bound Brook Road. CHAMBERMAID Scotch, wishes position in private family; good referenees Address Courier-News. 5-20-3t lei. Bound Brook i ONE, TWO OR THREE Furnished rooms: artist's home; light house- 1925 Essex Coach, per v-aii at l.ltiortv Kl Tl 0-1-Ot 450S. ketrimig ir nesireil, or room and break- 5-26-6t SEVEN two-car 4'all at Washinj fast six mioutes to Grant Ave.

feet paint, good rubber, four balloon tires $495.00 $150.00 302-i Esses Coach (four- WANTED--A first-class-cook for factory restaurant. Apply at the Cnlco Chemical Hon id Brook, N. J. 4J-2-2t BOOMS All improvements; jarage. Seen by appointment, stand.

Greenbrook Road and ton North Plainfield 0-2 Ot A real country paradise- all citv im MODERN FLATS 0 -S20 West Front one minute walk from station sir Millinery Dressmaking provements; garage: not a rooming house, but a home for you. Tel. Mrs Hutterfield g1' at KM WATCHUNG Plain-field; brand new; all improvements; steam heat; easy terms; wonderful value. Tel. 4G2G-M.

C-2C-Ct GET ONE OF PROVEN QUALITY Harrison Radiators are standard on Cad iliac. Pierce-Arrow, Rulck, Hudson, Essex, Oldsinot.iie. Oakland. Ponfiac. Chevrolet and nine others.

We have them for all cars. They cost no more. Factory Retirctsentnti ve. STAV1SI1 AUTORADIATOR. FENDER AMI BODY WORKS Park between Fourth Fifth St.

5-27 -Ct Situation W'fd Malu-Female $12.1.00 I 90.00 00.00 too. no oo.oo i and seven rooms with sun parlor- nil latest Improvements, including lianl-ivood floors, tiled bath and shower, rent $70 and $0 extra for garage. TeL 1700-R or S333-W. 5-28-1 PLEASAXT-Connertinit rooms, with nil improvements: adults only. asblngton North Plainfield.


45-2-lm TWO I1KAUTIFCL IIOUSES-For sale. One, eight rooms, all improvements; the other, six rooms, all improvements' each one has acre of ground, fruit trees, chicken house and garage. Will sell tnpctlipr or separate. Apply Stanley Wojnaroski, Westfield Scotch Plains. 6-2-4t fOR SALE New bouse, six rooms, all Improvements i steam heat, gas range, shades sarafe: handy schools rind Apply to own-r.

Tft Coddington Ave. 5-24-12t cylinder) 1920 Coupe 1924 Coupe $250.00 39L2 Conpe SI. l2r Rutin hone 5273.00 1J2T Runabout (winter top) S27.1.00 Runabout 1924 Sedan (balloon tires) $275.00 1924 Sedan (Fordor). $275.00 1923 Sedan (Fordon. $240.00 1923 Tourinir.

$100.00 1922 Tonring 90.00 122 Touring Ml. 00 1924 Truck: good body $200.00 1923 Half-ton panel ROOM And board In private, home- Lr A OF PLAITING Hem- recovered, curtains. "''t station ami lactorv. vn Call fil3rt PLAINFIELD CO-OPERATIVE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 2M4 Park Ave.

and we will jelp you solve vour help problems. Stenographers, office workers, typists, chauffeurs, mechanics, laborers, gardeners, waitresses, kitchen help, houseworkers. chambermaids. 5-4-1 mo. pliD-covers ami Fourth St.

stitching and covered 6-2-Ct THREE-ROOM APARTMENT All improvements. 417 Madison Ave. 5-29-31 $100.00 $100.00 90.00 70.00 8 45.00 40.00 $100.00 buttons: also Prompt ser-Ilcuistitching 6-2-25t TWO ACRES New 6ix-room house, steam heat, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, fruit trees, two-car garage. cleaning and pressing, vice. 'Phone 29S.

Shop. 123 Church St. FFITXISIIFD ROOM-In private home for gentleman; convenient to station and buses. 4k5 New St. 6-2-4t iw i rospect Ave.

Tel. Dnncl- leu 3918. TWO OR THREE ROOMS-furnished or unfurnished: janitor service. Inquire Fourth candy store. 6 1-Ct And bath: heat and 304 West 5-5-lm Painting Papering LARGE ROOM For rent, twin heds-with or without board: all i ill lirnvo.

Business Opportunities mcnts. 978 Arlington Ave. Tel. i house Six rooms i ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN VALUES New colonial, five rooms and bath, steam henr, nak floors, chestnut trim, built-in ironing board: lot 60174- restricted location: $6,000: terms to suit. New bungalow home, five rooms and bath, furnace, city water fine porch, shrubs, electric; 1 acres land; full price $4,250.

$750 cash. ANDREW HA YE, 135 North Ave. 5-26-Ct BUILDER 11st completed beautiful six roomj and bath, steam heat; excellent location; reasonable price and 740-M. fll kinds of repairing. 177 Somerset St.

Mn tiger's Garage. Tel. 2314. 5 20-1 MOTORISTS. ATTENTION Better be safe than sorry.

Properly adjusted brakes on your car may save you an accident. I am an expert nt relining and adjusting brakes My knowledge will save you money, because with my system the work can be done better and In less time than by the ordinary method. Reliable towing day or night. Auto repairing. All work trtrar.nnteed, and charges reasonable.

Free crank service. Paul J. netejl 410 East Second St. (rear), near Richmond St. Td.

3335. 1-21-ly C-2-0t lOR SALE Lunch room and 'road stand. on highway. Under Jaeger, Central and South Fan-wood. C-2-Ot APARTMENT-Fonr rooms and bath; all improvements; eteam heat, janitor service; 127 Watchung Ave.

Inquire Harry Dreier, 227 West Front St. 5-26-Ct ami nam, steam neat: all improvements; price smail cash payment, easy terms. Apply 40 Grove St lei. I'lninfield 2379-W. 5-28-121 HILLSIDE AVE.

Dutch colonial resi body, newly painted. $193.00 75.00 Also several Tourings and Sedans ranging from $25.00 to $00.00. All these cars are in good running condition. PLAIN" FIELD Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers, 118 East Fifth St. "WE FINANCE AND GUARANTEE ALL USED CARS." Tel.

5240. Tel. 5241 Open Evenings. The only authorized Ford dealer in riainfield. WALLPAPER BARGAINS We have them.

Ten rolls, sufficient for a room measuring 1214 feet, for only Large selection of cut-out borders for papered or painted walls. Paints and varnishes of guaranteed quality at wholesale prices. Call on us for estimate on your painting and papering. Satisfaction guaranteed. Low cost and liberal terms.

Ten months to pay If desired. Matzen Company. 216 Park Avenue. Thone COO. 6-1-Ct nt it in m.m-,s tor sale, on count of leaving town.

Address 19S, Courier-News. 6-! ac-W FOUR ROOMS TO LET On first floor; good neighborhood; with or without garage. 137 Garfield Ave. 5-28-Ct dence, seven rooms, eun parlor, tiled I bathroom; two-car garage; large lot: 111.1. urcner inr(irmni nn 'ci 4023-M.

07 Mountain Ave. 5-15-lnr very attractive home: Call ERY COMFORTABLE-riensant fur- tiished room for one or two; central location. 507 Maditson Ave. Tel yj-J- 6-2-6t THREE EXCEPTIONALLY Attractive and comfortably furnished rooms tone with kitchenette), are now available, adjoining or sin trie. C.


PHONE 3973. 0-1-lm PLEASANT ROOM-In private home. Gottesfeld. Road 1310 I'andolpii STATIONERY STORE For sale. Including new fixtures and fountain.

Apply 740 West Fourth St. Tel. 5203. 5-20-0t 'I'hone 3203-It. Autos For Hire FORD SEDAN FOR SALE In good condition.

Inquire 53S West Front St Tel. 2922. 5-29-3t $9,250 AND TERMS Six rooms and sun parlor, built about thret? vears: nron- 206 EAST FRONT Roosevelt four rooms, bath and heat. $4.. Inquire P.

A. McVoy, 108 Roose-velt Ave. 5-2G-Ct FLAT Seven rooms and bath. In Scotch Plains, above Alpine lee Cream Parlor, inquire Mauro Iarussi. Park Scotch riains, next to school.

5-20-6t Business Services Offered 192C PIERCE-ARROW LIMOUSINE-Packard sedan for hire for all occasions: by hour. day. trip; reasonable charges. Tel. 2075.

5-1-1 LUTTIMAN and deco-radiators. Agents for Breinlg Bros, paints and finishes, Wyandotte, the great water softener and cleanser. Storm Tight, the king of roof paints. Handy Two-in-one Ladder and Barber's roofing materials. Agents for "Rubber brushes.

Corner Fourth St. and Watchung Ave. 6-2-25t 1920 FORD TOURING Excellent condition, new paint; must sell at once: will sacrifice for $70. Call at 709 West Third St. erty in first-class coudition, decorated, painted, steam heat: house well built and good appearing place; lot 50x J.pO; located on Plainfield near Hartridge School.

Address ISO Courier-News. 5-29-5t TE X-ROOM HOUSE East $000 down, halance $40 a month 133 Liberty St. Tel. 1029-J. 0-1-Ct FOR SALE Very desirable twelve- Fur Storage for gentleman convenient to station and car; breakfast if desired.

Tel. 2243-J. 5-27-12t TWO Housekeeping, fnrnished rooms, gas range, electric light and large porch. 117 Roosevelt Ave. 5-27-6t iir.un.LD RENT Until fall to right! MASON WORK-Large savings- specialist repairing chimneys and small patches; work guaranteed done Rhort notice.

"Phone 33SS. 5-5-lm GEORGE KLINE Experienced cbini- ney cleaner. We work in or out of! town. Recommended by A. M.

Grif- fen and Chief of Fire Department. All orders promptly attended to. Tel. a27S- 5-28-Ct TWO-FAMILY IIOUSE-SIs rooms and sun parlor; one of the finest in town, located on West Front one minute walk from station; all latest Improvements; hardwood floors, tile bath and shower: reasonable price; easy terms. Tel.

1709-R, or 6333-W. 5-22-12t BARGAIN For quick buyer. 6ix rooms, bnth and sun parlor: lot 200 feet frontage: Improvements; garage, chicken house, fruit trees. The best part, of the city only $0,000. Inquire S.

Hirsch, 1239 Lenox Ave. 'Phone 2257-M. 5-29 0t VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE-For sale situated on West Seventh St-, about ten minutes from Grant Ave. station fen rooms, two baths, two-car garage-large lot; one of the best built houses in Plainfield. For particulars apply to J.

yail, 177 North Ave. 5-27-Ct 5-29-Ct PROPERTY OWNERS'. ATTENTION Painting, papering, large savings. Outside painting specialty. Work guaranteed.

References from satisfied customers. Home Decorating Co 129 Grove St. 'Phone 2511. 6-1-Ct TOURING CAR, rruDsoN 752. $150 Tel.

C-l-2t TWO FURNISHED Honsekeenine- room house: situated on Wntoimntr ij, m. rooms. Darn- will decorate-all improvements. Tel. 3299.

C-27-Ct Til REE And four rooms. $30. electricity, gas and bath; all newly decorated; 5 to 21 Grove St. Nat Bernstein, 59 Washington Ave. Tel.

5518. 6-13-lm STORAGE Our fur storage vault will keep vour fur safe from fire, thelt and moth. Available the day yen need them. T1I7 PLAINFIELD TRUST CO. 0 2-20t Tailoring Cleaning Dyeing Ave.

rooms. $0.00 also single rooms. S2.00 J. T. Vail, 177 North Ave.

5-27-01 and Ave. up. Call after 4 p. 111. 4 Mercer C-27-Ct SPECIAL Any room In the house, measuring not more than 12x12, papered, including labor and material, $10; work guaranteed.

The largest selection of wall papers in the State. Gc to LOUIS GUNIEW1TZ-General machine1 repairs, carpenter saws re-cut and Specialist on lawn mowers. Work! called for and delivered. Tel. 070 South Second St.

5-27-Ct FURNISHED ATTRACTIVELY Modern six-room and bath apartment on first floor, after June 1 to September 1 PORTA NT Used clothin- and shoes APARTMENT TO LET-; first floor; all improvements: with garage- 130 Johnston Ave. Thone 845-M. 5-2C-Ct 942 STELLE rooms and sun parlor; all latest improvements: offered at reasonable price. 'Phone 2507-R. 5-29-Ct SIX-ROOM HOUSE All improvements, lot 42x207: garage: $0,300.

334 South Washington Dunellen. 5-27-Ct iK per rou. mreci rrom mill to you. icn iciiccB. vv neeier.

aid East Sev HUDSON SEDAN Good condition mechanically; needs paint; make good car for hunting, fishing trips or for business car; bargain to cash buver. $125.00 416 East Second St. 5-20-Ct i FOR SALE Six-cylinder Oldsmohile tourins. new paint, excellent rubber, i Rockview Ave. 'I'hone 1'IainficM 7715- W.

5-29-3t 1926 PIERCE-ARROW LIMOUSINE i Packard sedan for hire for all occas- slons; hv hour. lay, trip; reasonable; charges. Tel. 24175. 6-2-lm Vie give you the best prices.

'Phone I or write to E. Schneider. I enth St. fiaii nnj BED BUGS Roaches, exterminated by i 5-26-Ct prices. Na Wnllnflnur rr i uiiiinaiiou.

aie'i, iiO orovc i 403 LIBERTY provements. 109 W'atchunir Ave. Tel" ST. Six rooms: B. Newmark.

all Ira- 5-20-0t Chain Store. 4703. St. Tel. 909-W.

5-17-lm tiv sr. Residence 'Phone 0234-W Work called for and delivered. 0-2 25t Shore Property For Sale N-Y-oF VE-ROOM BUNG A LOW Lot ooxliS: small cash payment; once: full price $4,500. Weiner. I i2 Park Ave.

'I'hone 1072. 5-20 lot 5-4-201 TWO-FAMILY HOUSE Up and down. 42 Lincoln Place: three minutes from EXPERT PAINTING And papering: a room, quality materials- esti. West Front St. TWO APARTMENTS Six rooms and bath, half double house; all Improvements; East End; rent $40 and $45 George R.

Lyman, 141 North Ave. 'Phone 509. 5-26-121 Fruits and Vegetables mates outside work. Tel. 4716 Sword- $7,000.

easy terms. Sons, Realtors, will sacrifice for Inrjuire M. Abrnms. 229 West Front St 5-2S-0t loff, 407 Liberty St. 5-3-lm BUNGALOW Three rooms and bnth.

hot water heat; all improvements; same as new. ten minutes' walk to Watchung and Front easy terms. Tel. 1339-J. 5-25-1 SPECIAL NOTICE Fresh trull I.ARNEGAT, N.

house, three-car garage, other outbuildings: fruit trees; 100-foot frontage on Main ii'-IniJ' ncres' for garden: price Sl.oOO: very easy terms. Can be seen by appointment. C. B. WICHT.

520 Central Ave. Tel. 995 zzz- 6-1 For Sale To Let Exchange STUTZ TOURING Excellent condition, good paint, new rubber, completely equipped first reasonable offer. 'I'hone 2402. 5-20-Ot Fuel and Feed MULTIGRAPIIING The typewriter's only rival.

Form letters postals and business forms printed quickly and reasonably. Advertising Service Co Phone 2005-R and 2008-J. 3-11-ly ADVERTIsem*nTS received by Walter C. Dobbins, at the Courier-News office, for Newark Evening News, Newark Sunday Call. New "iork Times, Herald-Tribune, World Evening Telegram, nt office rates Money must accompany advertisem*nt.

No telephone orders. 2-28-ly vegetables daily. Orders taken care of prompctly. One trial will convince barker, 311 Liberty St. Phone 19..3.

6-1 -lm SETTLED ESTATE House and small tore on plainfield near Third price $4,500. $SO0 down, balance on mortgage. Inquire Davidson. 523 Madison Ave. 5-29-3t FOUR-ROOM FLAT At 311 Madison heat furnished, janitor service Inquire R.

Resnick, 541 West Third St. lei. 01 95. 5-26-Ct RNIS IlED ATTRACTIVELY Mod-ern six-room aud bath apartment on first floor after. June 1 to September lr references.

Wheeler, 316 East Seventh St. 5-20-6t A-l BAILED TIMOTHY per ton. also miscellaneous feed nt clearance prices. Temple, 1C30 South Second St. "Phone 231.

5-8-Ct Wanted to Buy 1924 Btiick seven-pass. Sedan $1.000 1 1925 Maxwell Club Sedan $050 I 1925 Ford Coupe $350 1921 Ford Coupe $250: 1923 Chevrolet Sedan $200 1921 Star Sport Touring $300 1 1921 Studebaker Big Six $350 1921 Studebaker Special Six $250 OLD-FASHIONED TABLES Chairs. Sporting Goods ijuis, iieatis, nciis, also fl.l THREE NEW ITOUSES-For sale, five and six rooms: all improvements. Owner, William C. Burke, 1417 Myrtle Ave.

5-29-10t IF Y4)U ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A HOME. SEE GEO. M. CLARKE BABco*ck LDG. 6 2 3t MUST SELL House, six rooms, bath.

Improvements, hardwood floors: itr-age; large plot; at exceedingly low price; $5,000. Write or call. 315 Rushmore Ave. 6-1-Ot FlItOOM "OUSE-A11 improvements; two-car garage, fruit trees and grape arbor. Inquire owner, 440 Prospect Ave.

Tel. Dunellen 3918 5-27-Ct china, glass. Hat Cleaning iiiuiesucKs ami pictures, Tel. 4440-W. 0-29-lm Real Estate For Sale HOBART AVE.

Between Stelle and Sherman new six-room English style house; all latest Improvements: price very easy terms. Call owner, M. Novello. Tel. Fanwood 3S14-J.

5-25-12t DUNELLEN New six-room house, enclosed porch, tile bath and pantry, parquet floors, steam heat: reasonable price; owtwr. C19 Front Dunellen. 8-25-10t li'mr AGIO DISTRIBUTING 413 Cleveland Ave. Tel. r.2S3 Open Sundays 9 a.

m. to 4 p. m. 6-1-Ct PLAYER Upright or piano or Victrola cash 2578. MODERN STUCCO-Slx-room house; SPORTSMEN Baseball Fishing Tackle Buy your equipment at Dreier's, 2'7 West Front St.

'Phone 890. Open evenings. Largest assortment: highest quality, lowest prices. 5-18-lm baby grand waiting. Tel.

5-25-1 a For a new one? We clean all mens hats by the latest I methods. American Hat Cleaning Parlor. 129 West Front St. 6-1-lm vii t-ii leuces owner Tni-it-ln TWO LOTS Mountain view Terrace 50x150 and 02x150. Apply 434 Dunellen Dunellen.

6-2-3t Philadelphia, for Tutnam Ave. sale or rent. 1331 6-29-61.

The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.