25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (2024)


Check out these fuss-free flowers and shrubs for a gorgeous landscape with minimal work.

By Bob Vila Staff

Updated on Aug 11, 2023 8:56 AM EDT

0 minute read

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (1)

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How to get a low-maintenance landscape

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (2)

What homeowner wouldn’t want a lush and colorful garden just outside the window? But while a garden definitely boosts your home’s curb appeal, it also claims a lot of your free time. There’s no such thing as a maintenance-free garden, but choosing smarter plantings does cut down on the amount of pruning and watering required. So, the next time you plant, try some of these lovely options that take care of themselves. Then get ready to enjoy your new low maintenance landscaping—from the comfort of your porch swing.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (3)

Forsythias are early bloomers whose yellow flowers signal the start of spring. To ensure your forsythia is in top form, you’ll want to prune the bush occasionally and plant it in full sunlight. Available on Etsy; $21.

Vinca Minor (Periwinkle)

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (4)

Also called periwinkle, vinca minor is one of the most low maintenance flowering plants you could ever plant in your garden. This trailing variety is used as a ground cover to suppress weeds and add evergreen beauty. The plant produces purple blooms throughout spring and summer. Available on Etsy; $10.50.

Related:The Best Low-Maintenance Ground Covers for Your Garden

Texas Ranger

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (5)

The vibrant lavender, purple, and magenta blooms of a Texas ranger may look like they take some work to care for—but we won’t tell the neighbors your secret. This hardy plant is built to survive on little water, so all you need to do is plant it in full sunlight, and water during the summers or in times of drought. Available on Etsy; $15.99.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (6)

There’s a reason why these evergreen low maintenance shrubs are a popular choice for borders and entryways. Their tolerance for drought coupled with their ability to adapt to almost any soil type makes for easy care. Yews thrive in partial to full sun in Zones 4 to 8 and reward you with beautiful (but inedible) fruits in early autumn. Available at TheHome Depot; $30.97.

Related:9 of the Best Shrubs for Any Garden


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (7)

There’s a reason you see this shrub in many corporate landscaping schemes: Barberry is extremely low maintenance, yet it stuns with seasonal color. Ideal for foundation plantings or hedges, barberry can tolerate many soil types. The plant needs occasional pruning, but not much more than that in the way of regular care. Available at The Home Depot; $32.97.

Bottlebrush Buckeye

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (8)

In Zones 5 to 9, bottlebrush buckeye does well in full sun or deep shade, so long as it gets enough water. Disease-free and rarely needing a prune, theslow-growing low maintenance shrubs can reach an impressive height of about 15 feet. In late spring and summer, its white blooms attract attention from birds, while in autumn, its lush foliage turns a beautiful gold.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (9)

Homeowners have long turned to fescue as a drought-resistant alternative to traditional grass. If you’re not ready to make the switch, try it out in your garden bed instead.Available at The Home Depot; $6.98.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (10)

You can count on bergenia to grow in almost any condition, sunny or shaded, and its dark, broad leaves bring beauty to the yard. If you want yours to flower, be sure to position them in full sun to increase the chance of pink and magenta blooms in spring. Available on Etsy; $10.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (11)

For gardeners who want a colorful garden but don’t have time to tend to it, just about any ground cover will do—but ajuga, with its glossy leaves, is an especially interesting choice. Available in a range of colors from green to burgundy, ajuga is a creeping plant that will spread if you don’t control it, so be mindful of where you place it. Available on Etsy; $20.99.

Related:10 Fast-Growing Plants for (Almost) Instant Curb Appeal

Gold Thread Cypress

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (12)

Gold Thread Cypress is a low maintenance shrub perfect for both foundation and accent plantings. It’s got a compact habit and is slow growing, so it requires very little pruning. Despite its exceptional golden color, it is evergreen, and will shine bright in your landscape all year long. Available on Amazon; $34.99.

Related:12 Fast-Growing Shrubs to Plant This Fall

Blue Mist Spirea (Bluebeard)

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (13)

Heat-resistant, drought-resistant and deer-resistant, this hardy pollinator plant does well in full sun to partial shade. The low-maintenance shrub sends forth blue flowers in summer, and needs little more than seasonal pruning to keep it growing strong. Available at The Home Depot; $17.99.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (14)

A perennial bloomer, Coreopsis will delight you with color from early summer to early fall. In colors like yellow, orange, pink, purple, and red, Coreopsis makes wonderful cut flowers that can be enjoyed inside as well as out. It’s an easy grower, and tolerates most any soil condition. Available on Amazon; $9.95.

Indian Hawthorn

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (15)

A small and slow-growing evergreen shrub, Indian Hawthorn stays neat and tidy without pruning. It’s not fussy about soil, and once established, it will tolerate moderate drought. It bursts forth in spring with pink or white clusters of flowers, which give way to dark blue berries that attract birds and other wildlife the rest of the year. Available at TheHome Depot; $32.98.

Related:9 Bright and Colorful Houseplants You Can’t Kill


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (16)

Related to the carnation, Dianthus comes in multiple varieties, so there’s one for nearly every garden scenario. It has abundant flowers and is long blooming for a delightful display all summer long. Some varieties are even perennial, and it will self-sow easily. Once planted, it needs little tending to put on a good show. Available on Amazon; $9.95.

Related:The Best 10 Plants to Grow for Backyard Privacy

Mondo Grass Low Maintenance Plants

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (17)

Whether your garden beds lie on the sunny side or the shady side of the house, black mondo grass will do well just about anywhere you plant it. Resistant to rabbits and deer, this evergreen ornamental grass will survive just about anything nature sends its way—as long as it has adequate moisture. Available fromBurpee; $13.95.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (18)

The low maintenance, shade-toleranthostaneeds a steady supply of moisture but will thrive in almost every soil type. They grow best in Zones 2 through 10 and benefit greatly from morning sun. Water in the morning to prevent the leaves from getting burned by the sun, and keep the plant hydrated throughout the day as needed. Available on Amazon; $23.95.

Liriope (Monkey Grass)

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (19)

Monkey grass is often misidentified as mondo grass, and vice versa, but this ornamental clumping grass is actually from a different family altogether. Bursting with purple (or white, depending on the variety) flowers in late summer, and laden with dark berries in fall, this evergreen plant stuns all year round. Available on Amazon; $35.49.

Black-Eyed Susan

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (20)

These drought-tolerant flowers look bright and chipper even in the sweltering summer heat, which makes them a great choice for the forgetful gardener. Black-eyed Susans will attract butterflies to your garden, but they also entice deer and rabbits, so plant them near repellant (and easy-care) plants like lavender or rosemary. Tend to your black-eyed Susans by planting them in full sun or partial shade, then watering and deadheading as needed. Available on Etsy; $13.

Related:10 Foolproof Flowers Anyone Can Grow

Fountain Grass

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (21)

Available in several varieties and colors, fountain grass is an attractive tall clumping grass that thrives in full sun. These plants need little care—you may not even need to water it once established, as long as you live in an area that receives rainfall. Cut it back in late winter or early spring and watch new growth shoot upward as the weeks roll by. Available on Amazon; $21.98.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (22)

With a variety of different sizes, textures, and growing requirements, sedge is an ideal alternative to turf lawns. Ideal for low maintenance landscaping, these plants thrive in Zones 7 to 10, whether in partial or full shade, and require little to no mowing, fertilizing, or watering. Available on Etsy; $12.

Creeping Sedum

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (23)

Varieties of creeping sedum, also known as stonecrop, have gained popularity in recent years. They can tolerate poor soil, drought, and general neglect, and will come back year after year. These succulents come in every color from bluish-gray to reddish-bronze, and can find a home in most any garden. Available on Etsy; $4.95.


25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (24)

Seeking a hardy plant that can survive on the shady side of the house or on a slope with acidic soil? These and other unfavorable conditions pose no problem for pachysandra, a ground cover that can thrive even in shade or poor soil. New plantings can be pinched back every year to encourage spreading, but well-established plants need almost zero care.
Available on Etsy; $15

Related:20 Plants That Survive With or Without You

Maiden Grass (Chinese Silver Grass)

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (25)

Resistant to drought, disease, deer, rabbits, and other pests, maiden grass is a beautiful pick for sunny yards. Be careful with this one, though. Its hardiness has come at a cost in some states, where it has become invasive, although most ornamental varieties won’t pose a problem as they’re usually cultivated to be sterile. Nevertheless, take care and do your research before you plant this grass in your yard.

Witch Hazel

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (26)

Gardeners seeking interest in a winter yard should consider witch hazel, which does best in full sun or partial shade. Witch hazel should be planted in zones 5-8, as they rely on cold winter lows to bring forth the beauty of their blooms. Available on Etsy; $20.

Related:10 Colorful Shrubs for a Standout Winter Garden

Ribbon Grass

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (27)

Though it does best with moist soil and partial sun, pest- and disease-freeribbon grass thrives in Zones 4 to 9, in virtually any growing scenario—full sun or shade, wet soil or dry. It rarely gets taller than one foot, but ribbon grass does quickly spread across, even steeply sloped terrain, either to your frustration or delight, depending on your aims. Available at The Home Depot; $14.92.

Related:15 Good-Looking Ornamental Grasses to Spruce up Your Outdoors

An Effortless Landscape

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (28)

Even if you don’t have the magic touch of a green thumb, all hope isn’t lost for an attractive yard. These easy-care plants are a good start, but also consider these gardening gadgets that do some of the work for you.

25 No-Effort Plants for a Foolproof Landscape (2024)


Which type of plant form should be used the most in a landscape? ›

Rounded forms are neutral forms (non-accenting) and the most common form of plants. They encourage easy eye movement around a landscape. This makes them ideal for grouping in mass compositions. Rounded plants can also be used to surround conical, pyramidal, and columnar plants to temper their accenting quality.

What is the best low maintenance landscaping bush? ›

Slow-growing boxwood (Buxus spp.) is a perfect candidate for the no-pruning-needed club of low maintenance shrubs. Boxwood is known for its compact growth and petite evergreen leaves. Plant boxwood where it has space to expand to its mature size and you'll enjoy these easy-care shrubs for years.

What is the most low maintenance outdoor plant? ›

Chives, sedum, geraniums, herbs, and agave can withstand a variety of extreme temperatures and still thrive. What are some low-maintenance outdoor potted plants that are hard to kill? Herbs like sage, rosemary, and thyme are great plants that require little maintenance and continue to grow despite neglect.

What is the most productive plant to grow? ›

Consider these 10 vegetables with the highest yield rates:
  • Tomatoes. These aren't the easiest to grow, but if you can nurse tomato plants through issues such as blight, septoria leaf spot, and groundhog attacks, the payoff is huge. ...
  • Peppers. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Onions, Leeks, Shallots, Garlic. ...
  • Lettuce. ...
  • Squash. ...
  • Rhubarb.

Which plant is used as a ground cover in the landscape? ›

Plants Used for Ground Cover

Some plants that are commonly used for landscape ground covers include: Creeping myrtle (Vinca minor) Lamb's ear (Stachys byzantina) Hosta (Hosta spp.)

What is the hardiest shrub? ›

The toughest shrub may be Japanese barberry (shown below). These durable plants come in a wide range of colors including purple, yellow and green. Barberry can withstand heat, drought and poor soil. Its stems have sharp spines that make it deer-proof.

What is the easiest flowering bush to grow? ›

Potentilla is one of the easiest flowering bushes to grow. Originating from subarctic regions, it is a very hardy shrub and has very low nutrient and water requirements. 'With little to no maintenance needed these drought tolerant shrubs produce pretty cup-shaped blooms flower from April right through until September.

What plant needs the least amount of care? ›

Top 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants For Lazy Gardeners
  • 9 O'Clock Plant, Portulaca. Buy Portulaca. ...
  • Snake Plant, Sansevieria Trifasciata. Buy Snake Plant. ...
  • ZZ Plant, Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. ...
  • Syngonium. ...
  • Money Plant, Scindapsus. ...
  • Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum. ...
  • Spider Plant, Chlorophytum. ...
  • Jade Plant / Elephant Bush, Portulacaria Afra.

What is the easiest outdoor plant? ›

Succulents and cacti are great choices for a low-maintenance garden because they can tolerate hot temperatures and require minimal watering.

What plant can go 7 years without water? ›

Lycopodium lepidophyllum), also known as a resurrection plant, is a species of desert plant in the spikemoss family (Selaginellaceae). It is native to the Chihuahuan Desert of the United States and Mexico. S. lepidophylla is renowned for its ability to survive almost complete desiccation.

What is the best low-maintenance ground cover? ›

Our Recommendation

We recommend starting with ajuga because it's fast-growing and can thrive in most soil or sun conditions. Snow-in-summer plants and creeping phlox are also low-maintenance options that can grow almost anywhere that features full sunlight.

What plant needs the least amount of water? ›

Other Plants That Need Very Little Water
  • Dracaena spp.
  • Kalanchoe spp.
  • Yucca spp.
  • Echeveria spp.
  • Aloe vera (Aloe Plant)
  • Beaucarnea recurvata (Ponytail Palm)
  • Peperomia obtusifolia.
  • Sansevieria trifasciata.

What is the most common scale used in landscape design? ›

Most landscape plans are drawn to a scale of 1:10, which means that 10 feet on the ground equals 1 inch on paper. For example, a 100-foot driveway would be 10 inches on paper. Using a 1:4 scale, 100 feet would be 25 inches on paper. Other popular landscape scales are 1:4, 1:5, 1:8, 1:10, 1:16 and 1:20.

What types of plants are used in a residential landscape? ›

Common annuals are marigold, vinca, begonia, coleus, zinnia, impatiens, petunia, nasturtium and pentas. But climate plays a big role in determining an annual plant's lifecycle — some varieties of daisies, geranium, lantana, mandevilla, pansies and verbena are perennials in warm climates.

How to choose plants for landscape design? ›

Some site conditions to keep in mind when selecting landscape plants include:
  1. light availability, intensity and duration (full sun to deep shade)
  2. water availability, both quantity and quality.
  3. exposure to wind and temperature extremes.
  4. soil type, drainage, compaction.
  5. hardiness zone.
  6. competition from existing vegetation.

What is the most common type of plant? ›

Huge, widespread, ancient. Bracken is thought to be the most common plant in the world and is found on all continents except Antarctica. In the UK, they thrive in woodland.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.