Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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THUlutDAY MORNING NOYEMliUt J7 I'jZ IVck Daniel Host To 11 Organists FIRE DESTROYS 32000 GAUONS OF WHISKEY Dr Pruwn To Hbtor' Club i-M 4 lldbs ftwt btSltoA 1 lit fiidto 4 ta4 -M A fc-jkfe otoUtoi! A Wfc44U --As 4mu id tat Actliilun Cl'L hi cuts tr Church Aclutltts tlsH Tts- nf A ai rA (ti tt if LttU A I "lA-tl lltil 'tm: HULSTuL JiUtAU) fOUJUFK hlimoi 1 Mu It-' I r-Vtotoa Is s- to I 1 14 Um4 A Isjttolvttol ivptotvia tos ti 2d 1444 4wAito Viskt4 9 lM tHtHIID 1 9 Is II A'U'S 22 I i u4 Iw ft a £L4kt Urn 4kg A4i I NO ilm il i hS P- 1 to Wto to to! 1 tot l4 if it i ImM 1i MMto I 4 Sfc i lutlt AtotoVsn Cl 4 I tows 4 1 tot tl tot to-n to tl 1st Sfe m- lutoj lM4 tontoil titotoitAl IWIblt tot ttlVtoS iitSitto totoltllto to to t-to4 fisat tost tqf 1 Mis A si rIks MorLson I4 lit totol totoMl t- 111 4iw Otolto Uit V-H Mis Wl (1Ui4C4 tB4 tow4 ktlb wftstoA 4 -toia 4444 rfti 4 f4 A tuMj 1 Vs4 Wftoto MtotoS 1 (Uii to wu4 n-t UU totoWtolV Iu--ew StotoVUls 4 Mito I to ms tou 4 4 Ui A i 'il (4 I Mr AiUtof I ssto-s toe -a to Iftofetot totoa-t-4 4 to -4 I tosetiau to Mtt Mr I to4 feu lf4U4 to- lito toto1 I to Ml to fetov- 14 A A toa4 feiototl 14 to- Ml 'to- MSto toto to tsutoHtot Uto s-to 1 ia 4 lu ltU lua twtoUi sttotoUtS 4 ttol'y 'Vs a tut 4Su-to JV pttotoStoi III 4 lto tot-MWu to Ml -to tu1 4to to TU 4 bo toatoto-Le to lftol S-U I tt -U i is Ist lilt to Party Honoree Vf wofctttoft parti fu i Jtrtd fc'sf (uf (ifwiia Htd to m4 tot-tk Mi As Mis titis to-toMM MjS 4s MtoS-t1 it tail tsoj a tot- to Mautsi tto-ito Os! to is1 AsAiiss Mi 1 -s fc asi ts Cs toSltis l- UAs ttt Ms 2-A sstotot tost stoUt Hto" A Ml i us YitSfeK Ot(itot 4 Itwia Ms tuts iCr 1 3i t-iv -s yfe Kami tM 6j Wi Mis to js (v Til Cus wisatlto TV ttit Ml A tto tots toutoto It to to Mote to t-t4 ust Mis FJ Mis J- sso i Mi to tTk-i 1 4 fes tto 4 I 111 4 tot 4 fet Itto i I Mia to to ri u'" At I fe a- 1 Vm -i- Kus-ki i uff I 8ibrt-j bji4 mr r-tt I f-4 4 MUMaTbieBI fwito 1st Uaptist Installs Officers TttotolJ Mis I 7 4 A Ji tM Mis Iv-mii As-teMi oitoitoitol Ms ASM lift 1 1 Mis totiF toiest sto AiitoJtjt 1 Mss a v--1 4 I 61 -to to -) to wto 4 I is 4 O-ri T-r fe 4 Ps totf-ts TVs tossut om t-4 tot FimAt irt '-4 Mr si is otosl Ifexllry Ktot tto U4 litol? TVs Is Us trim Mt Atolmct to tot Il to L'ut Uj Mrs Kisscst is Mt tot US to tlMt Jt Ml' (t4tto I li-sxis mu iii t- is vr is 2 to Wtol Mis tv ia ms WMS lit Chug L4M to jr-tv £--! fes fat 4 M-rv toRfc A'-wikLMk t- fa fcrt TVk I toil strw stows (to Ssltto s4 ba43t4 4 IV rs IrttoUkl-fUs y4 1 OnwtoH Hr Vm totototslw fas 4swtor4 It iOms of wfetotst TV Us- UIM IV It w4 4 4 ttol rvs-t 4 tatys 1 gVIyyto Mi to bwtoUl Utl to-4 ito fesUSfetg Kdfr Hart It of Mitoiofcrjf i LEWIS LISTENS TO THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCE A- el A toll tot i E- tr TftlUTJ Kt 'f tot 1 If Uljnert totr-ito'S I a Ui to- e4Ky "TV I fkisuilt itK pui t'ato4 tr I Mrs Ats Mtltaa h(n Ci to XT 4 to'to tof tofkl Its Ms itrwii is tof ist Infers! 1 Jto Mrs Arrs trl Ui ism rtis 1 Ua Trl-kfeU lit I h4 04 toll Mt lr -M tor! Lt yrw I frssi tl H2 to Stout 1 1 rU 4J 4(Vd toM to f1 Otft luftfelt fS tfer ua pti by frW Lrwsti Mas LetvUiy Turner I 4 t'oi torid by trs I feral Crj-trs 4 tr Cu-4 tortlsst la try Ua fe ul t-trsdl tfiltofsrsi: tor-t tow dtMtd HA Ua bstw'-f lees of Ua lnliTwl At torrsrttodutU toww Is 4 'Ui Urs Mis titnuj pMurwl Is Vslrto sKrytotrUtmirfs cf Put rwta rtriUrti Uv Ubs sod Wto4 UroviVaul tfe rsrp-1 (a fwtr1 Trsys c4 hna mda kits 4ai ty tosrdtoicfess I Uls rn'pa and tout Us4 rs rr tot aa mm ra as to tU Mm 2iC- I ttotof IDA a -1 TN i Cjt it ts fail Ml -'t ttartS MtoUtt to la-Vs fr-to'-it TtoJT Tl l-ato jnti 1 Wt few a rrt k4 ItsAtr ti Wt Ljii: intiteil Mi Ttimrysit t-v i fm ti-t Af Ms It Jfetot sl KSlptMl rfrar totofM0l WS (' iS4-M im Wha AJ 'f TranerfA I fB 4 U-4 ftb I lrdWWJfe4 ialWu 1-4 i iA flVSratBb W-t At i Jvacu I It ft viA A jrfy at fet tot li'v uiV fer I- feiatfe toa "TV ll-uit-" a t-rjWiba-l f-aa Uui1tos 4 at to --it a4 4 Mat a 7-s Ml fet prltgs 4 I bear Vs-4 I UA A C-n-s la I au feu V-i Us aa fe If 4--4 l-y Mas Sues Vt fain -4 Ife fttlni4 sawtutvlfea fet rw tw ferl fe-rn a 4-t t-r u-tid 3 a V-tf to fe-tlisvaA It-S I e- 1 1 fer -eu 1 Ca wa Tslcst tour sod frifed into a club toy 2t It -fetos toth inf wttva 14 t-At-uni! is Eatfera llsi aM In tha lluly tu'ut tow day lr Breton fe an smfevsndnl i-a aiudwii arvd hfe 4 ihukfey 1 to life! TVs let tar 121 cacraaucfet aS ptKvi-ar'y ai-olLra ll Irtpfwt Pa Inferett of ha auiirrvcs and hail It lhm-4'tom pa achmiafly I address TV ciub nsiifeti sipcwd I wire! at Iha WilButd atnaeeun ef Mrs Vlritnia fr lah era of life Ruat lotosd mart) Ire who ha been Ul Urw4'oul tha faU fe nnt and unable to m)y mwUrf ha haa lm ovnt loyal and atliv In Ca L's of the club lor many years At Re o'cksrk tha hosfesw-t laasfefed by Mrs Barger aspred I Uvrpuni aalad Mrs CstottosEC 4r Mrs Kt) CssBtHtottoS BrMU-KAtotoS )(ivwir Ms Ms Jm it Mrs It Mfit Mr u- 4 tMtol Mm It f4 -rtoUfT Mrs Iterfetfl tU tMJittl itornstfi Stuffy gab TT A to Arfe-to nl rw fe ilfe aja 12 k4i mmj-war "Uum ew-jOo wOt im hi tom Ktottr tot hrttoM tol ft'jurr Mrs WtlUf Cr UUs tot fwrtfscT jttolt riirv3 j- rrurf Mrs ftortoi at Kmm tot Csrj il9m Mtr Mrs CUr-ivf srtj ArtUfkiA torsaia Aaljt sni'int lrntr tr rt fen 1rursr Vicks Weddings Va-tro-cjol ri-toElt tVorsJ Ao'o1 tjeto-T lit Cto rtottofOoti taU la 0v nr I'l Mass pw pstr of tKt tors ofl fey Ms ltot1s Hr-ar 4 h'a Lrlrs toosp ral la Irs at Amls Msrtta tot to wr Ar4 I2v law irtto nA trY st4 Mrs lUlint CtoUNrr stt) tut pT'tto onpsrt TV honors tor tuixwtl frt lrrs with brown sqairTsl Itorksl ferowo toKwssortfs Tbs KnrttW f'ft Is bar wtt iUk VS XitwaMtoli Mr M-'fgsn announrss 0v marrti of her duiK'r Mm CEr! to E4srd Nl- ct Hsril lalurdsy nfef It 7 wrsemmy fwrformed by th Rarsrmd (wor i Braium TTbr ptor of Enoo lisp tlt church HoJ-Lni Tha brld waa attired In a travsimi ruit of te! blue with chlanti orrortcs and wor a corts of Taliaman rose nd Iirdtnlas Th caremony waa followed by a luncheon iivm by th bride' Mr A Crouch After a brief northern trip Mr Ilttlll lbs RwtttotrtofS BAGS Sd HOSILRY Dperva tneled riaata were I Mr Howard Uarier Mrs llmry Bites and Dr and Mrs Ralph A Brown Mi law fe (rlfkt) CIO ehalrman ftifenrd alfenUeely aa be cfesiud silk Smith l-yaar-atd handle make and sol lrgila frea Naahelli Teas 1 tha CIO caUt In rttfeksrgh IK leg la 8ndth ksg tha Arsrcrii tabs msvciseiit (raw frsa infancy ttJk'Tt WOI It rw iomi Mrs JUwft piritE Ms A Tnr tuni petfijl Mta Ctofriya RafttssTt Utkfers Mrs It Iferuev Mrs OTto-tUrri Mrs a nik'an A Msittof Mrs rtir A A- Wtodrrs Mrs Arthur Brrd Mrs 11 Kir Jr: A- Mmr Mrs Ths mtttlfintry Stl livrn fer Uv lris Crssti CirtUr wtib Mrs Editor pumsUs i rhrf "TTfetol A Tr fend Hus In Jmm" wtoi nuf otwntrtf hymn Kithtortrvs M-Cormlrb fss th dtoTotiontol rtotodirf from th 1 1 th thtoptsr RrrtoliUotvt "Shtosss With lUJolrtrf In wl dsc*msd by Mrs Gtoorf IstoTsll Mrs I Blfby of nrtnt Intarmont broulht pUto to tolm br uhfto1 Jut tic 01 ran AIL At thi cofidjilofl of tht Ulks Mr Caorf LaU nd Mrs rVopirs wars ippolntad fommlttr to nd rs port to the 8 Mtoffl Shumat Cirri hd th Urst tottrodtonr tot th martini Mr Byrd nrounedJ th wrrk of nrsyrr brclnnlnf Nos 21 throuih Drc th hour brim I with 11 day martini on rrldy of that wrk Durlnl th lniln of ru Krrp Near th CrrtH Mrs McEver llluitrsted th onl In colors on a blckbord which oil most lmprrsilrr -K SffirssraTJS "Gold in the Presented At DANCE AT COUNTRY CLUB SATURDAY homa tn Boa risks life of on of history most iruru women Madam Curt dw Cototrtr ot that potential aub- itanr known as radium In' thla llofripoy of her mother Ere 'SuHinsrDirected by Mrs Martin Country Club member nd Qtuimpij? Not now Clubs Churches Well Staged Melodrama Completely Captivates Large Audience Thirty -Six Girla Take Tart Cuil give to th world 4 only lueat fmm out of town daughter could know It th nUcipUng with pleajur tragedy and sorrow which shad- owed her mother early life and luh houe lU- bhe etiereal belghu to which ah hm Hester and hU orcheatm climbed in her love for her hus- I WLlJ of band PlcrT Curie Both Keebler CUa Th monthly cl sa meetlni of Keebler Class Anderson Street number of Ut and popular ae- In It first appearanc of the lectiorfe" Tl usher wer Mi Mary MarUn Lilli Baney and Mar-Jorl Handwerk Utottks Is BUrfe Dsssjbt Oftsa thtot droopy tirsd fsUn I muMd By eonstlpstlao so rmytUr thkt of ocsTfy DaoT put op with tt Try th fins old stfel msdklns that ua ply Bitokss th buy colon to back to work and brtnf prompt rslfef yut ask far How's Your Healfrh? MRS W0RUJXL HOSTESS TO FRIENDSHIP CLASS church chL will meet with Mr Ujj ycr Saturday tes- nd Mrs A SU1 144 tll- nnj the Suillni Curry Club en- Tnln tertalned capacity udime of 730 Th prcldent urreechI1udpnUi nll out- of-town vislton with It peen- tation of Jn th TTlTll or r'v Th Dead Sister Secret" Tb Central achool P-T A will meat Mondy fUmoon it 3 JO th school Instead I llrt of mc of Wednedy th reiuUrmeet- Jrm p2Pu'r Ini day century Th player entered fully into th plril of th melodrama interpreting th icene a eerioiLnes and a fervor which adted much to tha amuement of MR MRS MAIXDNE HONORED AT SHOWER pm 10 fHI 4 4 nxa-musT aid friend af the famQ1 fry Uf £Utt MJ lhm sclent! la of th highest order together with Inadequate equipment under zfioal unfavor-1 able and aometimes disastrous conditions they drew from pitchblende that substance now known aa radium Of high lterary mrr it and a them of absorbing Interest too much can not said for this book Aftar the review Mrs Ray Williams gave a group of short topics on the war in Spain the war in China and Japan Mrs John Clara gave an in tereating account of th play which ah aw in New York last week She spoke oi the life of the author who is playing the title role She also told of tha play and Nee dies" A social hour rollowed th program Th total outlylni territory of th United State tl 71J801 squsrs mile the total continental area 3829789 quar miles like to look imart7 want to be Pre-Holiday SALE Honoring Mr and Mrs Ralph Malone Mrs Sam MUhom gave mUccllaneoua ahower at her home In Bluff City Saturday night The living room was beautifully decorated with fall flowers Game and contest were enjoyed and prlies were awarded thosa winning the contests Those present wer Mlsaea Grace and Marjorie Humphrey Misaei Harel and Artie Mae Beach Mis Helen Milhorn Mia Elzori Morrell Mrs Park Bolling Mr Bill Harmon Mr and Mr Bill Tate Mia Nannie Tate Mlaa Mattie Malone Mlsa Anna Mae Milhorp Mr and Mr Chas Burnett Mr George Little Mrs Grace Humphrey Morrell Haakel Woods and Mr Milhorn Personal Mention re your best bet those clever little hats with the i $5 look that cost only To prevent is still belter than lo cure This is aa true of pneu monia as of all other morbid conditions There is of course some satisfaction in knowing that modern medicine with it affident diagnostic procedure its specific serums its promising sulfanili mide-derlvative drugs can give the pneumonia victim better support in hia fight against the disease than formerly But even so we would rather avoid the fight Unfortunately there is as yat no specific preventive of pneumonia available Some experimental work is being carried on with a vaccine against pneumonia Report on its effectiveness arc encouraging However it has not advanced far enough to claim that an effective vaccine preventive is available for general use How then may we speak of toe prevention of pneumonia? The answer is given by long clinical experience Pneumonia it has been observed seldom attacks those in good health It follows then that safeguarding health serves to protect one against pneumonia How does one safeguard health? In relation to pneumonia the answer to the question can Mr Wampler of Rural Retreat la a patient in King's Mountain Memorial hospital where she underwent an appendix operation yesterday morning Miss Katherine Kesner has been confined to her home on Wood-lawn avenue for the last week with ptomaine poisoning and sinus trouble China'- Glass Silver THROUGH THANKSGIVING CHINA Featuring Speeial Price on Starter Set Th Friendship Sunday School CUas of the Euclid Avenue Bap-tlat church met with Mr Worrell Tuesday night for Its regular monthly meeting The meeting was called to order by the president Mr Reeve Leonard Each member waa asked to quota their favorite vera of Scripture for th devotional The elasa aong Be the Tie That Bind" waa sung and prayer waa offered by Mr Lewis Bame Each officer gave a very intcreatlng report of their work All members were urged to tithe A committee composed of Mr Hubert Home Mr Larry Nave and Mr Maria Lackey waa appointed to make out the year books for 1939 Mrs Bill Dickenson was elected recording secretary to replace Mrs Hugh Homer who resigned Hostesses were selected tor the coming year and plans were made to have regular Christmas party at th December meeting Charity work brought to the attention of the class was readily responded to The meeting adjourned and various games and contesla were enjoyed after which delicioui salad plate was served Mrs Worrell was assisted by Mrs Worrell in the courtesies of the evening Those enjoying this delightful evening were: Mrs Martin Lytz Mrs Reeves Leonard Mrs Deane Frey Mr Larry Nave Mrs Hugh Homer Mrs Andrew Thompson Mrs Hubert Home Mrs Ernest Dixon Mrs Bill Dickenson Mrs John Slaughter Mrs Worrell Mrs Worrell Mrs Glenn Skaggs Mrs Lewis Barnes Mrs Aubrey Mon-cieur Mrs Pleas Manley Mrs Fell Parrott Mrs Bill Lane Mrs A1 Roark Miss Carrie Stat zer Miss Pearl Hackney Mr Mary Vance Miss Helen Cate Mrs Amalie Ryan Mrs Lowell Baker Mrs Marie Lackey Misa Culley James and' Miss Jo Lytx MRS WILSON HOSTESS TO THE GIBBON CLUB Mechanical com picking machine are reducing the amount of farm labor needed In picking eason in the com belt in bow fabrics bovollo bag Koorotto on 35 of our Regular Open Stock Daniel and Peck Daniel saw the Vanderbilt-U game tn Nashville Saturday Patterns Only A Pew Mori Days of BIG 2nd floor Mrs A Smith is critically ill at Mountain Memorial hospital She underwent an operation for removal of cataracts from her eyes the audience In Its turn th audience catching th spirit of the plarers hissed th villain and applauded enthusiastically whenever the hero appeared Miss Katherine King daughter of Mr and Mr Arthur King waa charming aa Nell Stanley the simple country las who escape the wile of the villain Mlsa Helen Sear playing opposite her as a noble of the aoil" expressed hi honest sentiments with a vigor that nearly brought down the house As an honest farmer and the father of the innocent heroine Miss Melba Isbell wai equally convincing in the command never to my door again" and In stoical grief at the prospect of losing Old Homestead" Miss Mary Brooks scored a distinct success as Richard Murga-troyd the villain of the piece Patte Henderson Sam Slade his shadow shared the hisses until the finale when shadow" revealed himself as "Hawkshaw the detective" In her impersonation of Lizzie Jones the housekeeper who in sUnctively distrusted the cker" Miss Florence Weln-traub was excellent Miss Nancy Idell as the younger sister of Nell contributed -much to the play The second act which took place In a Bowery' dance hall offered a decided contrast to the first and third acts with their background of country simplicity Here the wicked creatures of the city in true melodramatic style preyed upon one another and upon the unsuspecting visitor Miss Patsy McCann as Big Mike Slattery the dance hall proprietor Miss Cecilia Pflanze as Old Kate Miss Eddie Lennep as Mamie the Bowery queen and Miss Martha Mlnhlnnette as Bill the Dip were among the players who added much to this act They were ably supported by the other members of the cast In this act special numbers in both singing and dancing were presented In the Hills" was produced under the direction of Mrs Harry Hood Martin who Is well known In Bristol for th variety and quality of the plays she directs as well as for the excellent training revealed in the work of her students Between the acto the Sullins College orchestra directed by Miss Tula Whorton played ftcmoval Sale SILVER Ucmual Saving on Set of Silver Fine Mrs A1 Walker who has been critically ill for 13 days at her home on Anderson st is slightly Improved Worth Choorlns About! Plateware and Sterling (9 Jut Reduced 292 PAIR OF $771 STYLES BELOW COST Mrs Maud Boggess arrived yesterday to spend a few days at Sullins College before going to Baltimore for a visit with her daughter Mrs' Walter Mylander AT ONLY GLASS Price Reduced from 10 to 50 on The most ardent football enthusiast will take time out to admire your hair this new way coiffurea designed for YOU to suit YOUR features Special Selected Patterns Mr and Mrs- Phil Harris who have been guests of Mrs mother Mrs Corinthia Wright have returned to their home In Johnstown Pa operators and the most modern equipment assure lasting waves of unusual beauty and appeal Ttu la th finest opportunity you have ever baj to start that long wanted set You may wr liberal LAY-BY PLAN and itv on your Zxm Gift Site 4 to 3 Width AAAA to 1 Mrs James Dunham haa been removed to her home 1117 Georgia avenue after undergoing an operation at Grace hwpital last week Ve hare foil run of aiaes 11 of these shoe So "om Early M1TV nn Mrs A Rhea Johnson and little son of Gate City were visiting relatives' and friends in Bristol Sunday 1 Member of the Gibbon Study Club were guests of Mrs Charles Wilson at her horn on Florida avenu for toe regular meeting of the club on Monday afternoon Following a short business session presided over by the president Mrs James Kelly Mr William Stone gave one of the most interesting programs of toe year She gave a remarkably vivid review of the book Curie" written by her second daughter Eve Curie This book brings to light the actual Deotcry Modern Beauty Salon" 811 State SL Phone 991 ij tw Vttim MowrvT wobth INC 804 8 tat St Bristol Tenn More than 3000 cooperative societies designed to aid prolonged resistance to Japanese invasion have been organized in f*ckien Provinces.

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Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.