GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (2024)

Table of Contents
What is GOLO? The Science Behind GOLO Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Methods The Role of the GOLO Release Supplement Comparison with Other Weight Loss Supplements: How the GOLO Diet Works Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Traditional Dieting Approaches Diet and Nutrition Plan Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Standard Nutritional Recommendations Cost and Accessibility Exercise and Physical Activity Comparison Table: Exercise Recommendations in GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Programs Success Stories and Testimonials Potential Risks and Downsides of The GOLO Diet Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Solutions Comparing GOLO to Other Weight Loss Solutions Conclusion FAQs About GOLO What Do We Recommend Instead For Weight Loss? How Does This Oriental Blue Tonic Compare To GOLO? Watch The Full Video On Their Official Website To Learn About This Weight Loss Revolution Hundreds of thousands of people have purchased this new weight loss product and are enjoying life-changing results. Verified Oriental Blue Tonic Users Staggering Life-Altering Results Laura’s Self-Confidence Soared After Losing 26 Pounds… Ben Successfully Eliminated 42 Pounds of Fat… Leona lost 48 pounds and feels incredible… Watch Video To See Life-Changing Results How Much Does This Oriental Blue Tonic Cost? Oriental Blue Tonic is cheaper and more effective than GOLO for weight loss. FAQs About Oriental Blue Tonic Watch Video To Discover Why You Should Get Oriental Blue Tonic TODAY! References
GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (1)

If you’re searching for reviews on GOLO to see if it will help you lose weight, you’ve come to the right place. We did extensive research and have compiled our insights and recommendations into one comprehensive article.

This article is broken down into two sections:

  • Section #1: GOLO Review – Read our in-depth unbiased review of the GOLO Diet including its Release Supplement.
  • Section #2: Our Recommendation – Read our recommendation for a clinically proven, easy and affordable weight loss solution that is better than GOLO.

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (2)
The GOLO diet, launched in 2009 as the Go Lo se Weight diet, positions itself as more than just a weight loss program; it promises to enhance metabolic health and balance hormones linked to weight management [1][6]. With a focus on hormone balance, the GOLO diet includes dietary advice, the exclusive GOLO Release supplement, and lifestyle changes aimed at improving metabolic functions without the strict need for calorie counting or nutrient tracking [2][4]. This program suggests a holistic approach towards weight management, emphasizing the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods and introducing moderate exercise into daily routines [2][3].

Critically, while the GOLO diet claims to offer a path to sustainable weight loss and better health through its Release supplements and diet plans, questions arise regarding its effectiveness and safety. The diet underscores insulin resistance management and leans on the GOLO Release supplement, which comprises a blend of plant-based ingredients and minerals [2][7]. However, potential users should be cautiously aware of the limited research supporting these claims and the discussions about GOLO diet side effects. As we delve into an in-depth review, including comparisons with other weight loss solutions, it’s vital to weigh the reported benefits against the possible downsides and lack of robust evidence [3][7].

What is GOLO?

1. Overview and Origins:

  • Launched in 2009, the GOLO diet was developed by a dedicated team of doctors and pharmacists with the aim of offering a sustainable weight loss solution that also enhances metabolic health [5]. The program is designed to manage insulin resistance, which is often a barrier to effective weight loss [9].

2. Components of the GOLO Diet:

  • Dietary Plan: The GOLO for Life plan is integral to the diet, providing meal plans, recipes, and a Smart Card food group system to guide users in making healthy food choices. This plan emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods such as eggs, poultry, fish, meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats [8].
  • Release Supplement: A key feature of the GOLO diet is its dietary supplement called Release, which is claimed to help manage insulin levels, reduce cravings, and support metabolic efficiency. It’s important to note that while Release is manufactured in the U.S., it includes both domestic and foreign ingredients, and its effectiveness and safety are not evaluated by the FDA [3][15].
  • Duration and Safety: The program typically runs short-term, ranging from 30 to 90 days, and includes consuming between 1,300 to 1,500 nutritionally dense calories per day [3]. The GOLO for Life Plan is presented as safe and balanced, suitable for anyone looking to improve their relationship with food [10].

3. Educational Support and Promises:

  • Upon purchasing the GOLO Release supplement, users receive a free booklet that outlines permissible foods, aiming to educate on maintaining a nutritious diet post-program. The diet not only focuses on weight loss but also on fostering a sustainable and healthy lifestyle by avoiding added sugars, artificial sweeteners, and highly processed foods, and by encouraging physical activity [3][8].

4. Regulatory and Health Considerations:

  • It is crucial for potential users to consult with healthcare professionals before starting the GOLO diet or any new weight loss program, especially when considering adjustments to medications or addressing specific health conditions [14].

The Science Behind GOLO

Understanding Insulin Management in the GOLO Diet:

  • The GOLO Diet targets insulin resistance, which is a key factor in weight management and metabolic health. By focusing on stable blood sugar levels, the diet aims to enhance the body’s insulin sensitivity [11].
  • The dietary structure is divided into three groups:
    1. Fuel Group: Includes nutrient-rich whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, designed to provide sustained energy without spiking blood sugar [11].
    2. Balanced Group: Contains foods like whole grains and certain starchy vegetables that should be consumed in moderation to prevent rapid increases in blood sugar [11].
    3. No-Go Group: Consists of high-sugar and highly processed foods that can disrupt blood sugar levels and are therefore recommended to be avoided [11].

Caloric Restriction and Food Choices:

  • While the GOLO Diet promotes balanced macronutrient intake and healthy food choices, its effectiveness also stems from caloric restriction. This diet limits calorie intake which may contribute to weight loss [6][12].
  • Emphasis is placed on consuming whole foods over processed options and incorporating healthy fats while minimizing added sugars, aligning with general healthy eating principles [12].

Research and Effectiveness:

  • Despite claims of managing blood sugars and insulin levels effectively, the GOLO Diet lacks robust scientific validation. The studies cited by the company are not found in peer-reviewed databases, raising concerns about the reliability of the data [13][14].
  • It is claimed that controlling insulin is more effective than calorie counting for weight loss, yet these claims are not backed by substantial independent research. The effectiveness of the GOLO Release supplement, in particular, is questioned as studies typically examine ingredients individually, not in combination [14].

Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Methods

AspectGOLO DietOther Weight Loss Methods
FocusInsulin management and blood sugar stabilizationCalorie deficit, macronutrient balance
Food GroupsDivided into Fuel, Balanced, and No-GoOften less restrictive
Research ValidationLimited; studies not in peer-reviewed databasesOften supported by independent studies
Supplement UseRequired (GOLO Release)Optional or not required
CostIncludes cost of supplementsMay not require additional supplements

By understanding these aspects, you can better assess whether the GOLO Diet aligns with your health goals and preferences.

The Role of the GOLO Release Supplement

Composition and Claims:

  • The GOLO Release supplement is formulated with a blend of seven natural plant-based ingredients and three minerals, specifically magnesium, zinc, and chromium, which are known to play roles in metabolic processes [3][9][12][16][20][21].
  • The supplement claims to support weight loss by improving insulin levels and blood sugar management. It also aims to provide metabolic support, reduce cravings, and maintain normal blood sugar levels between meals [4][9][10][16][21].

Concerns and Side Effects:

  • Despite its natural composition, the GOLO Release supplement has been associated with several potential side effects. Some users have reported experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, mood swings, anxiety, and irritability [5][15].
  • There is a concern regarding the interaction of the supplement’s ingredients with prescription medications, which could pose health risks for users on certain drugs [5].

Comparison with Other Weight Loss Supplements:

AspectGOLO Release SupplementOther Weight Loss Supplements
IngredientsNatural plant-based ingredients and mineralsOften includes synthetic or chemical compounds
Side EffectsGastrointestinal issues, mood changes, potential drug interactionsVaries; some have minimal reported side effects
MechanismClaims to manage insulin and blood sugar levelsMay focus on appetite suppression or fat burning
Scientific BackingLimited evidence supporting effectivenessOften supported by more extensive research
CostIncludes ongoing cost of supplementsMay not require continuous purchase
Regulatory ApprovalNot evaluated by FDASome are FDA approved or under more stringent regulations
  • The GOLO Release supplement, while marketed as a beneficial aid for weight loss and insulin management, lacks robust scientific validation compared to other weight loss supplements that may have more research backing and regulatory approval [6][12][14].

This detailed examination highlights the need for potential users to consider both the benefits and the drawbacks of the GOLO Release supplement, especially in comparison to other available weight loss solutions.

How the GOLO Diet Works

Meal Structure and Frequency:

  • The GOLO Diet advocates for consuming three balanced meals daily, each including selections from four primary “fuel groups”: proteins, carbohydrates (such as fruits or whole grains), vegetables, and healthy fats [12].
  • Each meal should contain 1-2 portions from each fuel group to ensure a balanced intake that supports metabolic health [4].

GOLO For Life Plan:

  • Weight Loss and Metabolic Goals: Aims to achieve a steady weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week by balancing hormones and optimizing metabolism, which is crucial for long-term weight management and health [2].
  • Nutritional Education and Lifestyle Changes: Participants are educated on how to incorporate more of their favorite foods in a way that fuels metabolism and promotes weight loss, alongside recommendations for moderate physical activity [9].
  • Behavioral Support: Provides tools to combat emotional and stress eating, helping users identify triggers and adopt healthier eating habits [23].

Dietary Recommendations and Restrictions:

  • Whole Foods Emphasis: Encourages the consumption of unprocessed foods, which are easier to find and prepare, making healthy eating accessible whether at home or dining out [22].
  • Avoidance of Processed Foods: The diet specifically advises against processed foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, and artificial sweeteners, which can hinder metabolic health and weight loss efforts [4].
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Promotes eating real, wholesome foods which not only supports health but can also be more economical compared to processed alternatives [23].

Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Traditional Dieting Approaches

AspectGOLO DietTraditional Dieting
Focus on Food TypesWhole foods, balanced across all “fuel groups”Often calorie-focused, less emphasis on food quality
Behavioral ToolsTools for managing emotional eating and stressUsually lacks behavioral support
Metabolic HealthCentral focus, with strategies to optimize metabolismSecondary consideration or not addressed
SustainabilityDesigned for gradual weight loss and long-term maintenanceOften short-term with rapid weight loss goals
Educational ComponentStrong emphasis on teaching sustainable eating habitsVaries, generally less focus on education

This structured approach not only helps in gradual weight loss but also educates on maintaining a healthy lifestyle beyond the diet period, addressing the root causes of weight gain such as insulin resistance and poor metabolic health.

Diet and Nutrition Plan

Key Components of the GOLO Diet:

  • Whole Foods Emphasis: The diet encourages the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods including fresh fruits, green vegetables like broccoli and kale, and healthy fats such as olive oil and chia seeds [20].
  • Protein Sources: Includes a variety of animal proteins such as beef, chicken, and eggs, as well as plant-based options like legumes and nuts [5].
  • Carbohydrate Options: Whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal are recommended, alongside starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes [5].

Potential Nutritional Concerns:

  • Caloric Intake: The GOLO diet recommends a daily intake of 1,300 to 1,800 calories, which may be insufficient for individuals over 130 pounds, potentially leading to energy deficits and nutritional imbalances [3].
  • Restrictive Nature: While the diet promotes nutrient-dense foods, its restrictive caloric limits can lead to unhealthy eating habits and nutrient deficiencies if not carefully monitored [5][26].

Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Standard Nutritional Recommendations

Nutritional AspectGOLO DietStandard Recommendations
Daily Caloric Intake1,300 – 1,800 caloriesTypically 2,000 – 2,500 calories
Food VarietyLimited due to caloric restrictionEncourages diverse food groups
SustainabilityShort-term focus, may lead to rebound weight gainPromotes long-term, sustainable habits
Nutrient AdequacyPotential for deficiencies due to low caloriesAims for balanced nutrient intake
AdaptabilityStrict, with required supplement intakeFlexible, adaptable to individual needs

Additional Considerations:

  • Medical Concerns: Individuals with a history of disordered eating, those on medication, or those with conditions like diabetes should exercise caution and consult healthcare professionals before adopting the GOLO diet due to its restrictive nature and potential interaction with medications [5].
  • Behavioral Impact: The prescriptive approach of the GOLO diet, requiring the consumption of the Release supplement and strict adherence to calorie counts, may not foster a healthy, long-term relationship with food [5].

This analysis underlines the importance of evaluating both the benefits and limitations of the GOLO diet, particularly in comparison with broader nutritional standards that emphasize balance and sustainability.

Cost and Accessibility

  • Initial and Ongoing Costs:
    • The GOLO diet itself is accessible for free, which includes the dietary guidelines and meal plans [29]. However, the essential component, the GOLO Release supplement, is not free and is necessary for following the diet as recommended.
    • A single bottle of GOLO Release capsules, containing 90 capsules, is priced at $49.95. This bottle is intended to last approximately four weeks, assuming one capsule is taken with each meal [6][3].
  • Comparison of Costs with Other Weight Loss Programs:
    • While the initial cost of the GOLO diet may seem reasonable, the ongoing need to purchase the Release supplement can add up. Each bottle costs $49.95, and with the recommendation of taking one capsule per meal, users will find themselves needing a new bottle approximately every month [1][6].
  • Accessibility and Availability:
    • The Release supplement can be purchased directly from the GOLO website, which adds a layer of convenience for users. However, the necessity of continuous purchase to adhere to the diet plan may pose a financial burden over time, especially when compared to other weight loss solutions that do not require ongoing purchases of supplements [29].

Comparison Table: Cost and Accessibility of GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Solutions

AspectGOLO DietOther Weight Loss Solutions
Initial CostFree diet plan; $49.95 for Release supplementOften free or lower-cost entry options
Ongoing Cost$49.95 per month for ongoing supplement needsMay not require monthly supplement costs
AccessibilitySupplements available online; mandatory for diet adherenceMore flexible, often no supplements needed
Financial BurdenHigh due to continuous supplement purchaseGenerally lower or one-time costs

This comparative analysis highlights that while GOLO offers a structured diet plan for free, the associated costs with the required Release supplement and its monthly replenishment could make it less accessible and more burdensome financially over time compared to other weight loss options that might not necessitate such ongoing expenses.

Exercise and Physical Activity

  • Recommended Activities: The GOLO diet encourages a variety of physical activities to complement its dietary regimen. These activities range from moderate to low impact and include walking on the beach, water aerobics, kayaking, gardening, and even playing miniature golf [30]. Additionally, structured exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, and various forms of dancing are suggested to maintain flexibility and overall physical health [28].
  • Daily Exercise Goals: According to the GOLO diet, engaging in at least 15 minutes of exercise per day is crucial. This could be as simple as a 30-minute walk outside or a more structured workout like a 20-minute beginner cardio and core session [3][28]. The inclusion of regular physical activity is aimed at improving insulin sensitivity, which is a significant aspect of the GOLO weight loss strategy [11][12].
  • Innovative Ways to Incorporate Exercise: The GOLO diet plan also suggests integrating exercise into daily routines to make physical activity more accessible and enjoyable. This includes “deskercise,” using a yoga ball instead of a chair at work, or even engaging in physical chores like mowing the lawn or gardening. These activities not only help in managing weight but also in enhancing metabolic health by keeping the body active throughout the day [31].

Comparison Table: Exercise Recommendations in GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Programs

Activity TypeGOLO DietOther Weight Loss Programs
Structured ExerciseYoga, Tai Chi, DancingOften includes gym-based workouts
Daily Routine IntegrationEncourages using chores as exercise opportunitiesMay not emphasize daily activity
Minimum Daily Activity15 minutes of any physical activityVaries, some have no set minimum
AccessibilityActivities can be done at home or nearby environmentsOften requires gym equipment or visits
Support for Aging PopulationIncludes gentle exercises suitable for seniorsMay not cater specifically to seniors

This approach not only promotes weight loss but also supports a sustainable shift towards a healthier lifestyle, emphasizing the integration of exercise into daily life rather than viewing it as a separate or special activity.

Success Stories and Testimonials

  • Individual Success Stories:
    1. Karen: Lost 59 lbs in 12 months, emphasizing that GOLO was the only program that helped her lose weight and maintain it [17].
    2. Michael: Achieved a weight loss of 62 lbs in 7 months, noting significant health improvements that even his doctor found remarkable [17].
    3. Kim: Successfully shed 67 lbs over 16 months, appreciating the ability to eat her favorite foods without needing a “cheat day” [17].
    4. Barry: Dropped 43 lbs in 13 months, gaining more energy and mobility [17].
    5. JoAnn: Lost 75 lbs in 10 months, gaining confidence and feeling more comfortable in social settings [17].
    6. Sholeh and Blaine: Each lost 75 lbs, with Sholeh taking 11 months and Blaine only 6 months, noting significant health benefits like reduced blood sugar and cravings [17].
    7. Darlene and Susan: Reported easy weight loss with Darlene losing 40 lbs in 9 months and Susan 84 lbs in 13 months, both highlighting improved energy and well-being [17].
  • Extended Success Stories:
    1. Chris: A retired teacher who lost 57 lbs and regained confidence and activity levels [18].
    2. Sharon: After multiple dieting failures, lost 52 lbs and pursued a dream of modeling [18].
    3. Kelly and Ben: Made weight loss a family endeavor with ongoing success, emphasizing life-changing impacts [18].
    4. Michael (Marathon Runner): Overcame a weight gain of 60 lbs in 17 months to return to marathon shape [18].
    5. Katie: Lost 110 lbs in 11 months, inspiring her family with her dedication to the GOLO for Life® Plan [18].
    6. Jill and Barry: Retired teachers who found adopting the GOLO lifestyle an easy and beneficial choice [18].

Quantitative Success Metrics:

  • In a controlled study, participants using GOLO Release showed a 79% greater weight loss and 206% more reduction in waist circumference compared to those on a placebo over 13 weeks [10].

These testimonials and data points suggest that many individuals have found substantial success with the GOLO diet, experiencing not only significant weight loss but also improvements in their overall health and lifestyle. However, it’s essential to consider these results in the context of personal health goals and conditions.

Potential Risks and Downsides of The GOLO Diet

Health Concerns and Side Effects:

  • Hormonal Imbalances: The GOLO diet may cause hormonal imbalances, leading to mood swings, fatigue, and headaches, which could affect daily functioning and overall well-being [26].
  • Muscle Loss: Rapid weight loss associated with the GOLO diet might result in the loss of muscle mass rather than fat, potentially slowing down metabolism and making it harder to maintain weight loss [26].
  • Supplement Safety: Since the GOLO Release supplement is not regulated by the FDA like conventional medications, its safety and efficacy remain uncertain [6].

Regulatory and Research Shortcomings:

  • Lack of FDA Oversight: The ingredients and claims of the GOLO Release supplement do not undergo the rigorous evaluation required for FDA-approved products, which raises concerns about consumer safety [6].
  • Insufficient Research: There is a notable absence of peer-reviewed research published in medical journals supporting the effectiveness of the GOLO diet, making it difficult to verify the claims made by its creators [6].

Dietary Restrictions and Sustainability:

  • Caloric Intake Concerns: The GOLO diet significantly restricts calorie intake, which may not be safe for all adults unless closely monitored by a healthcare professional [5].
  • Unsustainable Long-Term: The diet’s restrictive nature may lead to nutritional deficiencies and is not recommended for individuals with a history of disordered eating or those on certain medications [5].

Comparison Table: GOLO Diet vs. Other Weight Loss Solutions

AspectGOLO DietOther Weight Loss Solutions
Regulatory OversightNone by FDA for supplementsOften higher, with some FDA-approved options
Research BackingLimited to non-peer-reviewed studiesGenerally supported by extensive peer-reviewed research
Side EffectsPotential hormonal imbalances, muscle lossOften have fewer severe side effects
Diet SustainabilityHigh risk of rebound weight gain due to restrictive natureMore balanced approaches leading to sustainable weight loss
CostContinuous purchase of supplements requiredOne-time or no supplement costs, generally more budget-friendly

This analysis underscores the importance of consulting with healthcare professionals before starting any new diet or supplement regimen, especially one like the GOLO diet that involves significant dietary restrictions and unregulated supplements [26] [5].

Comparing GOLO to Other Weight Loss Solutions

AspectGOLO DietProvitalize
FocusWeight loss through insulin management and whole foodsWeight management with probiotics for menopausal women
Key IngredientsPlant-based ingredients and minerals for metabolic supportProbiotics and thermogenic ingredients for wellness
Target AudienceGeneral adults seeking weight lossWomen, particularly during menopause
Health Benefits ClaimedSustainable weight loss, insulin balanceManages weight, enhances digestion, manages menopause symptoms
Scientific BackingLimited peer-reviewed research, focuses on insulin resistance [21]Utilizes probiotics known for digestive health benefits [33]
  • Analysis of Sustainable Weight Loss Approaches:
    • The GOLO for Life Plan emphasizes a holistic approach to weight loss by encouraging a balanced diet and managing insulin levels, aiming for long-term sustainability [21].
    • Provitalize, on the other hand, targets a specific demographic (women in menopause) and focuses on managing symptoms related to weight gain during menopause, using a blend of probiotics and natural thermogenic ingredients [33].
  • Consideration of Targeted Needs:
    • While GOLO aims broadly at individuals looking to improve weight loss and metabolic health, Provitalize is specifically formulated for women experiencing menopausal changes, addressing both weight management and menopausal symptoms [33].
    • This targeted approach by Provitalize may offer more specialized benefits for its audience compared to the broader approach of the GOLO diet [33].

These comparisons highlight the importance of choosing a weight loss solution that not only aligns with one’s health goals but also addresses specific bodily needs and conditions.


Through this comprehensive analysis, the significant challenges and limitations inherent in the GOLO Diet Plan become evident. With considerable emphasis on the importance of hormone balance and metabolic health, the GOLO diet and the integral role of its Release supplement present a method of weight management that demands scrutiny. The critical reviews spotlight the scarcity of independent research validating its efficacy and highlight potential side effects, reinforcing the need for consumer vigilance. Questions surrounding the safety and long-term sustainability of the diet, especially given its reliance on the unregulated Release supplement and its restrictive caloric recommendations, further underscore caution for those considering this weight loss avenue.

In navigating the complex landscape of weight management solutions, it’s paramount to prioritize approaches underpinned by robust scientific evidence and recognized for their safety and effectiveness. While the testimonials and marketing of the GOLO Diet may appeal to many, it is crucial to examine these claims critically, juxtaposed against the broader nutritional standards and proven weight loss practices. For those on the quest for a reliable and effective weight management strategy, we encourage exploring alternatives broadened by concrete research and clinical backing to discover a pathway that aligns with both your health goals and scientific integrity, offering a more transparent and sustainable approach to achieving and maintaining optimal weight and wellness.


1. Does the GOLO program effectively support weight loss?

The GOLO Diet has been studied through research funded and conducted by the company itself, indicating potential benefits for weight loss. However, it remains uncertain if the weight loss results directly from the program or simply from general practices like reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity.

2. What are the details of the lawsuit filed against GOLO?

In 2021, a lawsuit was initiated against GOLO, LLC, a company based in Delaware, over accusations of deceptive advertising practices. The lawsuit, led by plaintiff Vincenzza Bubak, claims that the company made false and misleading claims about Release, one of its dietary supplements, affecting consumers nationwide.

4. What is the typical timeframe to observe results with the GOLO for Life® Plan?

Individuals using the GOLO for Life® Plan generally begin to notice changes within the first two to four weeks. The nature of these results can vary, with some people losing weight in pounds and others in inches. It’s important to recognize that weight loss can manifest in different forms and at different rates for each person.

What Do We Recommend Instead For Weight Loss?

What We Recommend: If you’re looking for an easy way to lose weight fast without diet or exercise, you should check out this new Oriental Blue Tonic. It is a quick night time ritual that you drink before going to bed. It improves your sleep quality and melts fat overnight. Verified customers are losing weight in the first week of using this simple method.

How Does This Oriental Blue Tonic Compare To GOLO?

AspectBlue TonicGOLO
Easy To Follow
Weight Loss In First Week
No Diet
No Exercise
No Side Effects
Customer Ratings4.93/5
Targets Root Cause of Weight Gain
Improved Sleep
Healthy & Vibrant Skin
Boosts Metabolism
Improved Lipid Profile
Improved Cardiovascular Function
Reduced Cravings
Improved Energy Levels
Affordability (Limited Time Offer: Save Up to $1548**)
90-Day Money Back Guarantee
No Side Effects

Watch The Full Video On Their Official Website To Learn About This Weight Loss Revolution

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (3)

Hundreds of thousands of people have purchased this new weight loss product and are enjoying life-changing results.

See below for a few customer testimonials from real people who have used this blue tonic.

Verified Oriental Blue Tonic Users

Staggering Life-Altering Results

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (4)
GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (5)

Laura’s Self-Confidence Soared After Losing 26 Pounds…

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (6)

Laura Johnson,42 years old

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERIFIED PURCHASE: Purchased 6 bottle package of Oriental Blue Tonic

As a working mother of three, finding time to take care of myself was always a challenge. But when I discovered this everything changed.

In just a few weeks, I’ve shed 26 pounds, I feel lighter on my feet and my joints feel supple… decades younger, my self-esteem is at an all time high too.

I can’t recommend it enough to anyone looking for a fast and effective weight loss solution, I feel amazing.

Laura Johnson

Ben Successfully Eliminated 42 Pounds of Fat…

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (7)

Ben Thomas, 64 years old

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERIFIED PURCHASE: Purchased 3 bottle package of Oriental Blue Tonic

42 pounds lost in 6 weeks… my energy is through the roof, I’m able to play with the grandkids again and go on long walks with my wife without getting out of breath.

I’m finally enjoying life again and STILL able to eat all my favorite foods.

Ben Thomas

Leona lost 48 pounds and feels incredible…

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (8)

Leona Walker, 26 years old

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERIFIED PURCHASE: Purchased 6 bottle package of Oriental Blue Tonic

“I’m thrilled! 48 pounds weight loss!

Now I finally know why ALL my previous weight loss journeys ended in failure..

This time the weight has come off fast and I know it will be permanent..

Believe me, you can do it too! I can confidently say it’s the most incredible feeling in the world

Leona Walker

Watch Video To See Life-Changing Results

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (9)

How Much Does This Oriental Blue Tonic Cost?

Just a quick heads up, the prices from their official website are listed below:

PackageRetail PricePromo PriceBonuses
1 Bottle (30 Day Supply)$297/Bottle$297 $59NO BONUS
3 Bottles (90 Day Supply)$297/Bottle$891 $1472 FREE BONUS BOOKS
6 Bottles (180 Day Supply)$297/Bottle$1782 $2342 FREE BONUS BOOKS

In addition, the company offers a 90-Day Money Back guarantee (even if the bottle is empty). With the proven results backed by science and this guarantee, there’s nothing to lose (except your unwanted body fat). It’s a no-brainer.

Oriental Blue Tonic is cheaper and more effective than GOLO for weight loss.

FAQs About Oriental Blue Tonic

What kind of results can I expect from this ‘Oriental Blue Tonic’?

We like to categorize the results into three stages.
1) First, you’ll feel much better overall, Increased energy, clearer thoughts, reduced inflammation, fewer aches and pains and better sleep. Think back a decade or two, that’s how you’ll feel again
2) Second, you’ll look better, your skin and face will look brighter and healthier, your fine lines and wrinkles will start to vanish.
3) Finally, this Blue Tonic will help you get rid of that excess body fat and keep it off. This formula is the secret to a slim and sexy figure for everybody, your current situation doesn’t matter, whether you have ten, fifty, or more than a hundred pounds to lose is irrelevant.

How long will it take to see results?

Everybody is different and that’s why the time it takes to get results varies, what I can tell you is that most people notice their clothes feel looser after just the first week. Their belly also starts to look smaller and they begin to feel lighter, and the longer you use it the better your results tend to become… In most cases, friends and family will start to beg for your secret before just 60 days.

What Is inside this Oriental Blue Tonic?

This Blue Tonic is made up of a proprietary blend of 8 natural ingredients proven to target the root cause of unexplained weight gain from blue light exposure and lack of N-REM sleep. They are Valerian root, Humulus lupulus, Griffonia simplicifolia or 5-HTP, Berberine, Spirulina Blue, Black Cohosh, Lutein, Inulin powder and we added Stevia, Citric acid and Flavouring for a delicious taste.

How can something so powerful be safe? What are the side effects?

This Blue Tonic is an all-natural formula that contains only ingredients that are completely safe. We’ve not experienced a single negative side effect yet after having had tens of thousands of people taking it, and to ensure the highest quality and safety standards, everything is manufactured here in the United States. In other words, you can rest assured that what you’re getting is fully compliant with GMP safety standards.

How do I take this Oriental Blue Tonic?

Simply mix one scoop of the powder with water and drink every day before you sleep. That’s all there is to it, with that you’ll get a powerful dose of all of the potent, fat-burning nutrients while you sleep.

Can I buy this Oriental Blue Tonic at my local supplement shop? Is it available anywhere else?

You can’t find this Blue Tonic in stores or anywhere else yet. Only on their official website.

What if I lose the weight too fast?

We know it can be exciting to see the results you’ve desired for so long, and it’s especially delightful to see such results quickly… But some people who take this Blue Tonic lose weight faster than they hoped, and, if that’s the case for you, simply take half a scoop per day instead of a full scoop.

I know this Oriental Blue Tonic is backed by science, but are you sure it’ll work for me?

This Blue Tonic contains ingredients that are proven to work, regardless of whether you’re twenty, forty, or eighty, and no matter your weight or background. So, yes. We are 100% sure this will work for you, that’s why we are letting you try this breakthrough formula completely risk-free. It’s simple, If, within 90 days, you are not totally thrilled with your results, let us know and you’ll receive every invested penny back, even if the bottle is empty…That’s why it’s a no-brainer, you simply have nothing to lose, except for unwanted body fat, doesn’t that sound fair? So, go ahead and experience these amazing results for yourself…

Watch Video To Discover Why You Should Get Oriental Blue Tonic TODAY!

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (10)

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before starting any weight loss or dietary supplement regimen.


[1] – https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2023/07/22/what-is-the-golo-diet-foods-monthly-costs-and-downsides/70377431007/
[2] – https://www.golo.com/pages/how-golo-works
[3] – https://www.forbes.com/health/nutrition/diet/golo-diet-review/
[4] – https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/golo-diet-review
[5] – https://www.eatingwell.com/article/8036870/what-is-the-golo-diet-is-it-safe/
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[7] – https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a29504994/golo-diet-plan-review/
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[11] – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/science-behind-golo-diet-how-works-julian-gold
[12] – https://www.verywellfit.com/what-is-the-golo-diet-reviews-and-quick-facts-4150692
[13] – https://www.prevention.com/weight-loss/diets/a30211399/golo-diet-for-weight-loss/
[14] – https://health.clevelandclinic.org/top-5-trending-diets-which-are-a-hit-which-are-a-miss
[15] – https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-side-effects-of-golo-release-pills
[16] – https://www.golo.com/pages/golo-faq
[17] – https://www.golo.com/pages/success-stories
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[19] – https://www.health.com/weight-loss/golo-diet
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[22] – https://www.golo.com/pages/golo-diet
[23] – https://www.golo.com/pages/meal-plans-that-work
[24] – https://www.oatext.com/a-randomized-double-blind-placebo-controlled-study-evaluating-the-effects-of-the-golo-weight-management-program-with-and-without-release-supplement-on-weight-and-metabolic-parameters-in-subjects-with-obesity.php
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[27] – https://www.golo.com/blogs/golo/weight-loss-surgery-is-not-the-only-answer
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[29] – https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/golo-diet-review-cost-benefits-and-more/
[30] – https://www.golo.com/blogs/golo/workout-tips-and-tunes-to-get-you-moving
[31] – https://www.golo.com/blogs/golo/easy-ways-to-add-exercise-into-your-day-without-spending-hours-at-the-gym
[32] – https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05844631
[33] – https://betterbody.co/blogs/health-articles/provitalize-vs-golo

GOLO Weight Loss Review: Does It Actually Work? What's Our Recommendation? - Kelly Re(search) (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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