Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

IOC THE HARTFORD COURANTi Sunday, August 1978 Saddle and Spur Let's Talk Dogs Around Town I 6 American Horse Council To Cultivate Equine University; of Illinois Vet Lists Essentials for 'Ideal' Dog Diet Camera Could Be Handy Item in Emergency Kit gram (This program is being SOLUNAR TABLES WHEN TO FISH OR HUNT Richard" Aldea Kreqht The schedule of Solunar Peri ods, as printed below, has been taken from Mrs. Richard Alden Knight's SOLUNAR TABLES. Plan your days so that you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during these times, if you wish to find the best sport that each day has to offer. The Major Periods are shown in boldface type. These begin at the times shown and last for an hour and a half or two hours thereafter.

The Minor Periods, shown in regular type, are of somewhat shorter duration. A.M. P.M. After this, Don Stacey and Nancy Merrill showed some of tha more advanced work, that ac-c 1 i by the Utility trained dogs. As an added feature, some of the members showed how teams are made up to perform dog races.

This is a very colorful event, an interesting type of race for the trained dog, which is quite common out on the West coast, A racing team is made up ol four dogs and two alternates. Four hurdles are placed in a row, spaced evenly apart, and at the end, a low platform is set up which holds the four dumbbells belonging to each dog. Each dog is sent individually over the hurdles and must select his own dumbbell and return with it over the hurdles. The team performing this feat the fastest is declared the winner. It makes for a great deal of excitement, has much spectator appeal, and shows just one of the many ways owners can have a little more fun with their pets if they are properly trained.

Presidest Don Stacey has all the particulars for hurdle construction and specific directions on setting up a dog racing team if there are any other clubs that might be interested. Folks with new pups that are six months old now and want to when thera is a lawsuit involved. On an extended trip it is not always easy co get witnesses to an accident. One unfortunate vacationer and his family returned recently from a two-week auto trip which was marred by what, at the time, had been considered a minor accident. Their car had scraped against another in a motel parking lot.

While the other car got the worst of it, damage to both cars was comparatively slight and neither party accused the other of blame. However, shortly after returning home, the vacationer was served with a notice that the other party was suing for extensive damage to his car and injuries to his wife who had supposedly sustained whiplash of the neck "due to the sudden jar." Had snapshots been taken of the two cars in relation to the position of both cars at point of impact (which was a side scrape), and the slight damage to both cars, and also of the woman who waved gaily at parting, the chances are that the other person would not have brought charges in the first place. If he did press legal action, the snapshots would have been used to good advantage as evidence in court. In more serious accidents, a series of camera shots will show By VIRGINIA LUCEY The American Horse Council has been formed recently to or ganize horsem*n, whatever their interests, and to develope the American Equine Industry. Objectives of the council are: To provide a united front for all horse breeds and other associated activities; To emphasize the total economic significance of the 12-bilhondollar horse industry; To encourage the standardization of national and international disease control programs and the advancement of scientific equine research; To promote economic research and utliziation of information to further the general understanding of the industry; To coordinate representatives of tha horse industry before Congress and government agencies in order to encourage positive legislation and to prevent unfair taxation and unwarranted regulation; To develop educational aids to promote youth and recreational participation in horse programs; To work generally for tne overall and advancement of the horse industry.

AHC History Representatives of many equine breeds from all over the country met and officially organized the American Horse Council in February of 1969 to accomplish the above objectives. This marked the first time in American history that all horsem*n had combined forces in pursuit of their com mon interest. There are presently three categories of membership and a fourth is being developed. They are: Member Bodies (Official breed registries); Sponsor Bodies (Breed, commercial sports and recreational groups); Individual Members (Those who share the Council's goals and objectives and who wish to participate on an individual basis. Membership in a member body or sponsor-body does not preclude this participation); Pleasure Horsem*n Pro-' Minor Major Minor Major SUNDAY 10:40 4:30 11:10 4:55 MONDAY 11:30 5:20 5:50 TUESDAY 12:05 6:10 12:20 6:40 WEDNESDAY 12:55 7:10 1:20 7:35 THURSDAY 1:50 8:05 2:15 8:30 FRIDAY 2:45 9:00 3:10 9:25 SATURDAY 3:40 9:55 4:05 10:20 Conrant Auto Editor, Yin Rositto is on vacation.

In his absence this week's Auto Column was written by Bill Sullivan, an associate of his in the Advertising Department. Camera, Handy Auto Accessory "Most experienced motorists, an especially vacationers, usually cary ah emergency kit containing first aid items, a flashlight and simple tools to deal with crisis situations on the highway. Len Lonnegren, director of the SAAB Auto Safety Center, sug gests another item that should be included in the kit. It's an inexpensive camera of the type that takes instant pictures but in highway emergency situations is used for reasons other than taking memorable snapshots. A camera, Lonnegren says, can save time and money in substantiating losses for income tax purposes and insurance claims, facilitate recovery of stolen articles, and minimize possibilities of lengthy and expensive legal actions.

The Internal Revenue Service in its publication, Document 5174, which is available at all district offices, permits acceptance of photographic evidence to substantiate losses by flood, fire, theft, hurricane and It also allows a reasonable cost for taking these photographs as part of a justifiable claim. Snapshots can be especially valuable when used to show proof of auto damage, previous condition of the car, accessories and equipment. Photographs can insure and hasten reimbursem*nt from the insurance company. A camera can be just as important in case of an accident to save a lot of grief and time New Chevrolet Small Car Tha 1071 Vpiras Mdft is rhpv- By GEORGE A. FORD What is an "ideal" diet for the dog? Dr.

Joseph Dorner, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, named criteria for the "ideal" diet during his talk "A Veterinarian's Approach to Canine Nutrition," at the Seminar for Dog Breeders, sponsored by the Gaines Dog Research Center held in Detroit recently. Dr. Dorner specified the ideal diet as one that contains essen tial nutrients: Carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals and vitamins, in adequate quantities and correct proportions; pro vides sufficient energy, is diges tible, has high biological value, and is acceptable to the dog. He added that nutritional requirements vary from dog to dog, and in the same animal at different periods of its life. In general, however, the average dog needs about 12 per cent of its total caloric intake as high quality protein, the nutrient that builds structural and pro tective tissues, and properly functioning hormones and en zymes.

The variety of proteins in commercial formulations us ually supply 20 to 25 per cent of the total calories. Proteins and Percentages Carbohydrates are the major source of energy. The recom mended maximum is 65 per cent of the measured on dry weight basis. Cardohydrate deficiencies will cause protein to be wasted as energy sources. Fats provide concentrated ener gy and contribute to healthy skin and coat.

Recommended maximum is 5 to 20 per cent of the diet again, on dry weight ba sis. Essential minerals and vitamins influence the dog's well- being in many and varied ways. Most of these substances are present in foods. If natural in gredients dont contain suffi cient or balanced amounts, proper ratios are included in the complete dog food products. Water, accounting for about 70 per cent of the animal's total body weight, is another vital ai-etary factor.

Watch foods' effect on the dog, was Dr. Dorner's sugges tion for owners. If a given diet promotes growth in the puppy, maintains the adult dog's weight and condition, and sup ports the bitch through pregnan cy and nursing, is it satisfactory tor the animal in question at its particular stage of development. Dr. Dorner said large manufacturers of dog foods undertake extensive research to produce ideal canine diets.

He suggested that taking the manufacturer's reputation into consideration is helpful when assessing a diet's nutritional qualities. Of the puppies born alive, one-third die, Dr. Jacob Mosier, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, told the Seminar audience in discussing "Puppy Diseases Involving Litter Problems." Survival rates may be raised by alertness to early symptoms of puppy illness and fast, effective Sick puppies cry, Dr. Mosier said. They're cold and limp, Full Slate Tomorrow developed).

It will provide an opportunity for all pleasure horsem*n, including junior horsem*n, to have a voice the future direction of the industry. Original Members The original member-bodies of the AHC were the American Quarter Horse the Amer ican Saddle Horse breeders Ass'n. the Jockey Club and the U.S. Trotting Horse Ass'n. Subsequently, many other breed re gistries, have joined the Council.

Among them are the Ameri can Hackney Horse Society, the Morgan Horse Club and the Pinto Horse Association of Ameri ca. A sampling of the sponsor-bodies includes the American Ass'n of Equine Practitioners, the American Horse Shows Ass'n. the Florida Thoroughbred breeder, the Harness Tracks of America, The Mary land Horse Breeders Ass'n. the National Horse and Pony Youth Activities Council, the Standard breed Breeders Ass n. Thor oughbred breeders of Kentucky, the Thoroughbred Club of America, the TB owners and breed ers the Professional Horsem*n Ass n.

the Virginia Horse Shows Ass'n. and the Vir-gina Thoroughbred Ass'n. For information write the American Horse Council, 12th floor, 1776 Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006.

Officers of the AHC are: President, Thurston B. Morton; Treas. Frederick L. Van Lennep; Sec. Albert G.

Clay. Bethlehem Today The time honored Bethlehem Horse Show will be held today at the Bethlehem Fairgrounds, starting at 9 a.m. Primarily a hunter and jumper show, Beth lehem is a favorite with those exhibitors who have shown there in years past, the lovely location and spacious grounds create an atmosphere that is hard to find in these days of crowded showgrounds. jSeasons Apartments at Colt 7 for the number two position in the playoffs. On Thursday Connecticut Mutual will olav the title winner at Colt 2 and Wednesday's losers will meet for the number three playoff position at Colt 5.

All Jaycee Courant baseball games will start at 5:45 p.m. and in case of rain or a tie the game will be played the follow ing day. THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE Junior Division Playofft Monday, August 10: Hartford PAL VS. PRIDE at Colt 2. Wednesday.

Alimict 19 MnnHiu ulnna. vs. Governor's Foot Guard at Colt Monday loser vs. Four Seasons Apartments at Colt 7. Thursday, August 13: Connecticut Mutual vs.

Wednesday Colt 7 winner at Colt Colt 3 loser vs. Colt 7. loser at Colt 5. SENIOR DIVISION PLAYOFFS Monday, August 10: Cy's Parking vs. Glastonburv at Colt .1: Hav I inert u.

Wethersfield at Goodwin Park; Rockville vs. crispinos Supreme Foods at Pops Park. Tuesdav. Alianct 11 HnvBt-Wethart. field winner vs.

Allen, Russell Allen at Goodwin; Rockville-Crispino winner vs. Tolland at Henry Park. Thursday, August 13: Cy's Parking Glactnnhuru winner Tnocriav. fZnnA. win winner at Colt Henry Park win ner vs.

cortez at Colt 7. Green Mountain By United Press international FIRST $1,500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 6 furlongs. Kibby Hill e.00 3.80 7.60 6.60' 3.20 3.40 Sylmar Babe, Sorenson Boston Binge, Ha nil ley Time 1:01 2-5. Also ran: King Cro', Shree, Hot Dish, Kippax, Emory Wheel, Firma Luck, Fruit Shot. SECOND $1,500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 7Va furlongs.

Skeg, Smith 6.00 4.00 3.20 Scapes Event, Santiago 4.60 3.20 Zip Gun, Karp 2.60 Time 1:36 4-5. Also ran: Final Lap, Rake Up Time, Lucky Lettie, Bay Roseland, Amber Vino, Peacefilly. Daily double (1-5) paid $30.60. THIRD $1,550, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 1 mile. Rochefort, Wood 3.60 2.60 2.40 Fer What, Lewis 3.60 2.60 Morambo, Boismier 3.00 Time 1:41 3-5.

Also ran: Jabnehs Belle, Billy Ro. FOURTH $1,700, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 5 furlongs. Free Fancy, Hanks Hallucination, O'Connor Jet Capsule, Donahue 22.30 S.20 5.60 4.20 3.20 5.20 Time, 1:00 1-5. Also ran: Night Final, Golden Asset, Sly Phantom, Swapper. FIFTH $1,550, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 7Va furlongs.

Danny Lewis 13.00 6.80 4.20 Arnmart, Wood 7.20 Jaycee-Courant League Launches Playoff Tilts Playoffs in both divisions of the Baseball Teamif will hpnin fnmnrrnw at Dm Tn Senior Division the position of the cars, skid marks, traffic markers, high way conditions and both dam age and the location of the damage to each automobile. Pictures taken of your car's valuable accessories and luggage are especially helpful for easy and accurate tracing of the items by police through pawn shops, second-hand dealers and unscrupulous dealers in stolen property, known as "fences." They also help the owner recall everything that was stolen when putting in an insurance claim. Of American drivers. It gives impressive fuel Among "firsts" ill cuuuumy Lena cue vegaa p0wer.flow interior ventilation, comfortable molded foam seats and steel side-guard beams in the dors. Other models include a 2-door hatchback coupe and a 2-door sporty "Kammback" wa- gon, all four passenger models There is also a unique one passenger Vega panel express truck available with a second passenger seat.

Vega models go on sale in Chevrolet dealerships on Thursday, September 10. dustry," said Gordon B. Mac- economy .11 emissions OUTDOOR TIPS Being able to cast long distances doesny necessarily mean you'll catch more Practice casting accubatflv at distances 0P2OTOiW cfpt Atari YOU'LL BRING IN MORE When casting close to the boat, keep low and avoid ABRUPT MOVEMENTS Courant, Park Summer Basketball Playoffs start this week In the Northern Tiny Tot League, Southern Tiny Tot League, Northern Junior Northern Grad uate and Southern Graduate in The Hartford Courant and Department of Parks and Recreation summer basketball program. Players and coaches should note that the first part of tha schedule below is the regular schedule and second part is the playoff schedule. The exhibition game between the Knight All-Stars and Griffin All-Stars will be at Bellevue on Wednesday.

WEEK'S SCHEDULE: Senior League Monday Keney at Day; Tuesday Cronin at Charter Oak; Thursday DeLucco at Bellevue, Charter Oak at St. Benedicts; Friday Day at Cronin. Intermediate Division: Tuesday Day at New Park, Colt at Rocky Ridge, Pope North at Elizabeth; Thursday Colt at Day, Pope North at New Park, Rocky Ridge at Elizabeth, Junior Division: Tuesday Pope North at Day, Eliza beth at Colt, Hyland at New Park, Dwight at Moylan. Thursday Day at Elizabeth, Pope North at Colt at Dwight, Moylan at New Park. Pee Wees: Tuesday, Dwight at Day, Elizabeth at Colt, Pope North at Pope South, Thursday Day at Elizabeth, Pope North at Dwight, Pope South at Colt Friday-Day at Pope North, Pope South at Elizabeth, Colt at Dwight.

PLAYOFF SCHEDULE: North Tiny Tots Echedule: Tuesday DeLucco vs. Vine at Keney at 1:00, St. Benedicts vs. Keney at Keney at 2:00 p.m. Thursday Bellevue vs.

winner of DeLucco-Vine at Keney at 1:00 p.m. Friday finals at Keney. Southern Tiny Tot Schedules Tuesday Colt vs. Elizabeth at Day at 1:00 p.m., Day vs. Pope South at Ney Park at 1:00 p.m.; Thursoay fi nals at 1:00 p.m.

Northern Pee Wee Schedule: Monday Bellevue vs. St. Benedict at Kenev at 1:00 p.m., Keney vs. Windsor St. at DeLucco at 1:00 p.m., DeLucco vs.

vine at Keney at 7:00 p.m. Wednes day winner of Keney-Windsor St. vs. winner of DeLucco-Vine at 1:00 at a site which will be announced. Northern Junkor Division: Wednesday 5:15 Windsor St.

vs. St. Benedicts at Keney, Love Lane vs. Par ker at St. Benedicts at 5:15 p.m.

Friday Vine vs. Cronin at Keney at 5:15, Stowe vs. DeLucco at Love Lane at 5:15. Graduate Division (North League) Tuesday Kennedy vs. Vine at Keney 6:00.

Wednesday Bellevue vs. DeLucco at St. Benedicts. Thursday St. Benedicts vs.

Cronin at Love Lane. Southern Graduate: Tuesday Dwight vs. Elizabeth at Day; Wednesday Day vs. Colt at New Park; Thursday finals. Lincoln By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL FIRST $1,500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up; 5 furlongs.

War Castle, Cox 1.00 4.20 3.40 Prize Candy, Whiteman 4.80 3.40 Jolly P's, Barnes .00 Time, :59 3-5. Also ran: Missy Frankle Burgoo, Bocks Pie, Battle Lord, True Philip, Manning Maid, Farragut. SECOND $1,500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 5 furlongs. Pragmatist, Gonzalez Flying Doll, Fisher Saucy Wing, McKenna 13.00 S.40 5.20 4.40 3.60 10.40 Time, :59. Also ran: Frilly, Greek Luck, Long Call.

Fearless Phil, Beau Creek, Makeu-pyourmind. Hills County, Alpine Star. Daily double (9-9) paid $52.60. THIRD $1,500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 1 mile. Countertown, Odriscoll 7.00 4.20 3.00 Pretty Bug, Rodriguez 4.20 3.00 Thompins County, Conrrada 4.80 Time, 1:41 2-5.

Also ran: Counts Image, Prince Bunty, Councilman Jim, Flying Mist, Ernest Moment. Perfecta (2-1) paid $25.00. FOURTH $1,500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 5 furlongs. Cornish Rock, McKenna 7.40 2.40 dh-Pineties, Surren 2.20 2.20 dh-Billy Brass, Kelly 2.20 2.20 Time 1 :00 2-5. Also ran: Roughlsh Jester, Scalpers Dream, Libissa, Flame Again.

dh dead heat for 2nd. FIFTH $2,300, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 5 furlonos. Jolly Spirit, Witeman 7.00 4.00 3.00 Ragalu, Miller 5.00 4.20 Im Sugar Pie, Berry 6.40 me :59. Also ran: War-Ax, Toms Moon, Early Shopper, Turn Me, Calhoun Special, Is 0 Texas, Mister Bruce II. SIXTH $5,000, added East Providence Handicap, 3-year-olds and up, 5 furlongs.

Bold Accent, Whlted 14.80 7.00 4.00 Mass Pike, Ramos 3.20 2.60 Tiger Boy, Pasquerelll 2.60 Time :58. Alsor ran: Tall Order, Roman Away, Dishstand, Pennys Swap, The Mixer. SEVENTH $3,800 Allowance, 3-year-olds and up, 7 furlongs. Yonnie Girl, Surrency 35.20 15.40 11.40 Bryan Royal, Ckox 5.00 4.20 Polynesian Dancer, Fsiher 5.60 Also ran: Parmenio II, Half Stoned, A Ruse, Lu Oteel, Charing Way, Brixton Road, Bunnys Papoose. Perfecta (1-16) Paid $163.20 EIGHTH $2,000 claiming 3-year-olds an up, 1 mile.

Prince Oscar, Pasg. 12.60 6.80 5.00 No Smoke, Contrada 3.80 2.60 Crossfire, Knowles 4.20 NINTH $1,500 Claiming 3-year-olds and up, 1 mile. Besforsome, Gabriele 10.40 4.00 Fortunatus, Fsiher 5.60 3.80 Cool Trick, Tartaglia 3.20 Also ran: Share the Luck, Johns Smile, Michael Hayden, Jet Cabin, Englighten-ment. Courageous Lad. Twin Double (3-6-4-3) Paid $2,733.20 Attendance 10,236 Handle $659,794 Yankees of 1961 Win Computer Game NEW YORK (AP) The 1961 New York Yankees defeated the 1969 New York Mets 2-1 in NBC-TV's computer baseball game telecast Saturday.

Whitey Ford beat Tom Seaver in the ninth when Yogi Berra singled, was forced at second by Bill Skowron who took second on Clege Boyer's infield out and scored on Ford's single. The other semifinal, between the 1942, St. Louis Cardinals and 1927 Yankees, will be seen Aug. 29 with the winner meeting the 1961 Yanks in the finals Sept. 19.

Sals IIUli Annual Mcetin get started in obedience work, the H.O.T.C. will be starting a new series of Beginner classes Monday evening, August 17th. Call Mrs. Viola Cote at 529-4003 and register for the classes, which will be held at tha Grange Hall in Glastonbury. The week-end of July 25th was a pretty hot one for the dogs who attended the point shows.

But at least Wes Austin's Golden "Sandy" did a fine job in Rhode Island, winning the Open A class with a 191 and obtaining the second leg on her C.D.X. degree. Saturday, August 15, Talbot Kennel Club, Easton, Md. Breed and obedience-unbenched. Saturday, August Kennel Club, Harvard, Mass.

Breed and obedience-unbenched. Saturday, August 15, Finger Lakes Kennel Club, Ithaca, N.Y. Breed and obedience -un-benched. Sunday, August 16, Cheshire Kennel Club, Keene, N.H. Breed and obedience-unbenched.

Sunday, August 16, Annapolis Kennel Club, Annapolis, Md. Breed-benched. Saturday, August 22, Newtown Kennel Club, Bethel, Breed and obedience-unbenched. Sunday, August 23, Great Bar-rington Kennel Club, Great Bar-rington, Breed and obedience-unbenched. Sunday, August 30, Rockland Kennel Club, Cadentown, N.Y, Breed and obedience-unbenched.

Saturday, September 5, So-merest Hills Kennel Club, Far Hills, N.J. Breed and obedi ence-unbenched. Sunday, September 6. West chester Kennel Club, Croton-on- Hudson, N.Y. Breed and obedi-ence-unbenched.

but Plourde is not too concerned. With fleet-footed backs such as Jim Hurley (Xavier), Tom Marino (Watertown) and Mike Lopos (Maloney) and two fine quarterbacks in Paul Jarvis (Newington) and Doug Cram-phin (Simsbury) the East will be tough. Whereas, the West has four hefty-built ends in Sanford, Pietrini, Gary Belmont (Staples) and Charles Kinsman (Notra Dame, the East has a flock of speed-minded, glue-fingered receivers. Highlighting a list of seven, potential targets is Newington's Greg Swayne, who teamed well with Jarvis last year. Larry Bell of Hartford Weaver and Dave Sorako of Lyman Hall are the biggest of the group, each weighing in at over 200.

Plourde will have two tough tackles in Craig Hotchkiss and David Hugh, members of the fine Hall high squad, while Clyde Parker (Norwich Free Academy) and William Pakulis (Killingly) are just two steady guards. Players will don the shoulder pads, helmets and protective attire promptly after opening day sessions. With a star-studded field, the hard work of planning such a game and the 1970 football season just around the corner, it is hoped that this year's crowd will surpass the record 11,000 attendance of 1969. The game benefits the Boys Clubs of Bridgeport and tha Connecticut High School Coaches' Association. William Flynn and Perry Pilotti are Boys' Club chairmen.

nurse ineffectually, may have diarrhea, and they don't gam weight. Immediate care must be taken to prevent dehydra tion, further loss of body heat, asd loweredxblood sugar levels. Warm the puppy, but slowly, Dr. Mosier cautioned, so that its body is heated throughout, not just on the surface. Give sugar water to provide fluid and main tain blood sugar.

Formula feedings may make a sick puppy worse, he added, since ite digestive tract may be unable to absorb food. These symptoms and others, a bloated abdomen, for instance, may indicate a virus or parasitic infection. Dr. Mo- sier named contaminated pre mises or a pre-mfectcd dam as frequent sources of puppy dis eases. Obedience Training For the second time this year, members of the H.O.T.C.

put on an exhibition for the public. Sunday, August 2nd, 13 mem bers and their dogs performed for the YMCA swim club at Holiday Ridge in Burlington. Trainer George Recor began the program with a brief description of the aims of the club and how to get started in obedience training. Demonstrating the novice routine were Mr. and Mrs.

Murray Foster's Golden Retrievers, Calvin Lyons's Irish Setter, Judy Robbins' wire hair terrier, Vinnie Franz co*cker spaniel, and Mrs. Helen Harvey's poodle. The open exercises were then performed by Wes Austin's golden retriever, June Wollen-berg's co*cker, Martha and Barbara Burns' Airedales, and Chuck Gleason's, Don Stacey's and Nancy Merrill's poodles. lead. Under the direction of Xavier coach, Larry McHugh, the East all-stars rolled to the most one-sided decision, 28-6 last year.

Tetreau, coach at Andrew Warde high in Fairfield, and his assistants Bob Deveau of Bridgeport's Notre Dame and Naugatuck's Charles Bertero are well aware of the East's recent domination of the game and will try to instill this fact in the 30-man West team. Once again the West boasts exceptional size, ranging from the 255-pound frame of end Brent Sanford of Derby to the 210-pound fullback Kevin Pren-dergast of Ludlowe. and a quartet of fashionable quarterbacks. Bob Robustelli (Stamford Catholic), Mike Tetreau (Lud-lowe), Jim Ryan (Jonathan Law) and Jim fulipani (Ridge-field) are the players vieing for the starting nod. Tom Condon (Notre Dame, W.H.), Vin Gruszkiewicz (Nau- gatuck), Bob Kircher (New Canaan), Dave Lincoln (Fairfield Prep), Russ Pietrini (Law) and Gary Paradiso (Milford) are just a few of the mammoth line-1 men for the West, which has not triumphed since 1965 and played a scoreless tie two years ago.

Plourde, successful mentor of St. Bernard's Boys' high in Montville, and his staff of Davie Mills (Bristol Eastern) and Burton March (Newington) are smaller, lighter but will rely on "quickness, flexibility and variation" to widen the series gap. Emanuel Sasser of Hillhouse (at 245-pounds) is the closest thing to Sanford on the East, Preparations Set For East-West Nutmeg Bowl Contest On Aug. 21 Kenzie, Ford Division generally fegular season c6hampion. marketing manager.

''We hope The winner of this game the Hayes Liners wiu play Wethersfield at Goodwin Park, Rockville will meet Crispino's Supreme Foods at Pope and Cy's Parking will battle Glastonbury at Colt 3. The home team in these three games will be determined by a toss of a coin. On Tuesday the Hayes Wethersfield winner will meet Allen, Russell Allen at Goodwin and the Rockville Crispino winner will play Tolland at Henry Park Rockville. The team that ranked higher in the final standings will be the home team. Thursday the Cy Parking -Glastonbury winner will compete against Tuesday's Park victor at Colt 3 and the winner of the Henry Park game will meet Cortez at Colt 7.

In the Junior Division the closeness of the season's competition is shown by the final standings. Three teams ended tied for the title and four teams for playoff positions in Section Hartford PAL will play TV If 1 1 1 i ou 5'4S rim in tho fircr rr-mo fnr will meet Governor's Foot Guard at Colt 3 on Wednesday for the title. Also on Wednesday the Monday loser will play Four Queen and Her Maids I Dillon Stadium-Bound One of the most unusual sporting attractions today, "The Queen and her Maids," 5-times junior world 4-girl a 1 1 champs, will appear at Dillon Stadium August 17 against the Greater Hartford radio and newspaper men. Just recently, these girls have appeared on such programs as Truth or Consequences, The Steven Allen Show, and What's My Line. This exhibition features the pitching skill of Rosie Beaird, the fastest girl pitcher in the world.

She, like Eddie Feigner, will pitch blindfolded, behind her back, from second base, and from a kneeling position. The Dovelettes will play Combustion of Windsor in the 1st game at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are now available at Casa-Bianca Restaurant and Kenne's Sports Store in Hartford, and in East Hartford at Mike Williams Elm Drug Store, and Ryan's Sports Store. Today's Legion Baseball Schedule Zone 3 Middletown at Southington, 2:00, High School. Zone Winsted at Oakvllle, Washington at Torrlngton, 2:00, Fuessen-Ich Park.

Zona 7 A'wsub at Wllllmanlic, 2:03, Recreation Park; Norwich at Niantic, 2:00. Veterans Park. imcia an new entry the small economy car market. This four-passenger se- dan is one of four Vega models. Added visibility of full door glass and wider doors for easy entrance and exit are features; of Vega's styling, which will be continued for at least four years.

Roomier and better handling than usual economy cars, Vega has a new, domestic-built lightweight over-head cam engine to fill performance needs Pinto New Symbol for Ford A frisky, kicking pony, symbolic of the pep and youthful appeal offered 'by small cars, has been incorporated in the name-plate of Ford Division's all-new sub-compact Pinto. Come mid-September, the iauntv little nonv, its head raised and tail flying, will join its other four-legged stable- mates Maverick, Mustang and Bronco as a spirited addition to the Ford Division corral. The Pinto nameplate says much more than just Pinto. Besides the pony leaping from the letter a perky pony tail flares from the letter 'o," while a red, white and blue striped in sert in the initial letter adds a patriotic touch. It's Ford's most unusual nameplate since the smooth-striding Mustang debuted six years ago.

The Pinto nameplate will appear on both front fenders of the car, just ahead of the doors. It also will be prominent on the rear deck lid, and a smaller version will grace the instrument panel on the passenger's side. Literally translated, Pinto means "a spotted or calico horse or pony." It stems from the Spanish, "pintado," or painted. Liberally translated, however, as it's sure to be at Ford, it means a small, frisky pony of great stamina. Even more liberally, it's a small car with a small price tag and easy maneuverability.

"MnBtanjr with the eallooine wild horse nameplate, became the most successful new Car ever introduced into the auto in- inLiiMlmmiaW i BRIDGEPORT The countdown for the 13th annual Nut meg Bowl reaches its final preparatory stage tomorrow with the green light signifying all systems "go" for the scheduled kick-off August 21st at Kennedy Stadium. After months of tedious planning and screening of prospective candidates, sixty anxious and talented 1970 high school graduates report to their respective training sites to begin two-weeks of extensive practice for the summer spectacle. The hierarchy of command, for what is expected to be the best game ever in its illustrious history, will greet the members of the East and West all-star teams tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Coaches Fern Tetreau of the West and Leo "Pete" Plourde of the East will immediately put their players through the paces with two-a-day drills beginning as soon as registration, get- acquainted and physical examination sessions are completed. The West team will be housed at the University of Bridgeport while the East combine will reside in the Milford Academy dormitories.

Players from all walks of life, from big and small schools alike, displaying varied talents, interests and goals, will assimilate into one big family for the next two weeks as the Nutmeg Bowl is more than just a football game. It is an educational experience of working together, understanding people and sharing ideas. Entering this year's contest the East enjoys a 6-2-4 series that kind of success rubs off on the little Pinto with its own kind i of a frisky pony nameplate." YMCA Industrial Golf League Stanley Dlv. Standings Jacobs Mfg. Co.

Conn. Spring Contacts Sealtest Foods Schedule, Monday, August 10: Conn. Spring vs. Contacts'. Pins Hill Div.

Standings Allen Mfg. Co. Combustion Eng. SNETCO American Standard Veeder Root Conn. Nat.

Gas. Corp. 82 55 Vi 14 79 77 72 50'A Schedule, Monday August 17: Conn. Nat. Gas vs.

American Standard; Veeder Root vs. American Standard. Goodwin Park Div. Standings Hartford Prec. HELCO American Standard Carling Electric Capewell Mfg.

Schedule, Tuesday, August Hi HELCO vs. Capewell. East Hartford Div. Standings Fuller HELCC Coca Coia Conn. Nat.

Gas Cushman Ind. Merrow Machine 57 56V2 51 Vs 51 Vi 3J'j 72'i 71 Va 61 Vi 57Va 50 Va 44 Va Schedule, Monday, August 10: Merrow vs. Conn. Nat. Gas; HELCO vs.

Fuller Brush. Red Rock Div. Standings Fuller Brush 7'4 SNETCO 5 Hanson Whitney 54Vi LeMI Corp. 38 Schedule. Monday, August 10: Hanson Whitney vs.

SNETCO. Greater Hartford Softball League FINAL STANDINGS Beacon Cefa Furniture World Conn's Kings w. 20 16 11 a 3 Pet. .952 .600 .800 324 .381 .238 .238 .143 i 0 Ot Prospect Caft Heublein cork'n Bottia Forty Knots, Handley 3.60 Time, 1:35 2-5. Also ran: Glory Hunter, Doreens Prince, After Harvest, But Yes, Sea Fa ble, pay Sport.

SIXTH $1,600, claiming, 3-year-ol; and up, 5 furlongs. Dadleys Image, Sorensen 6.80 4.40 3.40 Band Hat, Green 12.00 5.20 Buzzaway, Boismier 4.20 Time, 1:00 3-5. Also ran: Half The Time, Legs and Power, Askew, Romanala, Rightwood, Sikhman, Flaming Leaf. Perfecta (6-7-10-2) paid $6,827.80. SEVENTH $1,700 claiming 3-year-lods and up, 1 mile.

Sultans Jyo, Green 11.20 6.40 5.60 Like Somebody, Wood 11.60 5.60 Superior Sal, Hill 6.60 Also ran: Super Liner, a-Zazus King, Weyanoke, a-Handsmeo Cadet, Lucky Kelly. A-Consolati-Porter Entry, EIGHTH $1,800 Handicap 3-year-olds and up 1 1-16 mile. Weslh Lass, Pruden 10.20 4.20 3.40 Pettigric, Harris 3.20 3.00 Pelter, Wood 4.00 Also ran: Man Crazy, Rushing River, Olympus 2nd, Sabre Drill. NINTH $1,700 Allwoance, 3-year-olds and up 7Va furlongs. Rocket Tread, Donahue 5.00 3.60 3.20 No Poaching, slu*ti 4.20 4ri Ringbone, Morgan 4.40 Also ran: Small Estate, Atouchofelass, Bar Tab, Bolero Weeper, Miss Sunrise, Avante Best Beau.

Perfecta (6-1) Paid $16.20 Attendance 5,817. Handle $325,326 1 4.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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