The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)

-1 1 i ,4 Tgg STAUNTON WSLlUDERjWNlAy 1 Li" FTTrjA i ana. 4 ege If was to' be with and minister to her f- "vl I' TV vrfT CMPfl JmiAPlPVni.sflottae Jer-daugh tts; TSfrsf 'Albftn CleeT Utf-l o.rl',aliaH'.r'ai.iQeorg5 1 i-ri a MissfSWle', of Illlborb, IU.J1 theyVoRiwUhlly ara unttrng theliv efforta A to gej; BeU-has deaatedf he iocHt posts: it Willhake Hb'6Ut fiffvJ ThVwW hal f6rair. i rnii' uiear service, to 'ntiin aa flnmrf'thn I MB VtonKlaf JI. a.A.U av. Ptucvi aaaa cluci U3U a.1 UjW Washington, will beglh iffepiilf eir-vices, in the'BapttBJt hUrcii nei 'fiun-; dax-: lH Mil evangelist aidj the services are exoeeted lat i.lfloalieif.UBUl'h jMt.

Wfc A Tillary' PreaDyte'rfatt; flflurcH weels. JB1; Baptist has a shipwntest oaf BSMc-1 i passedl through here Saturday en route to Highland to see the-, jsiaterv Mr4 Barnri, who is auite -5 1 -v Clifton fPayne1 Thomp son, Miss Cpra Hudson of Staunton, a former teacher in-the high 'school at this is' a guest of Mre. Alban 'iV! v-a. Mrs'Ji? Steele a her unton vs. Mrs.

ferhesi Pame ainGl children of Porger-are visiting Mrs. Sta 1, be 1 I' ll WantScience Put i Into Mercnandising (By The jl'ssoclated Press dts; of 'artnvllle, S. In hjs aftnuai address, before 1 the Southerii" Retail la sessidaner toWyV tha jToo Jre'qtteBtly Ubhappena that, ten scienie' nf, nbrr ohandlslag suffers at thei hanjds ot thajart iJlLti Xhrougb the iirt -oLoiersnan-dising, Mr Wlggiae aaid. that stores are 'ailed! with eiistoiperg andlxalttah But that icieace, he WsflnattractiVfcUao.ripusynjpbs.tru-! ewe. it oeais wiia racis anu ngures.

Jt, Js qold; hnalytlcal mftte4 of given by R. P. Roadaap. Fpgt.ftnd 'flwo'yittle daughters, ot Wilmington, are mUta nf J. HJ OrtodlflrtJ Ml? tMr the aitVoard 'of fetlucaUon.

was, here last Monday to advise as to jfte needed building for a high ichogl. His reconwnendation Is four rooms for all's school wbrk.and anav4itorium All ischool buildings now to one story only. The local school committee will secure estimates. and recommend to the county hoard that tls.uihjing'bje erected As possible. J.

Mr. and Mre. W. W. Kester and fittle daughter Mexellle are JWklag motor trip to juanada.

ji Mr, Torn from, BaHlmore, is spending his "vacations with Ms. and tL.PUllHpa. tf. 4 Rlcbmend, the of anerchan- tslng? President ij IMrv viiitiniter'aioth. Alrs.

'Berrias and Mrs. Wise are gueste of tbeif! brother, Jonn wT Stephenson Jr.j, i Q09WSX bazaar Friday evening begjpDipg about acloclt on the high ichool campuC Sliould tfte weather he nn favorable it will be held In the school byidmg. Refreshments 'served and fapy work willy be lor 1 'l 1 i I In llkS Rotarlans 7.,. ,7. 1 1 1 U.

A kJl IQUIWilLU HTM A fast garrie is prospect, all loieTs of trie sport wubr i cayiain tos TeaiBnip and Mildred Withrow is the Captain ihe blue Wi Theyj are Bailing to Jerusalem and seem to be riding. on even keels; no storms have crossed their pathway as yet. THrl M. G. Reche, H.

p. McClung, Und Fred Cough are the contest emana te rs. Miss Pauline Lair aikdtt jMiss Mildred Withrow are the teachers A the primary and Marie Withrow is aaeistant. Mrs. S.

G. Roadcapna the teacher of the boy's fclase aai), Mrs. Roche is the assistant, Mrs. Le Arm-en trout is the teacher' of the; gfrrg class and Miss Sueah A. Roadcati'ls the assistant, this is ah organised classy Wth'TOW isvthe' teacher of the youngladies class and Mr.

Ayers the teacher, of the Bible class' 1 T' fti: Mr. and-Mrs. Lloyd Roadcap.aud little so a from rLOJaUvUl lafe spsnd-ing some time with R. Roadcap. Mr.

and Mrs. ind Barbari' Bailey were la Berkeley Springs a faw ays, they, attended a reunion of the fallir A very impressive union memorial service was held at the' Presbyterian church last Friday, Mr-' Pash occupied hV' from aft the churches, were in the choir. After the singing of "Lead ijiflly Light" jnd a jprayer by W. A. Mr.

Cash reaflj appropriate Scripture bs flrfe -ot Hirdjng, and ajso asked Mr. Settle' to give a talk, tvjblch was done in the inpet sympathetic and Interesting Mr," Settle ha) known the Presideat' Washtngtovand used this-occasion to euloaise him as of i splehdltt Chrlstjaa manhood who had. been too self-sacrificing- inL meeting -the demands of an exacting public "Abide with Me" and "Nearet God to- Thee' were eung and the" prayer j.a rrn 1 1 1 it 11 0 1 i tin v-i-iK. A latter frig Rotary baseball aafi t-jtu arSdal4 tor tWaorTwwtwfter: ana lag rrr" diamond. Tbe nme will be at 'our o'clock.

i Mac Interest in national sport las been aroused here, by tbe RoUrr chole. fUaantsa nas ftever teen considered" "a baseball Sown" bat ih Rote, gases bv attracted large, crowds; avd. lovers of the sport are encouraged to. believe thai with the growing a Valley league team tnay be organised here in an- other jear. Tomorrow's same is expected to be as (rood aa -exhibition as the; sensational 3-1 Staunton -ftichriiond gave of last.

week. Lexington is. a i college town, and while no "line" has beet obtained on the Rotary. jeam there, the. locals are anticipate log bard game as a result of the oo material knew te be there.

AH good Rotariana were urged at yes-terday's meeting of the dab to turn oat and root for the nine, as the visitors will be accompanied by a strong-lunged crowd- front the Let Leilngtonians will he entertained at supper after- the IjKSO Tewista Coming aotisaad tourists from ia- ire Hpected to camp night ft Ight it Jit JKllott Springs, and -the yesterday-to' iBvft vftjfw' to route Itheimrip to-Washington, their destination? throws this Ity. Their present plan' understood to be to at across -AHtMW- way of Moscow to the Valley pfke, bns oil a few using some dirt road, ul The Mtosonrlans have an cafnping qatfit, and their Vamp probably 'Vijlv attract many, The RotarianB them AO eofne, to Stannton and see the will-present, them with 'A" resolution ask In them to cosne 'ills Jf. this taritatiotf i ac-tCt ptei.the big ritotor column proba-ily willfbe jhrongh here early day's Jneetlng pf.tfie cjub, which itVihertaining one; with, some eiignuai vocai oj jiiss of Rolf riA a-Cbariie kccoihpanled piaitet, and ujHirous and informative talk by Roartan 1: lust retnrned frn to the west and fo tuesft the luncheoD included lotaia'h Wm; 'M. St Peters- asville, Ga-i-W: A- Lyons, Andalusia, Mayor-. J.

Noble Maxwell, of -Wayaesboro-Batilc. ifeTi i). w- 'V1. iiBterey, Aug- lfl received by relative here aiinounped the -death, at 3:0 Wednesday Mm. Edmonia iiold at her-home in Princetonf-W.

y. the message caused deep sorrw and regret it did hot come "surprise. Site had Jn de-cUaiag health for several months malady had been pronounced lacnrable. Reynolds was born In Monterey, 185 a daughter 0t th laU H. and Margaret C-laea, aai was, of a family of nine ffcjldea; who grew man and womanhood, five of -whom have, now Joined their parents in the Great Beyond, The remaining brothers and sister are g.

and.H. M. Slaven LMonterey, Mrs. L. A.

Carrleoff of taaio, aad Miss May Slaven of Princeton, whose sad prlTll- 1 thai the food Von eat and the tjiisgs yoa Wear never repre-seat -a proBt ubtfl they are actually purchased and used. Many dangers threaten to rob he producer, the distributor aad the local store. Even you may lose if are visits 4 out borne or your property Is stplea. will re- i'tr tnH ini sf vb. i aifT.llie, Bfrtl Tflre taia guarantees of protection.

CC8UUAJIGB i 1 1 1 5 A Gam. "J-Ujtoiik. 'JTaTfaes ji Prfhdle. rhiirrf: T)r. Chan.

Wait. Thom- ft.AI itv article the better. STlMll- liW utfthe longcir i fus4: a that) article the ldfes you carer for it. 0f' kllyeir MMifi'ki aretraWeslgij'j' snitable weight fpr.nhllm- -wilted wear; a J. hard it Irylng S.

Paull, personar.represtn- tatlve, bs BeCretary Herbert Hoover of ithe lUnited aStkfes flepaf of coanmprce, told the 'merchants of the Wofk' by. the com-tferee department 'in1, effort to eliminate what be termed "the non essential id, commeKe." -i The princi-j pail Jda- lniview-h said, wasto solve it. aJ 11 a ment is now seeking to curtail pro-j ductlon whatever necessary and clear the way, for continuous distribution of raw ntaferlals. Tie inerchaatte bre! faced wjth ei Jifulf tomorrow's session including anjaddress W. E.

Bilhel mer of St. Louis, who will speak, on salesmanship. KILLED AT CROSSING (By1 Hie Associated Press.) Newport News, Alig. 14. John El Boyson ot Philadelphia was killed tttibalteraooa when an extra train of 41jf and phjo.

rallroaa tttiiV'hlsiftutomobtle al(a 'roBBidS IdT Diascund' Va. Royson" hia VsAr- trpoft the aeK dlrectfy 1A fffont ijbi'tWA tfnawa're cC nager.r me iiy iu ion lhbffpltal here. was employed by bakery tbncerrfi of; Harrjshttrg. Pnt land power service. customers lor tneir mm.

C7 St erreti aeciarea, is cioggmg chatraels of th depart- xn: KeynoiOTrwnOiWaa aifrtn- ate of Punstfor Boslpess 'Vlle, went to Prlacetoili K)r years ago as stenographer in the law eflde of A. W. fteyaelds, and 4n 1991 befraejjis. second. wl.

jyjfcile il wayB reniaining loyal and devoted to 'her native town ana nhiA lornied many wkrin friendships In iiij- joBd ui net- muituvn. jue flaw Wih a tyi Kvi nf" thA MAthnrtfat church from early girlhood, and was seaious in ner Aborts to advance the Master's kingdom, i Dutv was her watchword. er td her church, her family or in kindly deeda of what ever, she 'conceived to be het duty she willingly an faithfully performed, without regard to personal sacri fice of health, or. bodily comfort. Having no children, of her her innate mother, lorewas heetow-ed upon a baby step-son whom she was spared to see reach respected roung manhood, and receive in re- an piceptional i deVotion and tCatre-trite ana loving'io tjie ena.

Complying with, her long express ed wish, her remains will he brought here today for jnterment on the bill-side overlooking the little town And va Hey she loved so well. A short errvice wui De Jeia-at the Methodist church conducted by the Rev. Fred vvyanu. WARM 8PR1XGS Warm Springs, Aog. 14.

a large crowd from here attended the carnival at Hot Springs Saturday aigt for the benefit 6f the Valley Nursing association, i-. si The school DUiMIng here la being treated. Jo a coat-of Q. Hodge and sons ar edolng the work. jar a.

janie uisnop 01 covington is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Payne. Mr.

and Mrs. C. H. LaRue 'and son spent the week-end in town aud attended the Carpival. Star: NEWS i r.

1 1 I I i in I i i 44y 111-' 4.4' rcii7 Alia upr Jsi3, A A MTONAL PUBUCITY i -I ff Ediiibirililir NOTICE TO Til PU3UG LEADED femoktb Paper, WeH Vcrth PrescrVn? Special Articiei tnl ticturei ReiotTtvtlre Setkni After a very satisfactory conference with the local wiring con--fracfors iVe Believe that they are equipped to give to the people of Stuhfdn opi wiring service at reasonable price and that they also Will te in position at all times to supply the demand for good elettri- cal apjpliances and lighting fixtures. We have agreed to jointly co-operate to the fullest extent in an effort to i furtherlbrotect the interest of the consuming public. Our interest Will continue in an endeavor to see hereafter that all wiring in Staunton will be done in strict conformity with the national electric code, since it is cheaper arid better in the end. As a result of this artangeinent we wil DISCONTINUE OUR imHANIMSF. RtJIKFAS STAUNTON OCTOBER 1 1 923 and cdricditrate our efforts in renclering g66d iigkihg We wish to take patronage in the vmsmmti nm this opportunity to thank our past.

"tii i i SefcHft Yiubrllaflfor 12c L50 AT TH liTCDciCAirH Llf i ii If il "imii ii 1 1 iwibi (. -i A H14.K OUT fT'. I'll a i- 1T I .1 Ilqe Remedies Of Our i Almost man ad woman, in can remember of botanic feel pes of -our. mothers and, grand-niothrts for the treatment of disease, and hey. were wonderfully depend-gble lQo.

Every fail there were stored wayia.the; attic thoroaghwprt, wormwood, i nei for treating Ills of tbe fm-iy duriug the winter months that fol-(i)Wed' 187j LydU Compound was first pre-f tbese' botanic jnortb'dtfnan'dfor1it' has' iu-5 (8uch extent that 41 i'auiiiJ- ta 'eptfratltr-. r4estiy4iiro)edlthat fl rvit VfcV; tryi it te A-rth ffjatM1 1JV which niedl-t (A- mm.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.